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Colony Wars

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is a map where you start with a simple pack horse, but later you're a civilization! Go through 4 eras to finally reach the future where it becomes all out war on others. Use nukes, soldiers, planes, traps, and hordes of men to wipe out your opponent. Start wars end them or join them. Also ally people to be an unstoppable force against your enemies. Also be the first one to evolve by killing animals or finding evolutions on the map, and become the dominant civilization!

Change Log: 1.1- decreased evolution spawn times, added armor evolution on map
1.2- Changed the Troll icon and model to an ogre
1.3- Thank You Bear! by showing me the random armor building, I saw that the evolutions spawn as buildings, not items, so I went in and fixed them.
1.4- made monks weaker, made monks not have dead bodies, rifleman are now musketeers and do more damage, hunters now have a backpack and have less health, made evolutions spawn three hundred seconds earlier, added description names for the religious buildings.
1.5- made evolutions spawn sooner, made every evolution spawn by trigger because the animals won't always drop them but the animals still drop stuff, made the peasant do less damage, and I made religious soldiers have less hit point, because they were overpowered.
1.6- added 15 names for the explorer, made more animals, animals now drop any evolution, added an Easter egg animal, made the horse only be able to make one Settlement, fixed modern workers spawn, made the evolutions spawn earlier and when they spawn they spawn two.
1.7- Added so many explorer names that there are now forty, added apartments, made helicopters and planes have more food and cost more, there are more animals like fish and now every animal drops any evolution, made factories big.
1.8- NUKES now work!, added bunnies and frogs to the map, made banks better, and made flamethrowers and riot control better, and took off some upgrades, added the cheese wire trap.
1.9- the air units take longer to build, the factory and airport now cost more to make the game more even
2.0- added the new era future
2.1- added more future soldiers, fixed the two nukes, added new items

Colony Wars (Map)

17:25, 18th Nov 2014 StoPCampinGn00b: See my short review.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
The map needs major improvements but it is not horrible. It's definitely better than your walking dead map. Colony wars, unlike walking dead can be worked on some more for approval.

The concept is one we've seen before, start in one area, find a place to build and advance from there. Like your other map, this map suffers from the lack of quality descriptions. Most units and buildings have short tool tips. For example, when wanting to build a religious building, they all have the same description and I do not know which one each is used for. It does say if the two peasants to train are different. It does not say how to manage your base and economy due to the lack of quests and short Hive description. (Quests tutorial: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...mple-quest-we-show-info-noob-tutorial-187964/ - You only need the first part of the tutorial to create a quest log). A few more things, why no trees in the north east? Players won't know that lumber is needed unless they are told that. I cannot find animal training but I've built every building I can build.

The terrain and doodad placement is lacking, I'd give it a 7/20. The lowest I can accept is an 8/20, so you can improve it a tiny bit more for the terrain to be approvable. The tile variation is low, the height leveling tools were used okay, but the cliffs were bad. They were obstructive to the gameplay, many ramps are unpassable when they look like they should be.

The map is now set to await update. When you feel the map is improved, I will put it back to pending :thumbs_up: