Is it possible for me to create collision attachments?
For example, I have a big beasty scorpion, and it has a normal collision for it's central body, but I want another small collision radius for it's claws.
This is so when I attach a melee hero to mount the scorpion, he will be able to units to either side of him, but only the scorpion is able to attack directly ahead.
I already have a solution of sorts, creating a dummy unit and attaching it to a point ahead of the scorpion. Also could use the dummy unit to provide the separate attack, although the hero and scorp will eventually be two seperate units anyway and attack independently.
Is there a better way to accomplish this? If not, would anyone have any thoughts as to the dummy unit creation, such as preventing crashes from colliosion overlap (between dummy and scorp, or anything else when created), because the unit will be very specifically fixed.
In fact, could anyone tell me how I would attach a dummy unit in this manner?
For example, I have a big beasty scorpion, and it has a normal collision for it's central body, but I want another small collision radius for it's claws.
This is so when I attach a melee hero to mount the scorpion, he will be able to units to either side of him, but only the scorpion is able to attack directly ahead.
I already have a solution of sorts, creating a dummy unit and attaching it to a point ahead of the scorpion. Also could use the dummy unit to provide the separate attack, although the hero and scorp will eventually be two seperate units anyway and attack independently.
Is there a better way to accomplish this? If not, would anyone have any thoughts as to the dummy unit creation, such as preventing crashes from colliosion overlap (between dummy and scorp, or anything else when created), because the unit will be very specifically fixed.
In fact, could anyone tell me how I would attach a dummy unit in this manner?