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Cold Nights 1.23b

Map Information
Gameplay : Hero Defense/ Survival/ Waves/ Boss

A hero defense/survival map, where the only thing each players have to defend is only their own lives. Bound by the harsh cold
environment, heroes can only stay alive while being near to the encampment's fireplace, venture far, and the cold weather will knock
them out cold. Heroes will attempt to defend themselves against waves of creeps until finally a round boss arrives.

Once the round boss is defeated, any killed heroes will be revived, if every hero falls, then all is lost.



*- 3 Hero types available, here is the Death Knight, Champion and Infiltrator.

*Damage Meter
*- Damage Meter on bosses to determine the player with the most damage output for a gold reward after a Boss kill.

Other Features:

- AI players available to spruce things up when attempting single player mode. Just fill up empty slots with Computer players.
- 7 Bosses at the end of each wave rounds fitted with an Ultimate spell, an Ultimate support spell, and 2 spells chosen at random.
- 3 sets of Talent Trees for each heroes, each trees with 15 levels of talent upgrades, allowing numerous hero talent combinations.
- Over 33 customised items to pair up with the multiple hero settings.
- *Hero Stats reworked :-

*Additional Stat Bonuses
  • Strength : Also Increases Block Chance; Increases Potion Effectiveness;
  • Agility : Also Increases Dodge Chance;
  • Intelligence : Also Increases Critical Chance;

Map Screenshots





Map Guide/Tips
"Hero Talent Tips"

Talent Tree Example
Hero talent possibilities:
With 45 talents for each hero(15 talents in separate 3 talent trees), it's possible to develope them to a Tank, Damage Dealer or
a Hybrid of the two. Although, not all classes are equipped with a Tanking talent set (Infiltrator).

Tanking : Recommended 5/5/15
Tanking talents are always the 3rd skill. And the early 1-4 talents of each tree always gives stats. Maxing the 3rd tree and picking
the early few stat talents of the other 2 trees will be a safe recommended setting for a Tanker. Again, note that Infiltrators are not
equipped with tanking talents.

Damage Dealer : Recommended 15/10/0 or 10/15/0
The 1st and 2nd talents are always damage talents. Maxing either 1 of the 2 will give you a significant damage edge. For added
survivability or utility for the team, a few points in the tanking talents are always welcomed. Infiltrators may not be equipped with tanking
talents but they do possess Survival Talents, these set of talents are good at avoiding damage temporarily.

Talent Screenshots

Champion Talents
Death Knight Talents
Infiltrator Talents

"Bosses Tips"


Boss's Skills:
Bosses have 4 abilites in all, 1st and 2nd skills are selected at random, the 3rd is fixed and usually works in combination with their
4th Ultimate skills. When attempting to cast the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd skills, the boss's color will change for a short while.
The casting of an Ultimate skill by the boss will be marked by a scorching effect on the ground.


-With the help of the creative and kind people at THW Map Development Forum, I've managed to improve many aspects of the game, special thanks to you guys.
-Not every element has been really balanced, I can only tune things at a multiplayer environment with my.. null bots. This may take a while.
-Map is unprotected, just give credit to where credit is due.

Looking forward to feedbacks.

Latest Changelog Updates
- Difficulty balances.
- Added new special round units.

- Re-Designed Boss cast systems, with danger indicators.
- Added 1 new Boss.
- Added 1 new enemy special unit.
- Reworked enemy periodic artillery strike.
- Added few spells to random spell pool.

- Fixed Death Knight mechanics not working before.
- Adjusted Death Knight tooltips to imply accordingly.
- Re-Balanced some elements.

- Change Infiltrator's placeholder spells (Yet to work on new talents).
- Fixed Chainz standing still issue.
- Reworked potions into - Flasks system.
- Minor terrain work (still more to be done).
- Added hero indicator, for ease of pointing out heroes.

- Finished Infiltrator.
- Added a new Final Boss.
- Added a few items.
- Change some icons.

- Added 2 talent trees to Infiltrator.
- Re-Tuned Infiltrator abilities.
- Reworked buff systems, to promote stackable item/skill buffs.
- Replaced some ability icons.
- Added new final boss, Grimaudon the Frigid Knight.
Note: Due to some unknown causes, I'm unable to make enemy dummy units to channel spells for more
than 3 seconds, neither do I know a way around this at the moment.

1.19 (1.19a HotFix)
- Chainz escape attempts now shows an amount.
- Fixed Unbroken's Tentacles to spawn slightly less far and deals less damage.
- Increased Ankh of Reincarnation price to 100g.
- Death Knight's Rune of Blood now has a longer cooldown.
- Death Knights no longer gains any armor in the Blood talent tree.
- Re-tuned Champion's damage output. Mortal Strike deals more damage with less cooldown.
- Introduced beta-stage hero, Infiltrator. No talents yet and some skills are not permanent.

- Removed irrelevant skills from the Champion.
- Tweaked defeat check condition.

- Added possible potion drops to Banshees, Rampagers and Chainz.
- Ankh of Reincarnation available for purchase.
- Added map information and story in quests.
- Fixed Chainz not devouring hooked targets.
- Reduced Chainz's Hook damage.
- Attacks now properly generates mana.
- Auto selects hero and hero camp at map start.

- Fixed a few Boss skills.
- Added potion(now Spirit Flask) effectiveness element, scales with Strength.
- Renamed select Bosses and Skills.

-New Boss Cast System.
-Fixed Hero Revivals.
-New Boss Behaviour System(Agro).

-Fixed the defeat condition.

- Fixed preview picture.

- There will be a warning when Chainz attempts to hook a player, now it is possible
to escape from Chainz via a spamming of the ESC key. - Idea by Zack1996

Future Plans/Updates

- Better AIs.
- More bosses.

Also, I'm open to suggestions on these subjects:

Boss Skills - one ability for his Ultimate.
Balancing - items/abilities/heroes that are beyond game norm.


Zack1996 - Whirlpool spell (Spell); Creative Ideas; Playtesting; Support
BerzekeR - Wound Poison (Spell)
Oblivions_Wrath - Weaponless Models (Model)
Elfian - Damage Detection System
Shdow89 - Grenade Spell (Spell)
Dan van Ohllus - HeroDeathKnightNoHorse (Model)
b17rider - FelGuard (Skin)
General Frank - OrbBlood (Model)
l0w_kwaliti - Force Edge (Model)
HappyTauren - DragonBlade (Model)
assasin_lord - HeroGlow (Model)
Tinki3 - MeatHook (Spell)
Unknown - Charge (Spell)
RMX - Spinning Vortex (Spell)
Jigrael - Demon Knight (Model)
Crazy Russian - Icon(s)
SkriK - Icon(s)
67chrome - Infiltrator (Skin)
Blizzard - World of Warcraft Icon(s)
Greg Staples - Loading Screen ("JLA Battle")

Devine - BloodElementalMissile

Special Thanks

-The supportive individuals who helped improve this map with their ideas, playtesting and constant feedback. Thank you very much!
Zack1996; Freeze87; SasuhKun;

cold, cold nights, colds, colds nights, colds night, nights, night, hero, hero defense, heroes, heroes defense, hero survival, heroes survival, surviv

Cold Nights 1.23b (Map)

17:10, 19th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
tested it out in single player a couple times to try out the heros. i mus say very fun game and i love how much you can customize the heros wit the three tech trees! VERY NICE! 4/5
Level 5
May 24, 2009
I like changes in this version :D i only think that Infiltrator need more interesting spells,his spells are similar....And i must ask you;
chainz only 1 time cast hook? becouse i see in game that he cast only 1 time and then just standing and do nothing... 4\5

Thank you Freeze. Rawr, he's not supposed to do that, he's being the lazybones undead in this version, thank you for noticing and telling me Freeze, I'll fix his forsaken bones.
And yes, Infiltrator does have a few spells similar to another hero, gonna tune that once I find something interesting :gg:

shadonavan said:
tested it out in single player a couple times to try out the heros. i mus say very fun game and i love how much you can customize the heros wit the three tech trees! VERY NICE! 4/5
Thank you for your kind comment, I'm very glad you find it enjoyable :grin:

krisserz said:
Pretty nice wow-based map. Fun play, well done. From me 4/5.
Thanks for the vote, whew, glad you find it fun :cgrin: Wow has some interesting elements that I very much like to share with others.
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Ahh, open source. I`ve decided to have a look inside the map. I see there many leaks... but that don`t effect gameplay too much ^^ Hmm, yes it`s still nice map. Have you done AI by your own?

EDIT: PSst, I`d suggest you to read this.
Level 5
May 24, 2009
Ahh, open source. I`ve decided to have a look inside the map. I see there many leaks... but that don`t effect gameplay too much ^^ Hmm, yes it`s still nice map. Have you done AI by your own?

EDIT: PSst, I`d suggest you to read this.

There's easily more than dozens of leaks, the only one without leaks for now are the imported spell triggers, custom spell designers are very delicate in handling leaks, looking at their codes, I found out numerous ways of how I should handle leaks too. I especially like how RMX codes his spells involving so many units and locations, and yet he handles the leaks neatly, kinda like how Zack1996 does so too with his whirlpool spell.

The thought of cleaning up the leaks have crossed my mind, but just as you said, it doesn't affect gameplay too much, yet. For now, I'm just listing the triggers I should deal with if any problems concerning leaks does get out of hand.

Thank you for the link too krisserz, there's a lot of critical points and examples on the issue of leaks there, very helpful.

About AI, yes, I have done AI on my own, the one in this map is far from done I admit. The main objective at the time I developed this AI was so that I can test the map on a multiplayer environment, mainly helping me balance spells. Right now the AI doesn't dodge spells, survive properly, buy items, not yet. I'm figuring out a way to code them so that the whole AI will be very easy to maintain/update. Any tips, pointers, guids, links, help, on the matter of AI you have, please do share^^
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
It looks... incredible... nice. Ok, I admit, it looks awesome. I'm looking foward to test it.

edit: Found a huge bug. The Hotkey Z skill of the Death Knight GIVE you 10 armor in the beggining, but you die after some time have passed ._. ? That took 1 ankh and Chainzz killed me the other time... I took too much time to see what I should do. And I was low life... please upload a new version soon without that bug... gonna test again.

edit 2: way too hard. Unplayable with bots it seems. I die out of nothing, and many skills don't actually work. Some kill me, some waste mana but doens't work... supposedly, that Red Blood strike, something like that, from DK should give you lifesteal. Well, it DOES NOT. Gonna try again a last time.

edit 3: (...)

The Blood/Frost strike happens only on the 1st attack after you use it? And it is WAY too hard. And 6 rounds is too short too... make so you can choose difficulties. And also, The tanking abilities are too weak and have a way too long cd to do some good tanking. And you should win some gold per creep kill, only after-round gold and boss gold is too low. like 1-5 gold per normal creep, and 10 gold the special ones (Chainzz, Banshees, and Ripping Ghouls) I'm gonna test it at battle.net now... though I'm almost sure it will turn to be a huge fail.
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Level 5
May 24, 2009
I'm very sorry to not be able to quickly reply and make the fixes, as it seems we're on a fairly different time zone. Thank you SasuhKun for finding out the issue about Death Knight, it appears Freeze is right, I am being too hasty, In the midst of cleaning up some triggers I made a mess of some, I am deeply ashameded of this.

I've also slightly altered the Death Knight's tooltips to imply that, some abilities are modifiers of the next attack, further tooltip adjustment to avoid similar mishaps is yet to be completed.

Still working on balancing, changing Boss's attack from piercing to chaos apparently did have a huge impact in difficulty, I'm tremendously sorry for this.

Freeze and SasuhKun, thank you for the responds, I only regret I didn't make a more thorough work on making sure things work and replying quickly.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Sorry if I was too rude or something, I'm just trying to help. Really. When this gets awesome (and I know it will) I will cheer you up like your mom would do. Or maybe not that much xD Oh well. Waiting for a new version @_@

edit: I posted this when you already uploaded 1.21b, I didn't noticed it. Gonna test it now... and by the way, where do you live/GMT? WITH the summer modification mine is -2:00... so... 23:10 here right now.
Level 5
May 24, 2009
SasuhKun, like all those who posted their comments, you took precious time to respond, informing me about all those annoying bugs, pointing to me where should I give more attention on the map,
you did all this when you can just stay silent and act like you don't care. This act, this favor, this attention, this is very precious to me and I can never thank any of you enough. If I fail to
notice and acknowledge that as help, shame on me.
I live in asia, malaysia to be exact, right next to singapore. It's GMT +8 here.
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
10 hours of difference... O-O. Well, we can work this through. Now the map is playable, though: when I played with bots, ALL of us had the single player mode thing. The DK things have been fixed by the way. But single player mode is only for one player and no bots, right? Cause with everyone having that, it was just too easy. By the way, I like your idea and your map, because of the huge pack of spells and action. Everytime you must do a action... not like the others maps. But I think your ideas are... WASTED on Hero Survival. It fits well, but for example, it is too short. 6 rounds... just killling creeps and all it is cool because of the spells, but could be better. Here is my suggestion: add more... quests or something. After you get the monsters who were attacking your camp, you go and kill their chief or something, keep searching for more, search for the exit of it.... like a puzzle. The campfire was in the middle of the "florest" maze. After the attacks cease, everyone take a torch and go togheter or separated to find the exit of the maze. And instead of killing some creeps, there are real enemies which you need all of your skill to kill them. Equal to equal... a good AI hero or something, instead of just killing some easy creeps. And the real bosses get harder and harder... and needs more than one to take them down. The others (aside from the beggining with the creeps, that there is an army attacking them) are heroes, good heroes, that is good enough for one to have a good battle, but can... make a punch. If two find one hero, they take it out easily, obviously. OR you can change/make a different map, but with those heroes, with different tasks. You could make a sequence of maps with that... or even mix everything up in one extreme map with action till the end. An ARENA with those heroes would be AWESOME too. Well... just suggesting. And sorry for wall of text, I got inspired. And I know how hard is to do just what you already did, so sorry If I pointed something impossible or very very hard. Well, resuming: you could use the ideas from this map (mainly the heroes and the bosses with skills) to make a: quest map, where you must challenge many heroes and evil things till you reach the end to kIll the ultimate guy. Like War Chasers! Or make it like Against the Darkness... you propably know what I'm talking about. It is one of the best hive workshop map, and you could make something similar... with your heroes. Or even make an RPG, like TBR. And make it a hero arena, or even a damn AoS map. Holy cow, it would be so awesome if it were a AoS. Or maybe make a ultimate map with all those. Sorry for repeating myself, I'm just enthusiastic with the idea. Of course, you can't mix AoS with a RPG, but... well, I think you will understand what I mean after you read all this chunk of text. I just know one thing: If you be creative enough, your map, whatever it is, can be revolutionary. Never saw any idea like that... Again, I know how hard it is, but if you work it a bit on it everyday, one idea we may have the ultimate map I dream so much about. Well, hopefully I have been useful again.
Level 5
May 24, 2009
SasuhKun, so you may have noticed something after all.

This map is experimental for me, as I'm collecting as much information and experience to complete some core ideas/systems/concepts in this current map.
A few more features/stages and I would finally consider this map fully complete (experimental or not, I still prefer to get this perfected), this is not possible
without the so many feedbacks I received from keen members of hiveworkshop, such as yourself, SasuhKun.

Once I'm satisfied with the systems I've implemented in Cold Nights, then only I can consider working on another map (copying most of the systems/concepts in Cold Nights)
which I have put on hold for the moment until Cold Nights is finished. The other map is based on Monster Hunter (with random hunting quests, random monster abilites like Cold Nights' Bosses, random events)
using the same heroes in Cold Nights, similar talent traits, similar item traits. Also, you've given plenty of great ideas for the other map, and I might make a slight change based on some of your ideas.

Sasuhkun, not only are you being useful but by the great length of your comment which only shows your tremendous interest,
you're also giving great motivation and greater inspiration,as I'm more inspired now by your ideas and your furious desire for an interesting map.

Ps : For now AIs are benefitting from the single player buff, next version they will receive +spell resistants than single player buff.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
I feel so enlightened by your appreciation. Well, be sure to check my comment in the next version. Keep up the good work. By the way, I have Nintendo Wii, and I'm almost sure I've saw that game before for Wii... next time I see it I'm surely going to buy it :D
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Did I said I didn't saw any Chainz in my test game? (I tested it only with bots, so... Maybe there is something relative, you deactivated them with bots cause bots don't know how to free of it, something like that)
Level 5
May 24, 2009
Thank you Freeze for giving your attention to the updates, I hope I can join your hosted game as well :xxd: alot of the changes in this version was made after I played in a LAN game at a nearby net cafe,
playing multiplayer alerted me to a couple of things that I overlooked then, and most probably even now, I'm trying to be more keen of those things.

I have put some time on both elements Karaterat, I'm just not sure if it's enough or if any of the two things reflects each other :gg: Thank you for giving the map a run, I hope you have a good time :cute:
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
I tested on bnet with only me and another gut. We got stomped by the swarm of skeletons. I don't know if you made it hard again or if we can only made it through with 8 ppl, but I have a suggestion: You could make a difficulty for every ammount of players... 1-2: one difficulty, 3-4, another, etc etc. Suggestion? You don't have any ranged heroes. 1- Archer, Marksman, etc 2- Battle Mage, Warlock, etc 3- Healer, Priest, etc. Soon I will test it again... first with bots, then with more 7 players.
Level 5
May 24, 2009
I just tested it as well on multiplayer, and you're definitely right Sasuhkun, it is too hard, I'm going to go ahead and do it like you suggested and scale wave difficulty according to player amount. Be right back with updates.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
I just tested it as well on multiplayer, and you're definitely right Sasuhkun, it is too hard, I'm going to go ahead and do it like you suggested and scale wave difficulty according to player amount. Be right back with updates.

Yes i tested to, like before to hard :grin: So spend at least few days balacing, just write in map name Cold Nights 1.23 test and test map in Battle Net or Garena with other players....you cant balance alone,you need testers :thumbs_up:
Level 5
May 24, 2009
@Sasuhkun : Alright Sasuhkun, I'm really into a more raging battle too, gonne delve abit into some references to find some battle scenarios.

@Freeze87 : I'll give testing on Battle Net a shot, gonna go ahead and create a Garena account as well, you're right about testers, I sure do need some, and now I'm gonna get some too xD
Level 1
Oct 11, 2009
Could you buff up the difficulty a little, seemed too easy, bosses die before they can even open their skills, maybe some hp multiplier scaling depending on number of players would do?
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Sorry if I disappeared for a while, I was a little... busy. Again, I'm gonna test new version soon. And darkChaos23, I already suggested what you said, and I think hellburke already implemented it.

Edit: I got owned xD. I'm gonna test it on Bnet though, there may still be a chance.

Edit: You abandoned the project?
Level 5
May 24, 2009
Thanks for the support guys, and sasuhkun, sorry if i dissappoint any of you, but yeah, I'm not gonna make changes for the time being.

PS: Sasuhkun, the research I was making on the monster hunter map I was gonna make, drove me to play it instead, gonna attempt to finish the game on ps2 before letting anything else happen, god I'm so hooked on it :)