Cloud Strife

Since it has been requested for so many times, I decided to give it a try...

Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7

  • Based on the blademaster.
  • Has blademaster animations (with the exception of spell & stand victory animations).
  • If you don't like the teamglow, set the player color to black in object editor.
  • The model does not have teamcolor.
  • File size:
    • model: 119 kb
    • texture: 55 kb
    • total: 174 kb
Also remember that model viewers and editors do not display the model correctly. I recommend to test the model in game.

Give credits if you use it.

Feel free to give comments & constructive criticism!

Final, Fantasy, 7, Cloud, Strife

Cloud Strife (Model)

11:12, 18th May 2008 HappyTauren: Good work on the less cartoony version of Cloud.




11:12, 18th May 2008
HappyTauren: Good work on the less cartoony version of Cloud.



Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
-The head and body don't seem to match up, shading-wise
-The hair seems sorta on the small side, but I guess it'd look strange if it were bigger...
-Steroid arms... :sad:

-Awesome face!
-Fair filesize
-Realistic presentation of Cloud (as seen in FF7's art!)
he looks a little.... Funky. I mean the arms.... they suck.

It's good but I don't like his arms 3.5/5

Arms too thick.

Steroid arms... :sad:
I'll remove some muscles and make the arms thinner for the next version

-The head and body don't seem to match up, shading-wise
I'll try to fix that for the next version

-The hair seems sorta on the small side, but I guess it'd look strange if it were bigger...
Hair not gravity defying enough.
I'll see what I can do for the next version.

this is actually really cool, it don't see any errors with arms, legs etc.
the animations are really kick-ass who made them?

The animations are from blademaster, spell animation from bloodmage and I made the stand victory animation with notepad from blademaster's "Stand 4" animation

Will be fixed for the next version:
  • Arms -> less muscles, thinner
  • Hair -> longer
  • Shading -> smoother
Level 5
Jan 8, 2008
there is allready made a better version of cloud. if i ever gonna use a cloud strife model in my map i wouldnt use this

but its not so easy to get the better version ;)

i like the model very much ^.^

and im looking forward to see the next version =D
Level 3
May 1, 2008
Greetings there
Very well done! And you guys who complain, why would you? It is not easy to make such models, specially Cloud. Very well done, this is a nice model!
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
Gj on this model, thanks for doing the community a favor. To all you cunts (not you who gave constructive criticism ) who Q_Q about it, Make your own damn model and gtfo.

With that said, Nice model. 5/5. I like the little touches you put into the anims, like the stand victory, nice spell animation choice also.
Level 2
Mar 21, 2008
Kickass model

If you want this guy's opinion, I love it. It's a very, very nice recreation of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7. I absolutely love how you went with the Game remake instead of making him based off of the crap movie (Even though his face is from the movie :cry:). But seriously, it's very nice. Now for some constructive criticism :ugly:. I would make the hair bigger like the other guys said, add more detail in the pants and shoulder pad, and if it was me, base the face off of the game :grin:. Other than those things, it is extremely well made. Great job and I hope to see more of this quality work from you, this isn't the first. :thumbs_up:

Level 4
Sep 3, 2007
k nice model i like it i already have the two other cloud models but im adding this one to my collection now for some constructive critisism,

The models nice body could be smouthed out more, legs to, u should base the face off the game, and the arms are to buff clouds not that buff

other wise nice model good job:thumbs_up:
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
Guess I'll start off by saying its about damn time someone made a decent Cloud model that isnt 600kb+. With that outta the way I'll start the helpful remarks.
I'm sure you had your reasons but using the Advent Children face with the game outfit just doesnt look right. Mind you I sorta prefer the AC version over the game version cuz he looks more realistic but thats just a personal choice. The hair like others have said, does look a bit small. When I loaded the model in Magos and cycled through the animations, the Attack Slam and Walk animations had the sword like 5 feet out of his hand, havent checked it in the editor yet to see if it happens there but I'm listing it anyways. Dunno if this matters much but as far as I can recall, Cloud's victory animation in the game didnt include him tilting his head back to watch so he doesnt drop the sword on his head. Although the sword would probably pass through his hair or something if you didnt make it tilt, so like I said, dunno if it matters much.

Other than the more major flaws, I dont really see anything negative about the model. Fully custom animations would be nice eventually since the blademaster ones are over used but thats your choice if you wanna attempt that in the future. Nice work so far though, once the minor things are worked out I might end up using this in my footmen war instead of Arthas as Cloud.
Level 3
Feb 10, 2008
Very, very good start on Cloud here. I have been following your work for quite some time, and I must say that your work surpasses all others - don't let that go to your head though! :)

My constructive criticisms as a hardcore FFVII fan are:

*arms are too bulky - Cloud is muscular, but he's not a juicer
*pants' shape could use some work - google an image of cloud and you'll see what I mean - Cloud's pants are more bulky on top, and thin out towards the bottom
*the hair could be a little more extreme - make the spikes of it stick out just a little bit more
*as others have stated, the face could take a bit more detail
I know some people have commented on his stance, since in the original game he's holding his sword to point at opponents like a samurai - I don't think this is terribly important.

Superb job, Kitabatake. I wait anxiously for your next works of brilliance. Nice file size, too.

Level 7
Dec 11, 2004
Very nice model, best Cloud model I have seen so far, but I'm used to the Crisis Core version of him. I'm not personally going to use him, but i think putting the cloth around his arm would make him look so much cooler if done properly.

Also, it would be nice for other mappers if you created the other FF7 Characters like this, you would get a ton of rep ^^.

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Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
Ok i have 3 suggestions for this model:
1: His eyes make him look know? I mean they have shadows under them...that's for villians =P
2: And i agree...his arms look like he's on steroids...tune them down...have him relax...or just give him some green tea
3: Where's his wing? OMG! How could you forget his wing?!
I think it would be a better model if you fixed these things.(remember...its what i THINK...that deosnt mean you HAVE TO)



Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
The arms look so strange because Cloud isn't really that muscular-looking; he's a lithe young man with the ability to carry cars or car-like things, such as his Buster Sword. In short, he's not Barret.

Where's his wing? OMG! How could you forget his wing?!
I think it would be a better model if you fixed these things.(remember...its what i THINK...that deosnt mean you HAVE TO)

Why does he even have a wing in... Uh.... Kingdom Hearts, or whatever, anyways...?! :confused:

Where can i download this better version of Cloud?

This is the best Cloud available. Really, it is.

The other Cloud skins are all :pird:
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Level 3
Jun 18, 2007
Make the hair a bit "bigger" in size. The face does look a bit strange, and the arms are to dark, muscular, and also a bit big in length size (not width). His chest points out, nothing really bad about that its just a little weird.

Also, maybe change the attack animations a bit as if make him do attacks that represents a sort of heaviness to the sword (Not slower animations, just ones that show a different sort of attack due to the largeness and weight of the sword). This is just a thought, not such a big problem.

Its a great model right now, those little upgrades would make it better however.
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Level 3
Jun 18, 2007
i think it's cool because how much of you can model i don't think that all of you can model so why so negative the models is cool 5/5

Are you serious? Please, people are saying what can be improved in the model, they aren't saying any sort of negative response towards it, they are just pointing out the negative aspects of it.

If you do not know what the point of those comments were, then please look at the "Feel free to give comments & constructive criticism!".
Level 4
Jul 7, 2008
Ok Awesome model, the arms are shaded to dark make them lighter,
and don't use. Blademaster walk and slam animation because the
sword just floats out of his hand just like your sephiroth model.
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Level 1
Aug 7, 2006
nice its the best mod i have seen and used on my map thank yo soooo much. can u make a sephorith that would be cool or more while ur at it lol thanks again man. And fuck you guys. talk so much shit. how about u make one oh wait u cant.