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[Minigame] Clash Royale's map!

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Level 8
Aug 13, 2018
Hi guys, You've probably played Clash Royale, A successful game from Supercell Company. I search in hive for this game is map but I don't find it. I think if this template is created by a professional, it will be successful and popular. I have some ideas for this map that might be interesting, so if you plan to make this map, contact me.
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
...or you could just play Clash Royale and be happy that the game literally already exists better than it could ever be made with WC3. (not commentary on your ability to map make, just that it's a game with a developer that makes THAT GAME, why would a wc3 port be superior in any way?)
Level 8
Aug 13, 2018
You say we can't make this map well? I hope we can because warcraft III has a trigger that can move units in a line automatic and a hero in warcraft III can have 8 abilities that in Clash Royale number of a deck cards so we can doploy a ability(card) selection in beiginning of the map.
Level 5
Aug 11, 2018
Because most of the successful or even semi-successful games are mapped to Warcraft, and in the meantime, we do not have the Clash Royale's map.

First of all, Pyrogasm is right. Who would want to remake Clash Royale into Warcraft 3, and even if you do, why would it be a dead game? Why not something like, Starcraft? Sure, gonna take lots and lots of time, but at the end, worth it. Instead, you are using to revive a dead game, that you can install for free on the app store. Second of all, most of successful games that are mapped to Warcraft 3, are only done because they are still relevant and most of them aren't free or take up lots of space into someone's computer, while Clash Royale is the opposite of this. It's basically an irrelevant piece of shit game that's free to install from the app store, unto your phone and mapping it to Warcraft 3 is a complete waste of time.

Furthermore, I'll say that this project is bullshit and you can do better. Map something into Warcraft 3 like Warcraft 2, it's done in the hive so much times, but you might make a beautiful and fun campaign, not Clash Royale.
Level 5
Aug 11, 2018
Not only that, but you call yourself a professional. I ain't no professional myself, but i try to make an amazing project. You haven't made one project and yet you call yourself an good map maker. If you make one good project, then I will understand that you are a good map maker, however, we shall see what you make.
Level 8
Mar 19, 2017
You're too indirect. If you want to gather a team to make such map, there is a slight (mostly because team modding is not a thing right now) chance that you could gather some team to do that. Otherwise you could start the map yourself.
If you/your team fails on doing so, or should the map don't become succesful, fear not as your effort could still be useful for new generations and good effort will provide due credit.
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