Alright this is the situation. I have made a trigger that basically looks like this:
At first i made the trigger specified for player 1 Red but since i would have to make 12 triggers times 3 for each quest i were determined to find an easier way where all players can do the quest from 1 trigger.
And since it is very important that only 1 specific player gets the cinematic mode on i were wondering how to make it go on for "THE PLAYER THAT OWNS THE TRIGGERING UNIT"¨
I have the same problem when making conversation in the cinematic mode but since it should need the same answer you only would have to answer this question.
Im sorry for the long reading and that I couldnt import the trigger as it looks right now. But if you happen to know how to solve this quite simple problem i would be very glad.
Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
(target unit of issued order) Equal to Kael Timebringer 0066 <gen>
(Unit type of (triggering unit)) Equal to Paladin
If all (conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
IF - Conditions
((triggering) unit has an item of type Bandana) Equal to true
Then actions
Turn cinematic mode (on) for "" HERE IS THE PROBLEM AREA"
Then actions
Turn cinematic mode (on) for "" HERE IS THE PROBLEM AREA""
At first i made the trigger specified for player 1 Red but since i would have to make 12 triggers times 3 for each quest i were determined to find an easier way where all players can do the quest from 1 trigger.
And since it is very important that only 1 specific player gets the cinematic mode on i were wondering how to make it go on for "THE PLAYER THAT OWNS THE TRIGGERING UNIT"¨
I have the same problem when making conversation in the cinematic mode but since it should need the same answer you only would have to answer this question.
Im sorry for the long reading and that I couldnt import the trigger as it looks right now. But if you happen to know how to solve this quite simple problem i would be very glad.
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