Aaaaaah, he said the JASS word! My poor eyes are burning! (Sorry, but I've never used JASS, and probably never will unless I need small JASS inserts in my GUI triggers. Way too time-taking for me)
I've been also thinking about making the units a bit bigger, but they should still look like regular size units, so you don't get the idea that it's just to fill empty places in the map. They have a porpose of marking paths
The decoration thing will without a doubt be inserted. It gives a pleasure to the eye and has good purpose, so thanks for the idea there.
The screenshot idea won't be very nice. There will be camera's for a opening cinematic that follow the paths, so a flat image or a wall of units with a flat image behind it isn't really a sight worth the effort.
It's not the map size causng lag I fear of. I just want a decent sized map so people on The Hive Workshop can download easy and doesn't take long to load.
For the lag: I got a few hundred villagers walking the paths all at thesame time with 1
massive trigger spammed with If/Then/Else commands (1 for each crosspoint, giving chances to each region they can walk to next, manually entered), and a few other minor/decent sized triggers running at the same time. Having my eye on the few hundred villagers all using the same trigger over and over again, I would like to know if that would cause lag.
To give you an idea of what kind of trigger that one is, this is an example of what is entered for all 174 Crosspoint regions:
A unit enters Crosspoint1
Triggering Unit is owned by Player 3 (Teal)
If (All conditions are true)
Order Triggering Unit to move to random place in Crosspoint2
If (All conditions are true)
RANDOM is Greater then or equal to 20
RANDOM is Less then 35
Order Triggering Unit to move to random place in Crosspoint3
If (All conditions are true)
RANDOM is Greater then or equal to 35
RANDOM is Less then 70
Order Triggering Unit to move to random place in Crosspoint4
If (All conditions are true)
RANDOM is Greater then or equal to 70
Order Triggering Unit to move to random place in Crosspoint5