hi. im building a Samurai Brawl map. and this map got some events.
and i whuld verry mutch like it if there was a chinese dragon in it. since there always is a dragon when you talk about Samurai's.
the dragon im looking for is something like this.
i whuld be verry hapy if you whuld make this for me.
there is no sutch dragon on the hive.
i will ofc +rep you and give you credits in my map.
and i whuld verry mutch like it if there was a chinese dragon in it. since there always is a dragon when you talk about Samurai's.
the dragon im looking for is something like this.
i whuld be verry hapy if you whuld make this for me.
there is no sutch dragon on the hive.
i will ofc +rep you and give you credits in my map.