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Chinese Dragon Model

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Level 4
Jan 8, 2009
hi. im building a Samurai Brawl map. and this map got some events.
and i whuld verry mutch like it if there was a chinese dragon in it. since there always is a dragon when you talk about Samurai's.

the dragon im looking for is something like this.



i whuld be verry hapy if you whuld make this for me.
there is no sutch dragon on the hive.

i will ofc +rep you and give you credits in my map.
Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
... wow and u try to take credit for a model that isnt your's?????

I only take 10-20% Credit cause i Fucking retexture the Dragon model


Find the Dragon Ball Z model...and you will find the ripped source.

Lol it's rip? i didn't knew it was.. all i know is chineese people made it :p sorry XD
Level 5
Jan 23, 2009
I doubt it's actually possible to rip something that looks so low-quality. I mean, games have high qualities, and that's just a screenshot of Shen-Long. A person might have made it. Just that he modeled it after something.
Although chinese sites have lots of rips
Level 8
May 15, 2008
Hell's wrong with you people? Because it looks like a DBZ model, you can't say its ripped. That's like saying the people who make DOTA spells hack the dota map and copy paste the code. So what if the person on the chineese map made the model? Chineese people made amazing stuff. Check out the Chineese terrain on WC3Capmaigns in the Art Gallery.
Hell's wrong with you people? Because it looks like a DBZ model, you can't say its ripped. That's like saying the people who make DOTA spells hack the dota map and copy paste the code. So what if the person on the chineese map made the model? Chineese people made amazing stuff. Check out the Chineese terrain on WC3Capmaigns in the Art Gallery.

Darkhorse just took this from some chinese site. I know several chinese wc3 sites, and all of them have tons of ripped models. So Darkhorse stole this from that site, and they stole it from somewhere else.

So yeah, it's ripped.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Woaw, let's chill for a bit here, Pyritie.
You can't say it's ripped with no evidence whatsoever to back it up, you can only assume it. The model could just be made by a fan to look like the DBZ one but is not directly exported from a DBZ game.
Now, what we need is the URL to that chinese site, or even better, the URL to that model download page.
Level 4
Jan 8, 2009
So. Since i cant use this. is there anyone who has the time/skills to make me that model?
Please! il give cookies to the one who makes it for me! cus it whuld be so awsome in my map.
And the fact that there is no sutch dragon on this site ( beside from this :S ) culd parhaps increses the speed of making it.
Level 5
Jan 23, 2009
Okay, I'm being neutral here.

1. It is a model taken from other sites.
2. It probably has no author (Some models, really don't have authors. But those are taken from other sites.)
3. Therefore, you might want to ask permission from the real author, and if you can't speak/read chinese, use a google translator.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
How is it ripped? What if the maps downloaded the model from the chineese site? I bet the chineese sites will see this website and say that we ripp models of wc3 maps.
How is it ripped? What if the maps downloaded the model from the chineese site? I bet the chineese sites will see this website and say that we ripp models of wc3 maps.

Regardless, Darkhorse just slapped on "author unknown gief credit plox" without even trying to find out who made it.

I already explained.
People from minor wc3 sites than the Hive tend to say that "The model was made by Unknown" and they tell anybody that Unknown is the author. I ask myself... dumbness or a terribly crappy excuses?

Pyritie, clean his thread, he's not getting his request with so much spam, of which he's not blamed.

If I had some animations I could use I'd certainly do an in-game textured model for this dragon.
Yeah, so, unless you can find the original author and get permission from him to edit it, don't bother posting it at this site.

1. ok i take it back.. i now take no credit

2. don't double post

And you of all people surely have the authority to be enforcing rules. ike_ike's double-post wasn't intentional either. He knows the rules.
Level 4
Jan 8, 2009
im sure this is a facinating discussion..
but this is the wrong thred to discuss this in ( issnt it? )
this is a request thred. a request for a Chinese Dragon Model.
so culd someone please make one for me? PLEASE!
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