^Let's say speaking of WW3 as every world war arises around economic and other crises, USA placing the anti-rocket shield closer and closer to Russia as they want to build it further, East of Poland and going this direction.
Do you really think all these conspiracies are based on nothing? - Let's see:
9/11 - Some professor from USA (so not some outside of America hater), says there is evidence of explosions. (Wait! Not just him, others can confirm the same, who would KILL HIS REPUTATION to say smth - few are brave) for Cheesy conspiracy? Then I'm the one hating when i'm simply telling what others credible enough can say. And of course they would never tell you so in public 'Things aren't exactly as we described on the news', they've got to be crazy to say so.
Reptilians - yes sounds funny, but hey you make fun of all such creatures related stories. Let's see:
Why was this guy killed in his home, he claims to have seen Greys in the alleged base in the area of Dulce, why his things that he showed were taken away? Of course you know nothing about these stories because you don't read about them. Logical explanation by skeptic sites: 'Oh he's crazy he had mental problems, he wrapped his thing around his neck by himself' - Good, who took his things or he hid them and killed himself to look more real? (No answer) Lmao explanation
And reptilians - where it all starts? Not from David Icke. Have you ever heard of Thomas Castello - another person who was never seen again, also former worker at Dulce, Here is where all the story comes from:
http://www.think-aboutit.com/dulce/M-QUESTI.html How true it is no one knows.
However this is a real document and the drawings and pictures on that site below are real:
Yeti/Big foot /whatever things - also a joke? I can tell you I have relatives who've seen one and it has thrown stone at them. And they are far from believing any crazy stories so they are not some nutjobs.
NWO - New World Order, ILLUMANTI - You make fun, do you know they do exist? It is a satanic occultism, known also as 'Skull and bones' before you make fun of something do your damn research and see how it goes.
masonic symbol, other than builders, idk what they are related to all this.
2012 - No, no blackhole or 'Nibiru' is coming, the Mayan calendar's END periods (the ones that have already passed) according to scientists are always when some 'big events' happen. What events, I've no idea.
SOME VIRUSES AND THEIR CURE: DO you also fail to realize some viruses and the lack of more adequate cure is done so that you pass surgeries, give your MONEY or if you got some good way to treat yourself, people who work for health services would lose their jobs if people are TOO HEALTHY.
And of course: Yes USAF US Navy, agencies of Russia, China, Japan, possess non-conventional aircraft, things too high tech for you to believe are real. And NASA or more specific departments of NASA know about some ofthe things hidden from public.
Im not 1st believer in all these... but you should know there is a lot of truth in these.. Chemtrails like putting FLUORIDE in our toothpaste as EVIL PLAN sounds like FALSE ALARM.
But once I watched on youtube what happens in the sky when too many airplanes pass over an area.