Charged abilities

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Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
I think you can't, except if you trigger it of course, but you won't see the number of charges in the icon..

I think the sentinel ability is not charged either, but is just a single cast. You can do this also with the channel ability.
Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
You're right, just looked there, and there is an option "number of owls".

If you just set the unit to none, or if that gives an error, just make an invisible dummy unit with locust and a fast negative hp generation. Then trigger the spell you like. The only tricky thing is maybe the target.. You normally have to target a tree.. I hope you can change this to your target..
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
The answer to this question
is there any way to make an ability charged, like the Huntress's sentinel?
is yes, BUT, would you want a 'numbers' showing on the icon of the ability ?
Or there won't be any numbers to show, but you just count it on the map how many you got left ?

It's either through trigger or default abilities

You must specify what kind of spell you wanna create

If for example you want to create a spell that could summon a max of 5 units (1 unit summon per cast), you can use the function above

  • Player - Limit training of Footman to 5 for Player 1 (Red)
After all, it really depends on what you want to achieve
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