Chaos Conflict AI 1.63

Created by Pyro

Map Info

Chaos Conflict is an AoS-type map which i created as a school project for my A-levels.
Though DotA was part of my inspiration to create this map, you will surely come across features from other MMOG's such as League of Legends, for example the spell power system or the "recall" function.
But by far the greatest difference between Chaos Conflict and other Hero Defense games is that it features the participation of 12 players divided into 3 teams.
Taking this fact into account, every team has only got 2 lanes to choose from instead of 3.
What else has to be mentioned is that, in order to make the game already fun to play alone, the inclusion of bots. I can proudly pronounce that the AI that I created is on the same level, maybe, due to the foreign heroes, even harder to beat than DotA's. (Annotation: my goal was to create an AI that can defeat the map creator himself, and yes - I reached my goal already)

Apart from the player distribution and the bots, the map includes several other features

  • 40 unique heroes to choose from
  • over 150 custom items
  • Simplified Shop system
  • Alternative Game Modes
  • A custom scripted world boss
  • Spell power ratios on all damaging spells
  • Teleport to base by pressing ESC
  • Interactive terrain zones
  • The Ability to purchase tomes for late-game

Image Description:
The Jungle




Image Description:
The Hero Selection Areas




Image Description:
The lair of the world boss



Image Description:

Change Log

  • Medivh, The Wind Sorcerer
  • Illidan, The Demon Hunter
  • unnecessary terrain space, making the map triangle-shaped
  • Some Issues with hero spells
  • fixed all hero hotkeys
  • The overall composition of the terrain

  • Wambo Man, The Combat Master
  • SP ratios for some hero spells
  • Hero passive buffs
  • Many spell leaks concerning CallRemoveLocation issues
  • Replaced the passive buffs with a tome system

  • The Shopkeeper - an All-In-One Shop system I designed myself
  • All the single shop units that were occupying too much space
  • Some Spell issues with Unit Group Leaks
  • Made the world boss stronger, trapping units inside his lair while fighting
  • Moved the Hero Selection areas for visual improvement

  • Azronar, The Force Disruptor
  • Bots purchase runes now
  • A bug regarding the Armor tab of the Shopkeeper
  • Improved some AI item builds, limiting the purchase of the same item

  • Xerroth, The Nightmare Spirit
  • A bug when bots were moving back to their base for no reason
  • The starting items for bots

  • Diablo, The Balrog
  • New unique Assassination patterns for every hero controlled by the AI
  • The old Assassination trigger of the bots
  • A huge bug where creeps were ignoring towers when they attacked them
  • The escape mechanism of the bots, including blink-type abilities

  • Thunderbull, The Tribal Warrior
  • The -spectate command for test purposes
  • A small issue with the Hero assassination system of the bots
  • A bug regarding the calculation of the escaping angle of bots
  • A spell bug concerning Tyrande's Ultimate
  • a bug with chosen hero messages
  • reduced lags because of Damage-over-time spells of several heroes

  • Reworked Hero and Item tooltips
  • Improved the terrain - changed the composition of trees, lane tiles and made it look less flat.
  • widened the space used by the multiboard

  • XT 93, the Flame Leviathan
  • more heights and depths in the lane regions
  • Some Kill-Announcer bugs
  • Improved the arrangement of taverns at the hero pick zones, added animations
  • A few hero scaling values
  • nerfed Ragnaros' "Living Comet" spell, the lava spawns now have reduced health
  • The world boss is now classified as a building, which makes him harder to kill

  • Zul'Jin, the Troll Berserker
  • Thunderaan, The Wind Seeker
  • Sneak peak onto the next hero
  • A range bug with Centaur Archer's "Scattershot" ability
  • A missing spell effect regarding Pitlord's "Firestorm" cast
  • Replaced the standard wc3 healthbar with a new one, which is seperated into 6 parts
  • Changed the scaling of health bars, making it easier to distinguish between heros and creeps
  • Reworked the composition of Activateable/Consumable Items
  • Converted the sound files from .wav into .mp3, making the overall size of the map about 1 MB smaller
  • Several minor tooltip and trigger fixes


There are many people whom I mention in this section, mainly because I imported lots of effects, icons and unit models from "The Hive Workshop", so before going into detail, I want to thank all the members of the site for their efforts in the Warcraft III modding scene even though the game itself is not the latest anymore.

Secondly, my thanks also go to the teachers of the "Werner-von-Siemens" High-school because it was them who allowed me to use the map in a special project for my A-Levels.

The following are all the persons that helped me creating and modding the map to its present status:

JetFangInferno, Thrikodius, , Infrisios, Nexusblizzard, florent86, Pyritie, Suselishe, Warblade, Sven, Frankster, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Skizzik, iron_warrior, assasin_lord, Power, Callahan, RED BARON, JesusHipster, Haistrah, MC !,

Suselishe, Norinrad, Amigurumi, HappyTauren, Cavman, Frankster, Mephestrial, Kwaliti, Tarrasque, dickxunder, Thrikodius, Deolrin

kola, Mr. Goblin, PeeKay, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Mullar, anachron, AlienAtSystem, Darkfang, Static, -Berz-, KelThuzad, ChevronSeven, 67chrome, JuanAnn, FrIky, Palaslayer, chilla_killa, NFwar, GooS, Blizzard, Hemske, Kwaliti, War_Golum, InfinityNexus, dickxunder, aki15, 13LUR, Kershbob, Kimberly, L_Lawliet, jigrael

Afronight_76, antihero, CloudWolf

I created the loading screen image myself with google images and after studying a guide from
Author's notes

If you are interested in playing other versions of the game, visit the following link:


Official Blog:

For any further suggestions/ideas/critic mail me at [email protected]
Chaos, Conflict, AoS, DotA, LoL, Warcraft, Hero Defense

Chaos Conflict AI 1.63 (Map)

21:16, 24th May 2013 Orcnet: sonofjay's review:




21:16, 24th May 2013
Orcnet: sonofjay's review:
sonofjay;2344585 said:
A wild SonofJay appeared!

Hello I'm here to say that I love this map of yours. First of all the map have a lot of varieties of heroes for players to choose from each having unique and fitting spells that really is enjoying to use. The item shops is easy to understand and use with great set of items to offer but I'm afraid that total noobs might cry cause they're too dumb to understand the shop even though its really just easy to use. The gameplay is just the typical AoS but the scripted boss sure gives a touch of magic here also I love that your AI know how to fight, they can sure give you a good challenge and is it scripted that they'll gather in the boss place when you enter the den? Cause man I was raped inside cause they're attacking me outside but I can't go outside D:. Anyway my only cons here is that the terrain is really lacking, I can seriously make a better terrain with limited resources in a few hours(Of coarse if I'm only motivated :p) also the tooltips need a total make over.

I'll rate this 3/5 atm but this should be remain as pending for further improvement, a improve terrain might force me to give this a 4 or maybe a 5.

Balance is not checked cause I only played a couple of games atm.(IRONMAN and BroodQueen.)
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
The terrain is too simple,dead flat(lanes), tile assortment is so "ugly"(sorry If I said that).

The neutral creeps,you need to fix their facing. In the screenshot,those Ogres look like they are peeping someone.

Well - I know that my terraining is really not the best, but that's because I didn't focus on creating an outstanding environment.

To be honest: For me it's about one of the hardest things to do for a map because it also consumes much time if you focus on the details.

My problem is that I often just create the terrain so that it fits its purpose.

I put very much effort in the map and It'd be a sad thing if it got rejected because of "bad terrain" - I'll maybe rework it or look for a better terrainer than myself. :S

Edit: Improved the terrain; changed the composition of trees, lane tiles and made it less flat.
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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
A wild SonofJay appeared!

Hello I'm here to say that I love this map of yours. First of all the map have a lot of varieties of heroes for players to choose from each having unique and fitting spells that really is enjoying to use. The item shops is easy to understand and use with great set of items to offer but I'm afraid that total noobs might cry cause they're too dumb to understand the shop even though its really just easy to use. The gameplay is just the typical AoS but the scripted boss sure gives a touch of magic here also I love that your AI know how to fight, they can sure give you a good challenge and is it scripted that they'll gather in the boss place when you enter the den? Cause man I was raped inside cause they're attacking me outside but I can't go outside D:. Anyway my only cons here is that the terrain is really lacking, I can seriously make a better terrain with limited resources in a few hours(Of coarse if I'm only motivated :p) also the tooltips need a total make over.

I'll rate this 3/5 atm but this should be remain as pending for further improvement, a improve terrain might force me to give this a 4 or maybe a 5.

Balance is not checked cause I only played a couple of games atm.(IRONMAN and BroodQueen.)
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
First of all, im quite happy to hear your impression of the map; the more replies, the better.

A wild SonofJay appeared!

the terrain is really lacking, I can seriously make a better terrain with limited resources in a few hours(Of coarse if I'm only motivated :p) also the tooltips need a total make over.

I already tried to comprehend the terrain issue myself, the outcome right now is that i only changed the height problem which worked out rather acceptable.

However, I will maybe search someone else to solve the whole terrain part.

This would at least give me space to update the tooltips, which is boring, but as you mentioned, necessary and very helpful, especially for new players.
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Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
Hello Pyro, I've just played your map, Chaos Conflict AI, and have many comments about it. When I read your map description, my expectations were raised signifigantly. You stated many cool systems including what you said was an "AI that can defeat the map creator himself". There aren't many AIs that can do that, in fact, there are very few good AIs at all! I automatically give you some credit for creating an AI because I know that is normally quite difficult to accomplish. Now, when I started off the game in singleplayer, I was impressed by your artistic ability. I liked the loading screen a lot (not sure how much it related to the game) and I like how you've given the players the option to choose different modes. After I finished loading, I saw the Alliance heroes. They each seemed rather detailed and had nice tooltips. While I was reading the descriptions, the AIs chose heroes. I was suprised to hear that "Er-Murazor has chosen Balrog" (Er-Murazor is my singleplayer name.) I was wondering whether I had taken too long to choose a hero and the game chose for me, but no, that was the computer choosing its hero. Then Player 9 chose Centaur Archer. I chose my hero, Blade Fanatic, and was not greeted by a choose message. I'm pretty certain this is a bug, but I won't deduct points since it is pretty minor. Another thing I liked how a hero can only be chosen once. Soon after I chose my hero, the game started. I liked your detailed multiboard and the "Prepare for battle!" message. I ran into battle and was confronted by the enemy creeps as well as the hero. Both behaved quite smartly (targeting me when I had low health, running back to base to go heal) but I was able to lure the Balrog to the tower, then Vengeance Glaive it when it was at low health, killing it. I then noticed that you had very cool looking custom abilities! Each was seemingly balanced and definitely not just a regular warcraft 3 ability with a different tooltip and icon. You definitely put a lot of work into those abilities. Nice work! Now, when I went back to my base to go heal, I looked around for the shops to spend my money. I only saw one, the Shopmaster. I thought "Oh no, only one shop of items in an AoS. Not good!" Then I saw your shop system. I was not expecting that. I absolutely love how you've placed all the items into one shop, just under different tabs, and how all the related items are grouped together! The amount of items you've created is very impressive. Now, the terrain. It wasn't the best - but it wasn't that bad either. You've put a good amount of fitting doodads. A bit more of raise and lower wouldn't hurt you though. Next, the units. I really like how they aren't players and don't take up a player slot (allowing the game lobby to actually be filled) and the units themselves seem pretty balanced. Finally, the other stuff about your map. I like your commands, the unstuck ability, and the scripted boss. I don't think the ingame credits are working though - I can't see anything in them.
All in all, I really like your map. It's nearly bugfree, very balanced, and very cool.
I give you rep and your map a
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
I would have replied anyways, but you know your signature kind of forces me to do this :wink:

Hello Pyro, I've just played your map, Chaos Conflict AI, and have many comments about it.

The first thing you mentioned about the choose messages - Yes, it is a bug and especially the fact that it is minor makes it difficult for me to notice, thanks for pointing that out.

I'm quite happy that you like my hero concepts so far, since I really focused on creating new heroes (i think that's one of the best parts of editing :ogre_hurrhurr:)

You're right, my terrain is as I see it right now, probably fitting, but not quite good - that's why I worked on it myself and have got someone who tries to create a better terrain, which shouldn't be too hard.

Edit: fixed the choose messages and improved the terrain - further details in the change log
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Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
how can i choose a hero? i have double click, click, etc and nothing happen

Thx for your reply, At first I was surprised how something like this could have happened, but now i have a idea of what kind of situation you were stuck in:

There are taverns in the hero choosing areas.

I noticed, that, especially in the area of the Legion team, the dark portal rather looks like a doodad than a building / tavern.

I think i will make the taverns more obvious to notice in the next versions then.

In the quest log however, I added some newbie tips already, clearly stating that you pick a hero from a tavern at the beginning of the game.
Furthermore, if you add the -ap command, all taverns are moved to a certain place where you will immediatly notice how the hero pick system works.

If this was NOT your problem please give me a fast reply so i can fix it asap.
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Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
Really good map, but though some places need some pathing adjustments, and some tooltips need some fixes, for example, the Pit Lord's. I'm too lazy to point out the others, because I hope you can play the map a few more times to see the bugs you've made/created/caused.

Okay MasterTrainer, first of all, thanks for testing my map.

let me give you my reply:

It seemed like you weren't satisfied at all with my mod, just regarding the fact that your positive feedback with 3 words made up like only one tenth of your post - however, since it is your own opinion, this is not what I want to criticize.

What really upset me is, that you insist I should play my map in order to search for the glitches you already know - A function of a reply is to show the map creator the bugs that he wasn't able to find. (Please give me more details so I don't need to test my map over and over again in order to randomly come across the things you said)

I'm quite happy that you mentioned something specific with Pitlord's tooltips, since I also stumbled upon a missing spell effect regarding his "Firestorm" ability.
Nonetheless, due to missing specification, I wasn't able to find the bugs within his tooltips, So again, I plead you to tell me exactly what you noticed.


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
Hey Pyro, I've been having a lot of fun playing Chaos Conflict in singleplayer, but have also noticed some tooltip errors in the recipes. For example, the recipe for the Battlemage Greaves says that it requires a Rugged Spellbook, but in reality it requires a Deranged Spellbook. You forgot to say Wolverine's Blades in many tooltips; You just said "Wolverine's Level 3" or "Wolverine's Level 5". It's just an aesthetic error, but I found it slightly annoying. I found this error in the Warrior's Armor, Gutbuster, Fleshripper, Double Slayer, Electrified Chain, Ionization Claw, Vampire's Blade, and Warlord's Sprit. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but if it isn't, it would be great if you could fix it. I also noticed that some of your achievable items had german tooltips. The Wand of Lightning Shield had a german name, and the items with the rabbit, doom guard, and dog icons had completely german tooltips. Please fix!
EDIT: The Ultimate Orb also says "Ultimate Orb kaufen", and I know kaufen is purchase in german. You should fix that too.
EDIT2: The Arcane Scroll also has a german tooltip, and the Replenishment Potion is not stocked in the shop because it has 0 charges.
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Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
Hey Pyro, I've been having a lot of fun playing Chaos Conflict in singleplayer, but have also noticed some tooltip errors in the recipes. For example, the recipe for the Battlemage Greaves says that it requires a Rugged Spellbook, but in reality it requires a Deranged Spellbook. You forgot to say Wolverine's Blades in many tooltips; You just said "Wolverine's Level 3" or "Wolverine's Level 5". It's just an aesthetic error, but I found it slightly annoying. I found this error in the Warrior's Armor, Gutbuster, Fleshripper, Double Slayer, Electrified Chain, Ionization Claw, Vampire's Blade, and Warlord's Sprit. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but if it isn't, it would be great if you could fix it. I also noticed that some of your achievable items had german tooltips. The Wand of Lightning Shield had a german name, and the items with the rabbit, doom guard, and dog icons had completely german tooltips. Please fix!
EDIT: The Ultimate Orb also says "Ultimate Orb kaufen", and I know kaufen is purchase in german. You should fix that too.
EDIT2: The Arcane Scroll also has a german tooltip, and the Replenishment Potion is not stocked in the shop because it has 0 charges.

Thanks for your reply, those small issues are always a pain in the neck for me because as you can imagine, they are often hard to find.

Well I was about to upload the new version of the map, I will quickly go through the tooltips in order to fix the things you mentioned.

But about the Wolverine's tooltips - yes this was intended especially because some item descriptions have a limited amount of letters which as far as I know cannot be extended.

EDIT: I didn't update the consumables section at all when I reworked the other items, I will maybe create a whole new consumables tab with appropriate items and tooltips.
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
Seems Like a great map and I love the option to play(er) vs AI, terrain is good, but not perfect, smoothing it a bit would make it great. my opinion 4.5/5

Thx for your comment, I'm happy that you like the map as it is.

Terrain-wise I did everything I wanted to, meaning if I tried to change something myself now I'd maybe make it worse.

So if the terrain gives eye cancer to anyone from now on, this person can feel free to PM me and work on the terrain himself if necessary.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2013
I like the map and I'm not picky about terrain, but I did get to move around the boss with Zeratul's bash ability, I wonder if this was intentionally made or just a mistake. +rep .
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
I like the map and I'm not picky about terrain, but I did get to move around the boss with Zeratul's bash ability, I wonder if this was intentionally made or just a mistake. +rep .

Thanks for the reply, Madgamer

The fact that the boss was affected by the bash indicates that you were playing an older version of the map.
In the 1.61 update, I classified the boss as a building which solves the issue of him getting hit by any abilities.
Level 5
Dec 25, 2011
Great map, I like it especially that it has an AI, In future version, it could be popular. I'll rate your map 5/5 and +rep.

Thank you too for your reply, Bluegreen891.

Well "popular" is a nice term but the least I want to achieve is that in the future, people will still enjoy playing this map, neglecting the fact that the game itself is out of date.

PS: There is a (slight) descrepancy between the rating you have written down in your comment and the amount of points you actually rated the map :?
Edit: problem solved
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Level 10
Oct 2, 2011
Thank you too for your reply, Bluegreen891.

Well "popular" is a nice term but the least I want to achieve is that in the future, people will still enjoy playing this map, neglecting the fact that the game itself is out of date.

PS: There is a (slight) descrepancy between the rating you have written down in your comment and the amount of points you actually rated the map :?

Oh, Its alright rating is fixed. I thought I rated it 5/5 and good luck!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

So here comes my feedback:
Terrain - suitable for each base but a little mistaken. A hint for you: use more tilesets (4/5)
Heroes - Unique and really cool in my point of view (5/5)
Items - Good as well you used a fusion between the standard powerful artifacts found in campaigns from Warcraft and also some made by you. (5/5)
Creeps Spawning - Kinda normal but there are too many and put in wrong way to spawn, in later game they overcome and cause the game to lag (4/5)
Bosses and Neutral Creeps - Well made here (5/5)

I suggest you work more on this project! My rate for you is 5/5 :)