Hey i need a little help on a trigger where a hero casts a ability like bladestorm (storm) and it will be only for 2 seconds .. I need help like in the middle of that how do you make the heros life damage to half of what it has
so like..
1200/2000 HP
half of that
not like 1200/2000 again like that ::Action::
Unit - Set life of (Casting unit) to 50.00
i want something like half of 1200 to like 600/2000 HP
something like that...
heres the trigger
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Storm --(bladestorm)--
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Set life of (Casting unit) to 0.00 ---Help me fix this part--
Wait 2.00 seconds
Unit - Pause (Casting unit) --Pause to make the unit stop ability--
Unit - Unpause (Casting unit) --Allows unit to play again--
**Thanks for helping if it works i give you rep!**
so like..
1200/2000 HP
half of that
not like 1200/2000 again like that ::Action::
Unit - Set life of (Casting unit) to 50.00
i want something like half of 1200 to like 600/2000 HP
something like that...
heres the trigger
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Storm --(bladestorm)--
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Set life of (Casting unit) to 0.00 ---Help me fix this part--
Wait 2.00 seconds
Unit - Pause (Casting unit) --Pause to make the unit stop ability--
Unit - Unpause (Casting unit) --Allows unit to play again--
**Thanks for helping if it works i give you rep!**