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Changing unit level (ulev) for heroes seem to add 5 hero levels

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I have some kind of bonus system in my map which increases the levels of units. I use the native to change the unit integer field ulev.
However, it seems that when doing this with heroes, they just gain 5 hero levels, no matter which unit level I specify.
Can anyone confirm this bug and is there any explanation why?
Is there any workaround which won't add 5 hero levels?
Level 21
Feb 27, 2019
Are you sure you want to change ulev of heroes? I dont think it does anything. What are you trying to achieve?

EDIT: For me it adds 1 extra hero level ontop of the integer value except if its the same value as the current level then nothing happens. If I reduce it by a value it reduces the value correctly. I have no idea why. Why not use "Hero - Set unit Hero-level to ((Hero level of unit) + 1), Show level-up graphics"?
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The unit level has a different meaning. For example, if you have a spell which is limited to a unit level like Transmute or Charm or Black Arrow or any custom spell but still has the target type hero allowed, it is important but I guess I will simply disable it then. There are not many spells which need this but some.
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