Certain special effects not appearing

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Level 7
Mar 29, 2009
This is a problem I've had for years over several computers that just doesn't seem to go away. I've tried reinstalling by CD and by directly downloading from battle.net, nothing works.

The problem is that certain special effects simply do not appear even though they're there. War stomp and Abolish Magic does not appear or make sound for example. They display fine in world editor, but does not appear or make sound ingame when they're supposed to. However, other effects like Flame Strike or Starfall works fine.

Also, sometimes the effects come back for a few games, then the next day they're gone again. It makes no sense to me. At the moment the effects have been missing for months.

Can anyone tell me what causes this to happen? Do I need to share PC specs?

Would really appreciate any help :)

Edit: This is really strange, tested a normal war stomp ability and the effect displays just fine. This problem seems to occur when the effect is made from a trigger. However it can't be an error I made with a map I'm making because this happens in every other map I play as well.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
I think nobody can help you there. Maybe a faulty graphics card, maybe you have video settings not on high or it bugs somehow..
I don't know if the whole registry for wc3 is cleaned on a fresh install..
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Occasionally I have the problem of special effects not showing up when they used to. I just have to restart my computer and the problem is fixed. I don't know if it would be the same problem for you, but I know I keep my computer on all the time so if you do the same it might be worth a try.
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