Hello, I do not know if this is the right place for posting model problems but I am pretty sure this is the place because I'm talking about importing model problem, sorta.
So first of all, I've imported the light sources from UTM, it seems to work fine, but when I place it on a certain place. My World Editor crashes, so whats the problem within this light sources from UTM, do they need some 'textures' before they are placed in the map? Please help I need this ASAP, =)
The filename of these light sources models are :
Also, I see some models like, LIGHT_Cover.blp & LIGHT_Cover_Transparent.blp inside the import editor of UTM, are they needed for these light sources models? If you say yes, I still have an problem even though its inside my import manager already.
I've attached these files if you want to check them out, please tell me how to import them, I wouldn't like for an test map right now.
So first of all, I've imported the light sources from UTM, it seems to work fine, but when I place it on a certain place. My World Editor crashes, so whats the problem within this light sources from UTM, do they need some 'textures' before they are placed in the map? Please help I need this ASAP, =)
The filename of these light sources models are :
1. Light_Black_20.MDX
2. Light_Red_20.MDX
3. Light_Blue_20.MDX
4. Light_Yellow_20.MDX
2. Light_Red_20.MDX
3. Light_Blue_20.MDX
4. Light_Yellow_20.MDX
Also, I see some models like, LIGHT_Cover.blp & LIGHT_Cover_Transparent.blp inside the import editor of UTM, are they needed for these light sources models? If you say yes, I still have an problem even though its inside my import manager already.
I've attached these files if you want to check them out, please tell me how to import them, I wouldn't like for an test map right now.