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Castle walls "shimmy" during cinematic

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I have used the castle walls from the UTM to create a castle for a mini-game in my campaign. During a cinematic, I pan the camera across the wall and there is a spot on the wall that "shimmys". I'm not sure how to describe it, but I uploaded a video to youtube that shows it:


It starts around second 7. It's both on the left and right of the gap, on the same place on both walls. The walls have no shadow.

I have played around with the alpha tile, but that doesn't seem related. The alpha tile puts the terrain into the model (so you can walk on top of it, for example). But I tried flattening the terrain out so that wasn't an issue and the bug still occurred.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this or how I can fix it?


Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I really don't think that's it in this case, as the shimmying isn't taking place where wall meets anything. The shimmying is also localized in a small region on both walls. In other words, the part of the textures that is shimmying is the same even though the two walls are in different places and touching different models.

I do thank you for the suggestion, but is there anything else you think it might be?
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
Ruler, that's a very creative suggestion; I do have an appropriate flag so I think I'll go with that.

For the record, I pulled the wall out of place and just put it in the middle of the ocean, and sure enough the flickering was still there. I'm certain it's not two models interfering. Whether it's a problem with the model, i don't know. I'll check it in Malagos. I know how to open up the model and look around, but I'm afraid I don't know much about changing it at all.

Sniper, I didn't know there was more than one UTM... I got it here on the Hive but oddly I'm having a hard time locating it now.
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