(mystery voice):"Ho ho-ho ho...."
sad old man: Wha--who is that?!
(mystery voice): "Ho ho-ho ho-ho-HO!!!" <slice, stab, drop!>
sad old man: who...did...this? I'm too... young to die...!
(mystery voice): Heh-heh-HEH! >-)!
Narrator: Later...
Police Guy: Look, sir. There's another dead body in this hut.
Hero Detective: Hmm. This one was killed by dagger also--by the same hand. The same man is behind all these killings.
Police guy: Wh--what are we going to do sir? I'll do ANYTHING you fucking advise!
Detective: Uhhh...
Detective: Uhh--we continue the search.
Detective (mutters to himself): 'this is fun.'
(mystery voice): Ho-ho HO!!! <stab, drop>
: ugghhhh....
Detective: Oh no! he killed the police, my only friend! (looks around), Where'd he go?
Narrator: After the loss of his only friend, our 'trustworthy' detective continues along [in a forest, in case you didn't already know] searching for the stealthy assassin. He meets a small child out in a clearing walking around carelessly....
Small CHild: Oh, hello Mr. detective hero man guy; if you're looking for the murderer, I know where you might catch hte evil man off-guard.
Detective: How, child, did you know all that shit...about the murderer, me a detective, and how do you know where he even is?
Small Child: Just follow me. Ho-ho-ho....
Narrator: The child leads the detective deeper and ever deeper into the thick forest until they find themselves out of the trees and near a swamp--the Swamp of Doom!
Detective: You fucked-up little kid! You led me into THE SWAMP OF DOOM!!!!!!! I"M GONNA FUCKING KILL YA FOR THIS BULLSHIT!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Small Child (pulls out a dagger in self defense and aims it at the detective while backing away from the charging detective on the ground): I'm just showing you where da evil man was!
Detective: Yeah, well what the fuck would he be doin' in a place of crisis like this then, ya little dumbass kid?!
Weathered Hobo Survivor: Detective! Thank God you're here! Save us from the serial killer!
Detective: So then do you know what the hell that killer would be doin' in here. This KID led me to this place!
Weathered Hobo Survivor: What kid?
The detective looks back and around.
Detective: W--I don't see the little shit anymore.
(doubly familiar mystery voice): Ho-HO!!! <stab!>
Weathered Hobo Survivor: Awk--killer is here--I--ughh..!
Narrator: The hobo falls forward dead on the poisonous ground, revealing the small child behind him, pullling his newly bloody dagger out of the hobo's back.
Small Child: Now detective man, YOU DIE!! HOoO--!!! <dagger whistles through air, misses>
Detective: You little fucker! You can't get ME so easily. I dodged you. And now I'm gonna KICK YOUR ASS!!!
Narrator: So the small child and the detective fly at each other with blades in their hands....