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Can't revive hero

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Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Testing Erebus with Crabby, we discovered that it's possible for the hero to die and be un-reviveable.

There are no trigger systems involved.
The buildings capable of reviving heroes don't show the hero icon.
The buildings involved can produce non-hero units.
The buildings involved are listed under the Human race, the heroes are listed under the Undead race.
None of the melee Altars are used as base buildings for hero revive buildings.

The glitch appears to occur when the unit queue is maxed when the hero is killed.
The heroes are all based on melee/campaign hero units, but both will be lost to the glitch.
The heroes don't cost food.
The heroes are on the map at the beginning of the game, the altar(s) don't summon any heroes.
The Hero icon at the Top-Left corner of the screen is still there.

Are there any ideas as to what may be causing this? It makes playing impossible when your hero dies and can't be revived for the rest of the game. Are there any known solutions/prevention methods in regards to this (such as ensuring heroes can only be revived at certain buildings)?

Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
How many heroes per player are allowed and how many are controlled per player at once?
I believe your enemy is not checking the game play constants.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
3 are allowed, all unique, and only one can be played per game.

I switched the building's base units to the Hu and UD altars, and so far everything seems to be working. If the problem persists I'll probably have to create a building that only raises heroes.

What would I check under game play constants that need to be changed? Erebus is just an altered-melee.

As for cause:
Its an innate bug in wc3.
It's not normally noticed because Altars only train heroes in melee situations.
...this may be the case.

Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
Dunno the reason. But usually checking 'revives hero' in the building's data in the object editor is enough.. my first thought that probably players had like 5 or so heroes at once whilst game play constants allowed only 3, thus I suggested checking them. But when each player has only 1 hero, you shouldn't have that problem.
Only thing I could think of would be requirements for a hero... (me thinks for 1st tier it's usually 'an altar', not a specific one.. deleting the requirements might help if problem occures again).
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