Hi, I have a problem with this hero revive trigger, it's kinda simple,although I used the wait function. It revives a hero after 8 seconds. but when I killed 8 heroes at the same time, only 7 of them were revived, I even tried killing them with an interval of less than 1 second. but still 7 were revived. Can someone teach me how to fix this? Here's the trigger:
Hero Revival
- Unit - A unit Dies
- ((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
- Wait 8.00 seconds
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- ((Dying unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True
Then - Actions
- Set CentOfRegion[1] = (Center of Base 1 Revival Region <gen>)
- Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at CentOfRegion[1], Show revival graphics
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_CentOfRegion[1])
Else - Actions
- Set CentOfRegion[2] = (Center of Base 2 Revival Region <gen>)
- Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at CentOfRegion[2], Show revival graphics
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_CentOfRegion[2])
If - Conditions