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[Crash] Can't load my my imports on any of my previous saved files.

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Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
So my map for some reason can't load it's imports, all the triggers work just fine, but the imports just don't load. I've saved multiple versions of my map, and they all aren't able to load their imports (even the older copies of which worked just fine before). If I open a new map (not the one I'm working on or it's older versions), the imports work just fine, it seems like it's just my one map that is having that problem, any ideas?
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
The pathing is right, though I forgot to mention: all my models and skins worked just fine the day before, and in all my previous saves. Although worst case scenario I just have to re-import all the files.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
So reimporting the old skins didn't work, but new skins and models I didn't previously have work just fine.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
Yes they work just fine on other maps and new unused imports worked just fine on the current one; and its not just one import, its all of them, there's over a hundred imported files and they all just decided to not work. No previous saved version or re-import can help me here
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
I'm pretty good with keeping map space, its only 3 mb right not, not even close to the 8 mb limit, and as I said before, the models don't seem to work on my older versions, when I had even less space occupied with my map.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
So it's about models specifically? - that would be strange since normally you can just import custom models without editing their path.
Therefore i suspect image malfunctions, icons or skins basically.
Are your imports properly displayed in the import editor? Their types and accurate file size?
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
My Model sizes are being displayed at 0kb for some reason, normally when you restart Editor or reload the map they pop back up, but right now they're permanently at 0 KB. The only thing I do with editing the pathing for models is removing the warcraft3import that gets attatched to it. The file types are all proper, MDX becomes MDL when finding their path, All images are BLP, Sound files are MP3. The models that aren't working on my map, will work just fine on another map when I import them there. As for skins (which I only have one of) it actually has kept its file size, out of my entire list of 0KB, it shows 6KB, but the pathing doesn't work for it. It's a tree skin and the tree that it's suppose to replace has it's vanilla skin instead.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Can you screenshot your imports and post them here?
I had something like this happening once, not sure how i fixed it atm, but i might get it together.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
Oh and I just noticed this, when I choose to load a map in Editor, such as

New Map - - -
Load Map - - -

My map file is at first 2.6MB,
But once I load it up and go back to Load map, it pops up as 500 KB (assuming the 2mb lost were the models).
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
That's curious, almost as if your imports are stuck in an unreachable plane of the editor.

So only 2 imports have a 6kb size (AshenCanopyTree + war3mapmisc), did you try to remove only those and see what happens?
And why did you remove the prefix "war3mapImported\" from all models?
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
Yeah, it really does seem so, and I remove the prefix because sometimes since I have to remove the prefix for BLP's for them to work, I kinda just remove the prefix for the models as well. Although I'm sure doing that doesn't affect it in any way. And removing them didn't do anything.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2015
So I didn't find the solution to my problem, but I did find one very interesting fix, I deleted my newest saved version (where the bug began) from my save files folder and all the old save files start working again. Absolutely no idea how that works. . .
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