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Suddenly all my imports stopped working.

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Level 7
Jan 17, 2019
Was happily working on my map when I went to test out a trigger it said "failed to save map". Ok had that happen before and used Save As to successfully save the map. However now ALL my imports (both models AND sounds) are no longer working. Anyone know what I did? I swear I had this happen to me in the past and there was an easy fix but I cannot recall what it was.

Restarted computer and WE multiple times of course and even older versions of the map are not loading the imports.

Level 7
Jan 17, 2019
Normally loading a previous version works fine, but seeing as you have already tried that I would try deleting all your models and then re-importing them one by one. You probably have a corrupt model in your map.
Hmm if that is the only solution I'll prolly wait for reforged and just use new skins. Re-importing the dummies and sounds would be a bitch. More I think about it I swear the last time this happened it fixed itself randomly /ponder
Level 7
Jan 17, 2019
Did you use "Test Map" earlier?
Using Test Map without saving first causes all imported resources to be turned into 0 kb resources,
meaning that they are no longer operational.

Yeah I clicked Test Map and it said failed to save.. God I hope Reforged fixes all these annoyances and memory leaks.

What is the easiest way to repair my map? Delete ALL imports and reupload them? What a headache :\
God I hope Reforged fixes all these annoyances and memory leaks.
You should always keep several backups of your map, and not overwrite previously working versions. Always use the "save as" function instead of the regular "save" function.
What is the easiest way to repair my map? Delete ALL imports and reupload them? What a headache :\
Yep, probably the safest way to do it.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What is the easiest way to repair my map? Delete ALL imports and reupload them?
Yes. However in newer versions of Warcraft III one can bypass the silly/slow Import Manager by saving the map as a folder (Save As and choose the other format). One can then copy and paste the imports into their appropriate sub folders using file explorer. When the map is next loaded by World Editor it should automatically detect all these added files as imports and assign them the appropriate paths in the import manager.
Level 7
Jan 17, 2019
That's why you should never EVER use "Test Map".
Fugg I've prolly got between 1-2k hours in WE and I had no idea of this. Has anyone played with the reforged version of WE yet? Did they fix any of the communities main issues? Memory leaks over basic trigger functions are infuriating..

I'll give the save as folder trick a shot when I get home, ty!
Level 7
Jan 17, 2019
Yes. However in newer versions of Warcraft III one can bypass the silly/slow Import Manager by saving the map as a folder (Save As and choose the other format). One can then copy and paste the imports into their appropriate sub folders using file explorer. When the map is next loaded by World Editor it should automatically detect all these added files as imports and assign them the appropriate paths in the import manager.

OK Wow did that work and it was PAINLESS!! All I had to do was save the corrupted map as a folder, save a much older working version as a folder as well and then just copy and past the import contents. Then open the no longer corrupted map in World Editor.

Anyone who accidentally corrupts their map and is facing a wall of 0kb imported files, THIS is how you solve it fast and easy! Dr. Super Good to the rescue!
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