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[Solved] Can't link "Unit - Issues" Actions

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Level 1
Sep 29, 2014
Hi ! I want specific peasants to harvest lumber from specific trees after they repair some farms. I know how to create the "Unit - Issue Order Targeting A Unit" and "Unit - Issue Targeting A Destructible" Actions but whether I try "Wait For Condition" or "If-Then-Else" Actions I can't seem to put them together in a successive order. Can somebody help me ? Thanks !
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
What do you use Wait For Condition or if/then/else for? Checking if the farms are fully repaired?
Can you post your trigger(s), so we can have a look? (using [ trigger ][ /trigger ] tags)

  • Actions
    • Unit - Order Peasant1 to Human Peasant - Repair Farm1
    • Unit - Order Peasant2 to Human Peasant - Repair Farm1
    • Wait until ((Life of Farm) Equal to (Max Life of Farm1), checking every 1.00 seconds
    • Unit - Order Peasant1 to Harvest Tree
    • Unit - Order Peasant2 to Harvest Tree
Would this be helpful?
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Level 1
Sep 29, 2014
What do you use Wait For Condition or if/then/else for? Checking if the farms are fully repaired?
Can you post your trigger(s), so we can have a look? (using [ trigger ][ /trigger ] tags)

  • Actions
    • Unit - Order Peasant1 to Human Peasant - Repair Farm1
    • Unit - Order Peasant2 to Human Peasant - Repair Farm1
    • Wait until ((Life of Farm) Equal to (Max Life of Farm1), checking every 1.00 seconds
    • Unit - Order Peasant1 to Harvest Tree
    • Unit - Order Peasant2 to Harvest Tree
Would this be helpful?

LOL ! I did exactly that the first time but it didn't work for me because I edited the action so that its time checking was 0.10 seconds not 1.00 seconds.... I guess I just thought it would be faster that way.. Ahh, whatever. Problem's solved, thank you so much :D And sorry for not providing any image.
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