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Can't Build Walls

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Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
I haven't modded in a longtime. Came back to add 2 new walls to my advanced peon form but it doesn't work. When I click to build one of the 2 walls, the wall will show where it will be built as normal, the peon will walk towards to build it but then stop and do nothing.
Level 7
Feb 20, 2016

My trigger looks different is even cross marked (disabled?). I linked here what my map looked like before i attempted to add 2 new walls (these are the old walls) to the advanced worker.
Notice: the 2 walls are already made but if i give them to the advanced peon the the map won't appear in neither WC3 1.26 or 1.29.


  • (8)GardenOfWar modded.w3x
    8 MB · Views: 15
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I found out what's wrong after comparing the peasant with the peon. The normal peon doesn't have those 2 walls on his building list, this is why he can't construct them after he morph into his advanced form. You just need to add those 2 walls to his building techtree and that will fix it.
Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
I found out what's wrong after comparing the peasant with the peon. The normal peon doesn't have those 2 walls on his building list, this is why he can't construct them after he morph into his advanced form. You just need to add those 2 walls to his building techtree and that will fix it.

Thanks man! it works now!
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