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Call to Glory v1.35

Created by Mr.Malte
Terrain mostly by Snakesoul.

------------- Changelog -----------------

-Easier beginning


Strategy, Rise, Malte, Mr, MapperMalte, Empires,, Epic, Medieval, Merge

Call to Glory v1.35 (Map)

20:46, 30th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2: Necessary fixes made, Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating. You can find my full review Here. The review is outdated, still it can serve its purpose I guess.




20:46, 30th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Necessary fixes made, Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating.

You can find my full review Here. The review is outdated, still it can serve its purpose I guess.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
That alot of text your wrote there, tried it, impressive and unique gameplay, other than some German words here and there. Only 3 eras o well, balancing is OK and that's about it I guess, but can you make like 2 huge islands so you have to built navy and transport them to the other islands? This deserves a4/5
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

i know his map.
it's really fantastic.
i ll download the new version fast. =)

balancing was good.
but only if everyone has the same knowledge about the game.
it's a lil bit difficult in the beginning. =)

5/5 because i can really see the work in this map!

Level 7
Jul 7, 2008
Balance heroes dude.
Great map but when player give up or lose, he got imba hero(That item that gives 300 HP + Teleport wherever he want).
Also you can teleport with worker to the place where dead players got their heroes and make your base there - no one can stop you.
The secret hero is a way too IMBA, his ultimate take control of not just units but BUILDINGS too and MAIN BUILDING also.
At least make him controll 1-3 units but not so many.
And the level 2 code doesn't work.

Also, when players leave and I was left alone, It didn't say I won - how do you win in the case of leavers?
I was just playing alone and obviously players left because I started to bomb their base.

Atomic Bomb didn't work for me or my ally.

Expect this the map is great.
Last edited:
Level 11
Nov 4, 2007
Ok that are nice tips.
I think all heroes except the Psychokineser are balanced.
And maybe the Mana Transformer isn't balanced.
The thing with the nuke is strange, im gonna check it.
I think Ill take the Psychokineser out of the game and make
the Mana Transformer as secret hero.
The leaver bug is fixed soon.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on object editor work
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay*/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
->That equals 80 points max.
+ Cinematic
1 - 10 points on camera work
1 - 10 points on dialog
1 - 10 points on music and or voice acting
- Cinematic
Object editor work
* Not in cinematic
That equals 100 points max.
To get a Hive grade over 1/5 at least 50% of the 80 (Triggered map) or of the 100 (Cinematic map) points is needed. That means at least 40 or 50 points. However if a map gets rated over 1/5 by me, that doesn't mean that I will imidietly vote it to be approved.

Originality: 7 points
I have seen some maps like this, but you have managed to stay original adding interesting features.

Object editor work: 1 point
- Fix the Spy green icon, when I go to menu using the spy the icons path doesn't work properly and goes green.
- Fix the capital description is to big and doesn't fit in the window
- German descriptions in some abilities
- No Hotkeys

Scripting: 7 points
As for what I have seen it was done in a good manner.

Terrain: 6 points
A terrain that is good for a map like this, I didn't expect it to be this good actually, however there is room for improvement.

Bug Free: 7 points
Beside some description problems it should run fine.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 6 points
It is fun to play. The neutral buildings make an interesting addon and a AI for blue is nice too.

Lag: 3 points
A long loading time and some ingame lag.

Proper submission and crediting: 4 points
Adding decent description is always nice but this is too big. You must shorten it and make it readable as no one will read this. For not so neccesary stuff use hidden tags and try to put some images.

In overall: 41 / 80
minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 2/5 I suggest this map for: On Hold
In overall it is a fun map that has some issues to be dealt with. You must fix the object editor problems, language being the main issue. The map is a nice one to play, interesting with a variety of options and tactics. I will vote this map to be approved when you make the neccesary modifications.

Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
Level 11
Nov 4, 2007
Please play this map in the multiplayer and not justr one time
Lag: 3 points
A long loading time and some ingame lag.
Some ingame lag?
The only things about ingame lag that are told me, are:
-Ion Cannon
-Atom Bomb
Also I load the map in 20 seconds.
Very fast, I think

Object editor work: 1 point
- Fix the Spy green icon, when I go to menu using the spy the icons path doesn't work properly and goes green.
- Fix the capital description is to big and doesn't fit in the window
- German descriptions in some abilities
- No Hotkeys
Oh my god?
1 Point for what?
The map has more than 270 abilites and 140 units.
Where are German Descriptions? It may be true, but how many? 1? 2?
And.. No Hotkeys?
Are you Blind?
Hotkeys are WERT
for example:
Psychokinesis (E)

Bug Free: 7 points
Beside some description problems it should run fine.
There are some bugs, I know.
But you write 'it runs fine' and give 7/10

Scripting: 7 points
As for what I have seen it was done in a good manner.
You can't see the scripts.
You can't give points for that.
I use vJass very often.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 6 points
It is fun to play. The neutral buildings make an interesting addon and a AI for blue is nice too.
This good, that good everything good.
6 points.
It's like "Your triggers are awesome, there are no bugs, the effects are delicous. Great work! 2/10 points."

Proper submission and crediting: 4 points
Adding decent description is always nice but this is too big. You must shorten it and make it readable as no one will read this. For not so neccesary stuff use hidden tags and try to put some images.
Ok, I can do that.
But why 4/10 for proper crediting?

Please test this in the Battlenet.
Please dont give 1/10 for good work.
Please be fair.
I just ask myself: Did I piss you off?
I also ask myelf: Did you play this? For how long?
This is a huge map; You have to play it at least tripple to check all its possibilites.
For example you did not mention the Ages or Superweapons.
How long did you play? 20 mins?
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Please play this map in the multiplayer and not justr one time

Played it first single player for about half an hour to get through the upgrades and stuff. Then played a quick game against the computer. Then played a game against my brother. In overall I spent about a hour and a half in testing this map.

Some ingame lag?
The only things about ingame lag that are told me, are:
-Ion Cannon
-Atom Bomb
Also I load the map in 20 seconds.
Very fast, I think

It took me about a minute to load. It had some start lag, which I don't personally like at maps. It also had some lag over some time, nothing big. I do have a slow computer, but so do many other people who you need to think on.

Oh my god?
1 Point for what?
The map has more than 270 abilites and 140 units.
Where are German Descriptions? It may be true, but how many? 1? 2?
And.. No Hotkeys?
Are you Blind?
Hotkeys are WERT
for example:
Psychokinesis (E)

And I am not blind. I haven't seen hotkeys for some units and abilities. I will recheck and give you that excatly. This is a English speaking site, so no foreign language can be allowed at all. Check one of the ability of the spy it is German. This has to be fixed, it is not allowed to have foreign language, you would get about a 8 if you fix it.

There are some bugs, I know.
But you write 'it runs fine' and give 7/10

I said it runs fine. However I consider the German description also a object editor and bug problem. And to get a even higher grade it should be flawless. It runs fine, I didn't say its flawless.

You can't see the scripts.
You can't give points for that.
I use vJass very often.

No I can't. However I can see the result of the scripting or triggering and that was fine. The multiboard, game modes, everything worked good and without critical bugs so I can say that on the surface it is fine.

This good, that good everything good.
6 points.
It's like "Your triggers are awesome, there are no bugs, the effects are delicous. Great work! 2/10 points."

It is not 2/10 points. It is 6/10, I know you are ironic however there is a big difference. The map was fun to play, with fluid gameplay, however it misses the something to make it better. I am sorry I just didn't have that much fun, I mentioned the good stuff about it.

Ok, I can do that.
But why 4/10 for proper crediting?

As you can see I count proper crediting and submision under one field. Crediting was okay so that's the four points, submmision took you 6 points, and it should be improved.

Please test this in the Battlenet.
Please dont give 1/10 for good work.
Please be fair.
I just ask myself: Did I piss you off?
I also ask myelf: Did you play this? For how long?
This is a huge map; You have to play it at least tripple to check all its possibilites.
For example you did not mention the Ages or Superweapons.
How long did you play? 20 mins?

Why would I have to mention the age of super weapons, as I didn't mention Renesance or nothing. It contributes to gameplay however it is not worth mentioning.

Battlenet testing? Why if I have my younger brother who I can play with and I mostly do.

Did you piss me off? Why? You made a good map, 16 out of 20 maps get about 1/5 by me at THW. This isn't as bad as you think so.

How long did you play? 20 mins? I answered this previously, about hour and a half.

This is a huge map; You have to play it at least tripple to check all its possibilites. As a matter of fact I did, however do you think I have that much time to triple play maps? I would never consider that, but I found this map good so I actually did.

Please dont give 1/10 for good work. When did I do that? Foreign languages are unacceptable.

Please be fair. I am more then fair. Just update with the small fixes and this will go over 2/5. It is a good map as said before, but the fixes are neccesary. You can't just expect from me to say omg nice map 4/5 or 5/5. I am trying to give a review that is harsh and will help you to improve.

bounty hunter2
Level 11
Nov 4, 2007
Ok. I can live with that.
But ill update the map soon.
Will you play it again?

And please just this:
The map is only fun with 6-10 players.
The best is 10 players.
If you cant host, I can host for you.

But that is actually veeeery important for the fun.

So now I understand your rating: A few püoints give a lot less points.
So if I fix ypur points, can I reach 10/10 then?

Edit: And try the Forcemage. His spells are the most impressive ones.
Gladiator and Heaven Mage are also good.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is where the rating can improve:

- Object Editor work: If you manage to fix the stuff I told you, you can reach about a 8
- Lag: If you do manage to decrease loading time it could reach about a 7
- If you manage to fix the submision in a good way it can be a 10
- When you fix the object editor problems the bug free will go to a 8
- Gameplay I will reconsider changing to about a 7 or 8 as I haven't went fullhouse

You could raise it to a 3 easily, and to a 4 more harder. Anyway about your point for full house playing, I am sure it is more fun then, but I don't have the time on my hands to do it. I have a lot of college work and I tend to test all the pending maps I can get to, and that is a lot. So no need of hosting, I have seen well enough, but thanks on the suggestion.

bounty hunter2
Level 11
Nov 4, 2007
Come on.
A game needs 1 hour.
And the thing, that the picture of the spy goes green is just wrong. I have a screen.

If you decide not to play it in the multiplayer, start in in local network - your name must be 'HiveMapMod'.
Then press Esc in the game.
And then try all the units in the game with the thing that the mutliboard transforms into.

But first wait for the next version.

Lag: I think it is not fair to make this as a point.
My map has a loooot of Obejct Editor data.
I already use the Widgetizer and the best cleaning tool:
SLK debuffer.
I also use the MapOptimizer.
I think loading time does not go under lag.
I think lag is for example if your coding is bad and causes memory leaks or eats
too much performance.

How can I get Object Editor, Gameplay and scripting 10?
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Lag: I think it is not fair to make this as a point. I must make it as a point. Some maps tend to lag me like hell not even allowing me to play properly so I am strict at this one.

I think loading time does not go under lag. I've been using this so far and I find it the only way appropriate.

I think lag is for example if your coding is bad and causes memory leaks or eats
too much performance. It is true, but lag can be caused by too big maps and too much usage of units and objects in general.

How can I get Object Editor, Gameplay and scripting 10?

Very hardly, I don't think I ever gave a 10 for any of this. Object Editor - Fix the colored text showing some of the color code. Fix the capitol description. Fix the green image(I attached to the post as proof, when I spy the enemy then it shows up) Fix gramatical and spelling issues.

Scripting? You must have something very special in your map that will amaze me. Check modern warfare, that amazed me.

Gameplay, I dunno for this.

Btw I just review maps, I suggest for approval or rejection, I'm a mini mod not a mod.

As I told you before I mostly am online, but most of that time I just study, so I won't have time to retest this so soon, at the weekend maybe.


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