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[Trigger] Button Positions (X,Y)

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Level 3
Dec 15, 2007
I was trying to understand button positions but it didn't really make sense. I looked at pre-existing skills to see where and how to place my customs, but it didn't really add up. I looked at Animate Dead which is an ulti and should be at 3x3 if i'm looking at it correctly but it said 3x2. I understand research position because it goes straight across but I'm rather confused about how normal button position is determined. (where does x,y begin?)

edit: Also, if I were to give a unit a bunch of skills and not define button position, would it just fit them wherever it could automatically?



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
The World Editor considers the slot at the top left corner of a unit's command card as the "origin", or (0,0). To shift one slot to the right, simply add one to your current x-value. Similarly, to shift one slot down, simply add one to your current y-value.

To illustrate, I've drawn a quick command card in Paint and labeled the coordinates of all the button positions in (x,y) format. The image is attached.

Also, if I were to give a unit a bunch of skills and not define button position, would it just fit them wherever it could automatically?

For starters, it is impossible to "not define" button position. You will have to specify a location for your button, but if that location is already occupied the button will be allocated to another available slot. Occasionally, this can displace abilities out of the slot appointed to them; as far as I know, however, it is impossible for you to displace the normal unit commands such as "Move" or "Hold Position" in this fashion.



  • Command Card.jpg
    Command Card.jpg
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