[Trigger] Change "Text - Hotkey - Normal:" help

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Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
With these new changes and additions for ability (and others...) editing by Trigger Editor, can anyone tell me if and HOW does it change the part, from: "Text - Hotkey - Normal:"
(if need) Raw data name is: ahky (Hotkey)

(...) I searched and didn't find it, I just found it for other things like X and Y button position, changing the name, data or numbers of the skills, even text descriptions and icons... But "HOTKEY" I couldn't do it, there's how to do it by trigger? If yes, how?

(...) I want create an system of changing position of skills and hotkeys how the player want...
Thanks :)
Level 2
Mar 2, 2022
I happen to bump into this question, and hope to revive this thread to see if we get anything!

In my case, I try to create a skill system like diablo 3 where up to 6 skills can be equipped. I then hope to set QWERTY to be their hotkeys respectively., i.e. the same skill can be equipped at either slot, and assigned hotkey Q if it's at the 1st slot, R if it's at 4th slot, etc.

The best I can think of is to create 6 copies of each possible skill and use triggers to assign the right one. Quite a lot of work, though ...


Warcraft Moderator
Level 69
Aug 10, 2018
Last I tried you couldn't change hotkeys. It's unfortunate but a lot of the great features introduced in 1.31 were never fully implemented.

In my one map I am using different versions of the Channel ability which I modified via triggers to change their Targeting Type (Instant/Point/Unit/Both) and their UI was all done using custom UI frames. I only needed one Channel ability per Hotkey since I could modify it depending on which skill you equipped there. This works when all of your abilities are coded from scratch but you'd run into issues if you wish to use standard Warcraft 3 abilities like Shockwave, Storm Bolt, etc...

One potential solution around these issues would be to use Dummy units to cast the standard abilities. So your Hero casts what is basically a template Channel ability and then the Dummy casts the "real" ability which would be Storm Bolt for example. But then it's important that your Dummy unit is linked to the Hero in a way that they share kill credit/other effects that might be important (ability power for example).

It's doable with the right systems in place.
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Level 2
Mar 2, 2022
Thank you! I love the way you do it!

I used the other way that I mentioned in the previous post (creating 6 copies for each skill), but wonder if that creates too much burden for the map (seems ok so far, but I dunno...). I should try your solution next time!
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