I hope someone could like this. Buildings of the People's Militia (without team colour).
The alter in the picture is froam Zaffar. I won't provide this model, but you can check Zaffar's work here:
Altar of Kings from Zaffar. I think this is a very suitable alter for the People's Militia or Moonbrook Brigade.
I don't know how to add animations for them, so I am sorry most of them don't have any animations.
Because I put all the textures together so the size of it is a little big, but these models are sharing these textures most of them are less than 1Mb. And they are also sharing textures with my
Buildings of the Stormwind Kingdom Army.
I also made buildings for the other 6 human kingdoms, but still not finished.
For now, I have already done the Kingdom of Azeroth, the People's Militia of Westfall, Kultiras Navy, Kultiras Marine Crops, Kingdom of Lordaeron, Order of the Silver-Hands, Kingdom of Alterac, Syndicate, Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Militia of Arathi Highland.
Buildings for Gilneas and Dalaran are still in progress. Actually, I am trying to imagine the appearance of Dalaran-----
2021.10.16 Fix: Add camera01 for all structures