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Building turn corpse to gold?

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Level 5
Apr 23, 2004
-not certain if this is the right spot, but I think so-

Yea I'm looking for a fairly complex idea, I dont know much about scripts, so if its possible to be done without them that would be a big plus, however I understand if it cant.
I'm looking to make a building, think nightelf, a building that can transform and walk around and such. I want it to gather dead bodies, and after filling up on the bodies it can transform into a 'gold mine' with gold in it dependant on the unit corpses it stored up. Then the basic worker unit can go in and gather the gold, emptying the structure to let it do the same thing all over again.

I would love to be able to do that with spells and abilities rather then triggers, so thats my first question can it be done with spells and abilities alone?

-thanks in advance ^.^
Level 5
Apr 23, 2004
Right, since it more then likely cannot be done with abilities, now I just need to find out how to do it with triggers
Thanks for the... affirmation Karmine

Bugger- looks like I will have to resort to delving into tutorials.
hm, well I should finish the custom model first... I may abondon the project for failure of a good skin, or animations lol, I'm not so good at those.
...why am I saying all this... I dont know... monologue - complete
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Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Does world editor have anyhting that checks the amount of corpses a unit carries, like using the collect corpse thing on the meat wagons? I dont think it does but if there is some way to check that, your golden. Of course, you still got some sticky triggers to work through, but the basic idea would be a lot easier.
Level 2
Sep 21, 2007

I was just wondering if you've abandoned this or not, and If you haven't can you post some progress you've had?

I am wanting to do something similar except I want to have corpses turn into mini-goldmines with gold reliant on about 1/2 of their max HP...
Level 2
Sep 21, 2007
maybe turn dead unit's into trees with a corpse as art, you can edit the hp of a destructeble think it coresponds with the amount of wood harfested off it.

Just means you get wood instead of gold, and can't use normal trees.

best I can think of and onley one trigger,

For first poster could also use trees and the abylety eat tree witch show's up at treants. use a trigger actevated with the abylety, use Custom Value to add the wurth of the eaten unit and use hp of the tree in that fase. Something like that.
Level 2
Sep 21, 2007
If I can figure the trigger out on how to turn corpses into trees that will work I think... I'll just have to add a trigger to turn wood into gold I guess
Level 15
Jun 28, 2007

all you need to do is make a array for each of the unit trained
then add +1 for each unit that died in x raidouis of the tree unit tiney
you can add sfx at the dead unit and the tree if you want
all thats left is a abley to upgrade
into a goldmine
then modfy it so it has the amount of gold of the number of dead units that died in that aerya
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