Druid's Moonfire damage display (yellow numbers) are about the same throughout. To clarify, it displays 120, then 107 then 115 (or around there it differs slightly) and so on for a single cast while the damage actually dealt by the damage over team is vastly less. The Damage over Time part deals only 15-25 damage (at level 12 with decent gear) but displays it as doing almost as much as the initial blast.
Do not know if this is a bug or not, but the Druids heal Overgrowth has about a 3 second cast time, then 3 seconds until you are done casting for it to actually go off. If this is intended then you might want to consider increasing its heal amount because a Rejuvination tick does about 2/3 what a non-rejuvinated char getting regrowthed gets healed, but the Regrowth is 1 time and the Rejuv is 3-4. And the rejuvination's first tick seems to be quicker than a regrowth.
In Char Selection: Chaotic Knight's Clense -- should be Cleanse (It is correct in tooltip on the charactar, but not when it lists the class skills)
Cinematic typos (that i noticed)
2nd or 3rd screen of the narrator talking:
40 years blah blah of devistating-- should be devastating
a couple after:
forests team with life -- should be teem (1. to abound or swarm; be prolific or fertile (usually fol. by with).)
Do not know if this is a bug or not, but the Druids heal Overgrowth has about a 3 second cast time, then 3 seconds until you are done casting for it to actually go off. If this is intended then you might want to consider increasing its heal amount because a Rejuvination tick does about 2/3 what a non-rejuvinated char getting regrowthed gets healed, but the Regrowth is 1 time and the Rejuv is 3-4. And the rejuvination's first tick seems to be quicker than a regrowth.
In Char Selection: Chaotic Knight's Clense -- should be Cleanse (It is correct in tooltip on the charactar, but not when it lists the class skills)
Cinematic typos (that i noticed)
2nd or 3rd screen of the narrator talking:
40 years blah blah of devistating-- should be devastating
a couple after:
forests team with life -- should be teem (1. to abound or swarm; be prolific or fertile (usually fol. by with).)