22:44, 21st Mar 2015
Sin'dorei300: The icon is pixelated, the hair and beard need a proper texture.
The colors should be more vibrant, they too faint atm.
That hat lacks shading/highlights.
The figure needs more definition.
Also, the shading on the overall icon needs work.
00:15, 10th Apr 2015
Sin'dorei300: Except that it looks less pixelated, i don't see any major improvements.
I'm waiting for an update.
Sin'dorei300: The icon is pixelated, the hair and beard need a proper texture.
The colors should be more vibrant, they too faint atm.
That hat lacks shading/highlights.
The figure needs more definition.
Also, the shading on the overall icon needs work.
00:15, 10th Apr 2015
Sin'dorei300: Except that it looks less pixelated, i don't see any major improvements.
I'm waiting for an update.