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Mobilize now brings you...
(please make him stop, seriously this time...)

The sword of ap0calypse
(gdamn blade would fit better)

As you already noticed, and will complain about, this blade isn't glowing.
You probably think I will push a legend about why,
that it has been drained with blood so much that the glow disappeared,
or that it was a holy sword with a holy glow, but when ap0 touched it the glow disappeared?

No. This sword was crafted for one thing. Killing.
And kill it will.

Who needs a glow when you got a sword like this?
-I hate 2d effect spam-


Thanks for reading this (crap).

Sword blade of ap0calypse apocalypse mobilize

BTNMOBSwordofAp0calypse (Icon)

09:01, 14th Aug 2009 zombie2279: A more varietive color scheme would come in handy, since particular parts of the sword blend into each other, just like the shading. That would also ruin the altogether feeling of the icon, so I'll just approve this...




09:01, 14th Aug 2009
zombie2279: A more varietive color scheme would come in handy, since particular parts of the sword blend into each other, just like the shading. That would also ruin the altogether feeling of the icon, so I'll just approve this and you can choose whether or not to do some more improvements.
why dont you fix your old icons before uploading new ones?

plz add some black lines at the outer edges of the sword because it looks funny a little when there are thick outlines on the inner part but the sword just ends at some point oO

and plz, more contrast between guard and handle and between guard and blade.

the handle misses some proper outlines or definition as well and all parts of the sword merge together a little too much because they look completely the same. maybe add some color to the handle and make the metal of the guard differ from the blade?

overall a good idea as your other icons but needs some more work investigated. i would not just leave it as it is.

and dont forget to fix your old icons :)

at the moment lacking a little but has great potential. after some fixes 4/5 maybe.

keep making icons
Level 10
Jun 7, 2009
Aop, you really like effects, lol :>
this is still just an item, not an ability and will probably remain with a black background.

Palaslayer, I will, in time, update my old icons. I just work with a lot of things at the same time.
Handle and guard is supposed to melt in,
but coloring the handle is a good idea.
I just like to do my stuff over time, updating and updating until the end of the world.

Yes, I will.