Hi every one ,i'm Icome . today i write this profile to introduce myseft.
i i'm A VIETNAMESE and my real name is Le Duong Hung
I live in Qui Nhon city
I was 15 years old n in grade 9
my main perpose to register in The Hive are :
-Dowload Model/icon/Jass/tool/spell/...
-upload Icon although it some Copy and paste
And i have message to the Granel :'I love you , you always Know my icon trick' What about CnP ? it nothing not good ,it doesn't make someone died . it just been copynpaste of some beauty icon and become more beauty .why do you always upload the main image that i've uploaded hah? i'm just newbie and i dont know how to draw a hand-made icon i want to learn more,please dont upload those main image,thANKs you.(the image above not fake or PS)
17/4/2012 (ngay 17 thang 4 nam 2012)
By icome.