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Brotherhood of Steel: The Untold Chapters ORPG

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Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
Basically, it a an ORPG based on the Fallout Universe, namely the Brotherhood of Steel, set 30 years after the events of Fallout 3.

New and Improved Terrain 30% To be handed to terraineer's for further improvment


40% Complete, with majority of imports done. Remaining unit will be quite simple, Super Mutants = Editted Orcs etc...

Please see the Map, and have a go at editting the BoS Terrain Example map :) if its solid you could be in the team :) Stuff to use is in User-Specified ;D



Hopefully after all the tweaking and what not,

New Characters begin as an Initate
After reaching level 10, Initiates become a Senior Initiate
from Senior Initate, a player can level to 30 and become either a Knight or a Scribe
Knight / Scribe can level to 50 becoming a Senior Knight / Senior Scribe
Senior Scribes can then specialize in research as either a Scribe of the Sword / Shield / Quill
Senior Knights become Paladins which can then become Head Paladins after completing Super Mutant killing quests.
After reaching level 100, characters (Scribe or Paladin) can then gain the rank of Sentinel
Those that obtain Sentinel rank gain access to the strongest things in game (yet to be decided)

Starting off as an initate you do NOT have power armor equipped. and must increase in rank in order to gain power armor training. In Later levels characters can gain Different types of power armor, either by equipping (not sure) or via upgrades/training.

As an initate you can only use the standard Assault Rifle, When the players becomes a Knight or Scribe they can then train in advanced forms of weaponry. It is Going to revolve around Scribes being Support based characters, however they will earn more "Caps" for Scribe specific research missions. Weapons Training will be more open to Knights (Can use Rifles / Big Guns) However Scribes make up for this with more caps being earned, enabling them to gain powerful One-Handed weapons.

Perk: Night Ops.
Explanation: You are like a shadow moving silently, you excel in activities at night time.
This Perk grants bonus damage, critical chance and range at night time, as well as the ability to meld into the darkness, becoming invisible.

Perk: Maverick
Explanation: Shootouts tickle your fancy; you excel with small guns and act even faster when you are out numbered.
This Perk grants you bonus damage with small guns, and increases your rate of fire when there are multiple enemies.

Perk: Bigger is always better.
Explanation: Big things excite you, especially things that tear your enemies to shreds.
This Perk grants you bonus damage with Big Guns, and you have a chance of ‘Butchering’ an opponent, instantly killing it in an outrageous fashion.

Perk: Hawkeye
Explanation: You have always been superb at picking enemies off from a distance, and get a sick pleasure out of shooting enemies in the head.
This Perk grants you a large bonus to range, sight and gives a chance to headshot an opponent dealing massive damage.

Perk: Fire is Fun
Explanation: As a child you enjoyed burning giant ants with homemade bombs. The same passion still burns within you, as you are a somewhat pyromaniac.
This Perk grants you bonus damage and splash when using fire weapons, and if you focus fire on a target for long enough you will cause it to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies as well.

The whole game will revolve around what you and fellow players can salvage from the wastes, this is determined by carrying found items in the map dropped from creeps and or found randomlly back to base and earning "caps" for it. If your character is a higher rank you can Auto Salvage things, which automatically teleports them back to base and stores caps there waiting for you.
This will include random finds that will be generated in Ruins, as well as random areas thoughout the map. Also after downing some Enclave / Super Mutants :grin:


  • BoS Map.JPG
    BoS Map.JPG
    169.2 KB · Views: 10,770
  • Initiate.JPG
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  • BoS The Untold Chapters.w3x
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Level 9
May 23, 2009
I can be a Terrainologist if you want to,ok?
And also i can be an beta tester and maybe i will help you with the ideas...

Level 2
Jun 5, 2009

I need someone that is good with triggering, nothing to complex just simple things...
Complex ones i will attempt myself so i can learn and hopefully the triggerer can help me out a bit ;D
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
It would be great if there was turn-based combat like in Fallout originals. :)

Oh, and you'd probably like to use this or this if you're not using them already. :)

Yay! a Fallout Fan!!

Thanks for input, however...
I am intending for this game to be Loosely based off of the Brotherhood of Steel, and the T-51b Power Armor is Pre-war Tech, and was not/yet to be discovered by the BoS (thats why in Fallout 3, BoS members have really chunky PA...

In terms of the TBCS, im not too sure about this, as the game is meant for up to 10 people playing at once as it IS an ORPG, however as a side/alternate for this map i might make a single player turnbased... good idea tho ;D

The models i am using are Konstrukt's superb Marine edit models, that and Abriko's marines... This is because it is a simple starting point, ontop of that they each have various model animations / features that are perfect for what i have intended ^_^...
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
Where is the game situated? West coast or east coast? West coast Brotherhood has had T-51b as a standard since the war, while T-45d is used by the east coast Brotherhood. I guess east coast.

You are my Co-Ideas person? yes??

Okay, seeing im Australian :X im not very geographically knowledged with the USA... However im thinking of basing this in the Ruins of a surrounding state to Washington...
The way i have set it out at the start...

"The Scribes in The Citadel have found a way of rapid transport via Microfusion...(method needs to be in more detail) You then appear in a BoS outpost in the wastes, where you are greeted by Paladin General. Renault, whom then greets you and says "welcome to the XXXX wastes Initiate!"

Currency used is Caps, as it is still in live trade/connection with Captial Wasteland.
Power Armor is similar to T-45d (from the models im using) however later in the game im perhaps adding automated armors similar to the Prototype Medic Power Armor in Fallout 3, but these are combat assiting ones, such as Auto Fire Armor etc.... Most likely set After Fallout 3 events, 2290ish would be nice...

please say you will aid me in ideas ;D i would appreciate your input
Level 3
Jul 2, 2009
Wow good luck with this map! You seem to have a lot on your hands, i.e. VATS, try not to be too ambitious, you might not end up finishing the map and that would suck cos your ideas seem awesome! You might wanna do something with that U.F.O. that was in the game, you know with the alien blaster? it'd be cool if you could like find the ufo and the scribe could like research it and create uber weps!! Just an idea though, it might be too hard to implement in your map and you got a lot on your plate anyway.
Good luck!
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Hi :)
Schnickness wanted me to put in the save system and here it is: :thumbs_up:
I hope it work (it should^^)


  • BoS The Untold Chapters.w3x
    1.9 MB · Views: 79
Level 3
Jul 2, 2009
Never played fallout...
If I am to do the terrain I will need to have some more info...

Here is some pics of the wasteland from fallout 3



Everything is very rocky and pretty much dead...
However im not sure how Schickness will want the terrain
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
Never played fallout...
If I am to do the terrain I will need to have some more info...
I am also quite skilled with triggers... and i have a Item-Ability system if you need that i made some time ago...

Hmmm okay....

Look around in there, also just google Imaging "Fallout 3" you should get a fair idea of what the terrain is like, picture the biggest shit hole you know, then drop a nuclear bomb on it, wait 100 years and blam! :)
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
Yes, but there will only be 1 main city which in the current map is marked with a big brown patch...

The Rest is sort of desert, with burnt trees, some desert shrubs and alot of rubble :)
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
lol From today i have 1 week of holidays, then on i have my final semester of school ever... probs cant do ALOT of overseering (lol)
but i will do what i can on weekends, im getting alot done atm so yeah....
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Hey Schnickness. Because of the save-system, credits go to the creator Hades7.ger not to me :wink:
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
l0w that is a great find

Also, anyone that provides for me in this map will get mentioned...
I will mention the names of people who created imports etc...
But l0w, nurga etc... anyone taht has done a great deal in helping me deserves a mention.

Nurga if it weren't for you and the s/l system i wouldn't have gotten pumped, therefore not started editting some more ;D
Level 2
Jun 5, 2009
Okay sweet, when your not busy can you please have a go at terraining the map provided using the overview world map. shouldn't be TOO hard,

Preferably start terraining the Low Level Area so a possible Beta-Map can be released early
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