19:45, 26th Feb 2013
Frankster is back to kick some ass.
Frankster is back to kick some ass.
(23 ratings)
Disclaimer/CreditsPlease give credits if you use it in your campaign/map.
Don't edit, repost or share my resources without my full and written permission.
You are not allowed to monetise your maps in any way if you use these models.
If you wish to edit my resources, please write me a personal message on the Hive or on Discord and we can discuss your wish.
If you use the resource(s) in bad faith I have the full right to take away the ability to use this resource.
And if you have questions about the model, feel free to contact me.
Man, I just love it! Also the fact that it only uses ingame textures. I fricken love ya General!
It's illegal in Korea to not like Siege Tanks.
*sigh* So beautiful.
you really like siege tanks, don't you?
nicely done as per usual
Really nice model and useful icon, General Frank! Keep up the good work!