
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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A Intrudution! XD ive made this entirely by myself , my first cinematic :p


Blackricc (Map)

18:13, 25th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2: The Mini Mods are quite clear on this, too poor for the site, Rejected. Use Epicwar please, before you upload anything, learn WE.




18:13, 25th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2:
The Mini Mods are quite clear on this, too poor for the site, Rejected. Use Epicwar please, before you upload anything, learn WE.
Watched it, and here is a little review for your cinematic:

+ camera movements

# very short cinematic
# no music/sounds
# no real story

- spam of blue fire (lag)
- lacking description
- cinematic starts with a fast moving camera, this confuses the watcher
- to many special effects (lag)
- not very good terrain

Okay, it's your first cinematic, but you have to learn many things.
I would give it a 1/5, but because it's your first one, I give it a 2/5

Some Tips:

- don't spam with special effects, on some computer, it will lag heavily
- try to improve your terrain/terrain skills
- it's a very short cinematic, longer = better

I hope this will help you to improve your cinematic.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
I won't give leniency even if this is your first cinematic.

1) Description - Poor description, way too lacking and does not meet hiveworkshop map submission rules. All it state was "This is my first cinematic and I make everything by myself".

2) Terrain - Poorly develop. Lack of tiles variation usage and excessive spam of fire and blue fire effect.

3) Camera - Lot's of bad angle and was choopy.

4) Animation - Does not reset animation upon usage.

5) Fog - Does not contain fog.

6) Sound & Sound Effect - Does not contain proper sound & sound effect.

7) Music - Does not contain proper music.

8) Special Effect - Special effect abuse.

9) Scripting/Triggering - Extremely poor. It did not even have 1 single basic setup of a cinematic such as turning off ambient sound and day time adjust.

10) Replayability - No replayability, after about 20 second I watch it. I quit due to the lag, bad camera angle, terrain and etc etc.

1/5 (Unacceptable)

Please read more tutorial on how to create a decent cinematic. The best you could start with would be infrane cinematic tutorial at
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
>>Better details are needed.
>>The camera angles are bad. Placing that much fire which I cannot even see the scene isn't a good idea.
>>That much banshees standing in a line?
>>The terrain is bad. Vary tiles but when you change from one tile to other do it slowly. I mean that the tiles should not vary that it looks as a boundary has been drawn.
>>the 6 people got killed O.K. but how did their postions change?
>>the animationms are bad.
>>The view from top was bad. It was too far.
>>He first transforms the 6 & then kills them?
>>O.K. it ended but I did not get the story. He was introducing but attacking the village?
>>the snow falling alongwith the whole fire did not create a good scene.
>>The fires were placed in excess which caused some lag. Same goes for special effects.
>>No sound effects & was quite short.
>>You could have used fog & lightning effects (none in excess) to make the scene better.

For first cinematic it is good attempt. But it is 1/5 quality at present.
Go to Cinematic to get feedback before you update this.