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[vJASS] BezierEasing

Been using this on my profession, and so I wrote this as a library on the map I am making on my spare time.

library BezierEasing /* 1.0.0
*   Build Cubic Bezier-based Easing functions
*   Instead of solving for the point on the cubic bezier curve, BezierEasing
*   solves for output Y where X is the input.
*   Useful for adjusting animation rate smoothness
*   struct BezierEasing extends array
*       static method create takes real ax, real ay, real bx, real by returns thistype
*       - points (ax, ay) and (bx, by) are cubic bezier control points on 2D plane.
*       - cx = cubic(0, ax, bx, 1)
*       - cy = cubic(0, ay, by, 1)
*       method operator [] takes real t returns real
*       - real "t" is the given time progression whose value in [0..1] range
        *   Adjust precision of epsilon's value
        *   higher precision = lower performance
        *   May cause infinite loop if the
        *   precision is too high.
        private constant real EPSILON = 0.00001
    private function Abs takes real a returns real
        if(a < 0) then
            return -a
        return a
    private function Max takes real a, real b returns real
        if(a < b) then
            return b
        return a
    *   Float Equality Approximation
    *   Accuracy is influenced by EPSILON's value
    private function Equals  takes real a, real b returns boolean
        return Abs(a - b) <= EPSILON*Max(1., Max(Abs(a), Abs(b)))
    private function Bezier3 takes real a, real b, real c, real d, real t returns real
        local real x = 1. - t
        return x*x*x*a + 3*x*x*t*b + 3*x*t*t*c + t*t*t*d
    private module Init
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call init()
    struct BezierEasing extends array
        private static thistype array r
        private real x1
        private real y1
        private real x2
        private real y2
        static method create takes real ax, real ay, real bx, real by returns thistype
            local thistype this = r[0]
            if(r[this] == 0) then
                set r[0] = this + 1
                set r[0] = r[this]
            set r[this] = -1
            set x1 = ax
            set y1 = ay
            set x2 = bx
            set y2 = by
            return this
        method operator [] takes real t returns real
            *   Perform binary search for the equivalent points on curve
            *   by using the t factor of cubic beziers, where the input
            *   is equal to the bezier point's x, and the output is the
            *   point's y, respectively.
            local real lo = 0.
            local real hi = 1.
            local real mid
            local real tx
            local real ty
            local real ax = x1
            local real ay = y1
            local real bx = x2
            local real by = y2
            *   Since bezier points lies within
            *   the [0, 1] bracket, just return
            *   the bound values.
            if(Equals(t, 0.)) then
                return 0.
            elseif(Equals(t, 1.)) then
                return 1.
            *   Binary Search
                set mid = (lo + hi)*0.5
                set tx = Bezier3(0, ax, bx, 1, mid)
                set ty = Bezier3(0, ay, by, 1, mid)
                if(Equals(t, tx))then
                    return ty
                elseif(t < tx) then
                    set hi = mid
                    set lo = mid
            return 0.
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            if(r[this] == -1) then
                set r[this] = r[0]
                set r[0] = this
                set x1 = 0.
                set y1 = 0.
                set x2 = 0.
                set y2 = 0.
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
            set r[0] = 1
        implement Init
    struct BezierEase extends array
        readonly static BezierEasing inQuad
        readonly static BezierEasing outQuad
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutQuad
        readonly static BezierEasing inCubic
        readonly static BezierEasing outCubic
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutCubic
        readonly static BezierEasing inQuart
        readonly static BezierEasing outQuart
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutQuart
        readonly static BezierEasing inQuint
        readonly static BezierEasing outQuint
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutQuint
        readonly static BezierEasing inSine
        readonly static BezierEasing outSine
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutSine
        readonly static BezierEasing inBack
        readonly static BezierEasing outBack
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutBack
        readonly static BezierEasing inCirc
        readonly static BezierEasing outCirc
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutCirc
        readonly static BezierEasing inExpo
        readonly static BezierEasing outExpo
        readonly static BezierEasing inOutExpo
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
            set inSine = BezierEasing.create(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)
            set outSine = BezierEasing.create(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)
            set inOutSine = BezierEasing.create(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)
            set inQuad = BezierEasing.create(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53)
            set outQuad = BezierEasing.create(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)
            set inOutQuad = BezierEasing.create(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)
            set inCubic = BezierEasing.create(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)
            set outCubic = BezierEasing.create(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)
            set inOutCubic = BezierEasing.create(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)
            set inQuart = BezierEasing.create(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22)
            set outQuart = BezierEasing.create(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)
            set inOutQuart = BezierEasing.create(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1)
            set inQuint = BezierEasing.create(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)
            set outQuint = BezierEasing.create(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)
            set inOutQuint = BezierEasing.create(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)
            set inExpo = BezierEasing.create(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035)
            set outExpo = BezierEasing.create(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)
            set inOutExpo = BezierEasing.create(1, 0, 0, 1)
            set inCirc = BezierEasing.create(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335)
            set outCirc = BezierEasing.create(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)
            set inOutCirc = BezierEasing.create(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)
            set inBack = BezierEasing.create(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045)
            set outBack = BezierEasing.create(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)
            set inOutBack = BezierEasing.create(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)
        implement Init

library Tester requires BezierEasing
    private struct T
        private static constant real TIMEOUT = 0.031250000
        private static constant real DURATION = 2.0
        private static constant real SPEED = 500.
        private static constant timer timer = CreateTimer()
        private thistype next
        private thistype prev
        private real t
        private real dx
        private real dy
        private real x
        private real y
        private unit u
        *   For the custom Easing function, Easing InOut Back
        private static BezierEasing IOBack
        private static method update takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = thistype(0).next
            local real tmp
                exitwhen 0 == this
                if(t > 0.) then
                    *   Since easing functions have results within the [0, 1] bracket
                    *   we need to divide t to the max cap as a scaled progress.
                    *   subtract from 1 since t is in regression
                    set tmp = IOBack[1 - t/DURATION]
                    *   Apply progress of distance
                    call SetUnitX(u, x + dx*tmp)
                    call SetUnitY(u, y + dy*tmp)
                    set t = t - TIMEOUT
                    set next.prev = prev
                    set prev.next = next
                    set dx = 0.
                    set dy = 0.
                    set t = 0.
                    if(thistype(0).next == 0) then
                        call PauseTimer(timer)
                    call deallocate()
                set this = next
        private static method E takes nothing returns boolean
            local thistype this = allocate()
            local unit tu = GetFilterUnit()
            local real angle = GetUnitFacing(tu)*bj_DEGTORAD
            *   Original unit coords
            *   Used for setting the polar offset
            set x = GetUnitX(tu)
            set y = GetUnitY(tu)
            *   Direction Vectors
            set dx = Cos(angle)*SPEED
            set dy = Sin(angle)*SPEED
            set u = tu
            set t = DURATION
            if(thistype(0).next == 0) then
                call TimerStart(timer, TIMEOUT, true, function thistype.update)
            set next = 0
            set prev = thistype(0).prev
            set thistype(0).prev.next = this
            set thistype(0).prev = this
            return false
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(CreateTrigger(), Player(1), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED, function thistype.E)
            *   Create the easing function
            *   The values provided creates
            *   the known easeInOutBack function
            set IOBack = BezierEasing.create(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)
        implement Init

If you want to visualize your bezier easings, you can use this web tool:

This library also includes preset BezierEasing functions provided by Easing Functions Cheat Sheet
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A nice system to see. :)

I can at least suggest that some of the variables in the demo be retained in an add-on library. That way, one will not have to unnecessarily have to rediscover the magic numbers in the whole thing.
There is a struct I included in the script that allows you to access preset instances, but I forgot to include its documentation in the comment header.
While I would prefer more automation to make the work less difficult on the user for implementation, this is an interesting system and provides a potentially-much-smoother user experience for, at the very least, the movement system contained in the demo script.

A demo map, in this instance, would be even better, but it is straightforward enough to reproduce. I just don't see many people building their own versions of this, and most likely they would end up just using your example code with small modifications.

If this were programmed in Lua, it would allow the user-facing code to be significantly shorter.

Nevertheless, this is probably as good as vJass can get, as it would otherwise be glaringly inefficient.

No more unnapproved anniversaries for this resource, Almia. This is now approved.
Thanks @Bribe, I never really expected this to be approved (I just lost hope lmao).

Anyways, about the Lua thinng, there has been some libraries for Lua when it comes to easing, however the formulas are hardcoded (so optimized) but you cannot make your own bezier graph. The API I provided here is closer to CSS animations.
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
No, this resource is from 2018 and is essentially just math. I expect whatever version of JASSHelper MindWorX put into WEX has modules so that shouldn't throw an error. Regardless you can just do the implement yourself to bypass that error with some simple copy/paste. That you need to use this resource at all indicates to me you should know how to do that.
No, this resource is from 2018 and is essentially just math. I expect whatever version of JASSHelper MindWorX put into WEX has modules so that shouldn't throw an error. Regardless you can just do the implement yourself to bypass that error with some simple copy/paste. That you need to use this resource at all indicates to me you should know how to do that.
Not without a testmap, thought it would be cool to check it out since the resource seemed lonely and I have been trying to learn if linear interpolation could work in a 3d axis.
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This resource doesn't compile
Here's a forgotten similar tutorial with a functional testmap, [Snippet] Interpolation Functions
Had shared it earlier and now feel that it is right to keep it in case others are interested too, Interpolation should have been instead of the well-liked vector alternative though should mention I found that alternative best when needing various methods of randomized angles like deflection. Probably missing an info piece with distance and some speed factor since interpolation fails for movement on too close of ranges normally unless you remember to adjust timing speed by increasing it. Difficult to get into if you started the other way without figuring out some formula for translating values.