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Battlemage of the Crimson Order

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Long in the making but eventually completed... If you want the alhpaed out wings (things on her back) to show then you will have to set her transparency to 1% through the use of triggers. If not then you will see black on that area.

Edit: Fixed her leg up a bit and lowered filesize somewhat.

battlemage, mage, warden, crimson, order, human, elf

Battlemage of the Crimson Order (Texture)

Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
If you are talking about the hand for the unwrap ya they look weird. But I dont care about the unwrap. I was tryig to make them look ok on the model. Blizzard made all hands wrap bad so there is only so much I can do.
When I get the time I want to trim away at the skin and get rid of the excess and so I might be able to lower the filesize a bit.
Level 2
Jun 15, 2011
i kinda agree with what everybody else is saying about the skin looking simple, but when you look at the model the skin looks alot better. 4.5/5