19:02, 1st Sep 2013
Orcnet: I'd leave this in the working board for now
Orcnet: I'd leave this in the working board for now
(7 ratings)
show at least as much screenshots portraying the game, a full credit list about the usernames of each individual that you gained resources from the credit: Hive Workshop is not much information, make the list both here and in-game
Interesting map indeed. But at the start brown and a ton of creeps fight for a minute or so. I'm sure you didn't plan this. How you can avoid this is by completely removing the hostile creeps/placing them somewhere else. Or you can try to change their target acquisition range to (camp) 200 in object manager. I attached a screen shot showing how to get there.
The map is quite easy, but maybe add some more opponents allied? It is quite easy 10 armys vs. one solo army an another solo army.
I'll rate your map a 3/5 for now. And plus [color=green2]+rep[/color]!
Hope to see some improvements!![]()
Well this was wierd... right off the start I got 7 free campaign heroes who were pritty unbalanced (Arthas Muridin and Kael are identical to the paladin the mountain king and the bloodmage, Maghteridon was OP with 5000 hp at level 1, Guldan's skills were wierd). Just the number alone kinda makes it impossible to micro. About race alteration i didnt see much, I played with humans and aeverything was the same except for the new builder. The magician is priiity usless he can build an elven barracks where all the units are weaker than their standart counterpart, an elven farm which is basicly a farm with difrent skin, the archane sanctum and archane vault your peasant already has but the only redeemable thing is that the mage can build archane towers skipping the scout phase and saving you 30 gold and 20 wood. In other words, you've got alot of things to improve.
Also maybe add some kind of story?
If you found bugs, you can write it on this thread or PM Daffa the Mage
Okay, Version 1.5 BETA Is out, only Human race has been fully fixed, the other races are o Progress but rest assured that the map is completely playable for you
REQUEST FOR MODERATORS : please set this map to PENDING until I have request another MODERATION
Phoenix egg didn't die (summoned by enemy hero) -> resawn but not 1 phoenix, 40 or more instead.that phoenix bug which you mean, I never run into it, can you attach a Screenshot, and what do you mean asking for your opinion and not letting you download the map???
One Sec. Where the Hell the other phoenix comes, and mind if you attach screenshots?
Okay, Just remember, I have fix the bug about the hell of phoenix spawn out of nowhere, you can begin your second review best player 88, and please note you have been added to Credits.
Just to be honest,I only remove tons of Phoenix at the enemy base, so I would like to see how much Phoenix appear on your test![]()
that phoenix bug which you mean, I never run into it, can you attach a Screenshot, and what do you mean asking for your opinion and not letting you download the map???
One Sec. Where the Hell the other phoenix comes, and mind if you attach screenshots?
Okay, Just remember, I have fix the bug about the hell of phoenix spawn out of nowhere, you can begin your second review best player 88, and please note you have been added to Credits.
Just to be honest,I only remove tons of Phoenix at the enemy base, so I would like to see how much Phoenix appear on your test![]()
Battle Of Emerald Gardens by Daffa the Mage
Entering a second time into a world where my allies shared their controll with me, now they don't. And by having my map editor PROMISING ON THE OFFICAL THREAD THAT HE MAKE THE PLAYER START FROM THE SAME TECH LEVEL AS HIS ENEMIES WAS A LIE, I joined the battle of Emerald Gardens.
Bugs Found:
1) As tech right now, footmans need to fight mass tier 3 air units. So as mentioned in my earlier review, balance the tech by giving the player tier 3 main to begin with. and don't lie about it. [need balance]
2) Level 20 heroes are overpower, making training units a nearly needless game element, the player will choose to get mass healing items rather than getting footmans which arent as usefull as the overpowered hero instead, make all heroes stats scale lower so that the player will not skip on making units, or instead, make the player untis stronger. [need balance]
3) Training Hunter does not apply to allready made Footmans.
4) The Hunter Ability: Lightning Speed is a passive ability with an active looking icon.
6) 81- 300 upkeep is taxing 60% of your income: why? why is the player discouraged to have huge army which is one of the only new things that the map offer? why taking 60% leaving me with minimum gold when I need to mine enough gold for an army of size of 300 food cap? [not fun and unfair]
7) Why is 10 apprantice wizzard are spawnning in random location for netural hostile every few minutes? those wizzard are weak, blocking path, and are useless for level 6+ heroes. [needless game element]
8) Diamond of life who cast Holy Light, does not shows the cooldown after I used it, This is because Active Item Abilities must be the first in the item's ability list: (active)(passive)(passive)(passuve) -> maximum of 4 abilities, can't ever pass that, maximum of 1 active, can never cast 2 active with item, must active be in front, or else the cooldown and mana cost won't show.
9) Player can use his capital to tank off enemies for 90 minutes, why did you put so many health points on a barracks unit? [unbalanced health points]
10) Elven spirit is an autocast ability that has active ability Icon. Fix: use botton manager found on the tools section.
11) Elven Prist comes with autocast of animate dead, this is when he go out of his rax, and what if I have mass skeletons near the rax which I didn't want to be animated and waste his mana points? this is a critical error and must be none-autocast by default.
~~~ The epic things I liked! ~~~
* My starting hero is level 20.
* The enemy was sending arranged units once in a while as if it was a player. * after 30 mins or so he stopped (see replay, i pinged the map hard)
* once I made a base near gold mine, an ally hero will help me defend it.
* Elf Arcane Tower is really cute, a tower that can be hit by blizzards.
* Holy Light using item have no mana cost, this is fun.
* Elven Priest and Elven Sorceress are fun to play.
Suggestions: Those are optional and you shouldn't be angry when people suggest you what to do.
1) Loading Screen Text: "Made by blizzard, edited by Daffa the mage"
Change it into Text: "Made by Daffa the mage, original map by Blizzard"
As the text right now is giving fake information as the player expects to play melee map which your map is not.
2) Trigger Event : game start Action: make player 1 heroes exp to be 200% the normal, or else it will be too hard to reach level 20 with all of the player units, also, make it that creeps table is 100/nothing more so that heroes can bypass level 6 using creeps, this to match the new law that allows heroes to reach level 20.
3) As things right now, your map is tring to re-invent the wheel, your map offers no new models, no new terrain, no new spells for my hero, no new tech level, the only new thing about it is a text when a unit cast a spell, and a tower that once reach 1000 hp (which takes 10 minutes), it swapped to be owned by the attacker and fully healed, allowing to train different type of units. ITS NOT CREATIVE. why? because edited maps should offer some main idea that is strongly change the autmosphere so that you get completely different feeling while playing: as if it was not watcraft 3 your playing. All your map do is showing a text while casting something and this is why people reject your map and give bad opinions about it.
This is how to fix: Watch an epic movie, Read some imba book that make you over exited or even play different game than warcraft, then put that idea into your map so that it will be hard to tell you are inside warcraft 3. The most common mistake people do which is annoying the player and not making the map fun at all is making it based on dota and it is known that in dota allies compete eachother to be better than eachother, which is not fun and stressfull. your map follows the same idea: your ally die and you come with your level 20 hero and zero unit tech to show you can be better than him even tho you are having no units. This is one of the reason why your map is missing the needed fun to spark in the map section. Note that fun can also be in form of a joke, I have a black unit named Obama in one of my maps.
I will check this map again if you want, once you fixed the bugs I mantioned.
* attached replay which is nammed "enemytoostrong" as the enemy was unbeatable and by I mean that there is no way you can beat the enemy, so balance it.
Okay, thanks for all feedback, I will try to follow each one of them, for the special edition, I will add them in other place, with name War of Emerald Garden Special Edition or in map term will be WoEG Special Edition, just give me time, I will provide link to you for the map via VM once I uploaded it.
Oh yeah, regarding the replay, I can't open it, I use the old 1.22 version of warcraft.
Here is the special edition I mention :
Sorry for the late information about the link Best Player 88
I didnt test the special addition yet, I want to play it with you on europe server and tell you what I think about it as we play.
Okay, when I have time we will play, what time you can play, and use GMT to make me capable of counting the time
all bugs you mention will be fixed for the next release, maybe one by one though, since I'm busy atm
Awesome map man!
Best Player
Seryesly, stop calling me that, the account names are unchangeable.
I allready told you my name is Lior, Deffa.
Lior, those are old posts, not the late ones.
NEVER. BUT NEVER.Busy lately, and I don't like mapping at the moment (I even cancel my plan to make my own MPQ)
Better Go And Test This Tomorrow HEHEHE