[Minigame] Battle for Ashenvale

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011




ProjectBattle for Ashenvale
Creator Chaosy

I have honestly not played many wc3 maps in my opinion, however those who I played the most was the same type of map however none of them were perfect. Therefore I am trying to combine them into my own project.



So the map is a Minigame, the goal is to destroy the enemy base in this case it is the greathall. So you will controll the humans and battle the orcs. The orcs got an AI that controlls it. So every 15 seconds a footman and a grunt will spawn and run toward the enemy base, but they will meet in the middle and fight. In the barracks you can also buy units, for example you can buy riflemen that spawn every 20 seconds for 550 gold and 15 lumber. Lumber is currently gained by looting ores that spawn ever 20 seconds on a random point in the map. There is also a boss in a neautral zone that you can kill and gain quite alot of gold.

Alliance Forces

Footman - 15 second respawn time
Riflemen - 20 second respawn time
Priest - 35 second respawn time
Druid - 30 second repspawn time
Glavie Thrower - 45 second respawn time
Knight - 45 second respawn time
Ancient Protector - 60 seconds respawn time[/IMG]

Horde forces

Grunt - 15 second respawn time
Troll Headhunter - 17 second respawn time
Shaman - 22 second respawn time
- Rider - 25 second respawn time
Kodo Beast - 35 second respawn time

Neutral Units

Dire Troll - have a change to spawn every 180 seconds.
Satyr OverLord - Found in the north part of the map 180 second respawn time.
Murloc Warband - Have a change to create a murloc invasion every 180 seconds.
Ghoul - Found north of the orc base they allways drop a level 1 item.

Reveals the whole map for 20 seconds
Enable double unit spawn for your units, so 2 footmen insted of one etc for 90 seconds.

Healing Wards - Placed down a totem on a location, every unit near the totem is healed.
Replenishment Potion - Gives mana / health over time.
Scroll of the Beast - Gives nearby units extra damage for a while.
Goblin Night Scope - increases sight range permanently.
Ale Keg - permanently gives mana and health reg
Boots of Speed - Increases movement speed permanently.

NOTE: bugs seen in the video are fixed.









Also I am happy to get thought's and ideas.
I am in need of the following type of ideas:
1. Events, every 5 mins or something there will be a optional object that will gain you some kind of bonus.
2. upgrade ideas, I want some fun and unique upgrades that you can buy.
3. item ideas, Currently I only have 2 items that you are able to buy, boots of speed and goblin night scope. They are only there to help you farm ores.
4. other ideas/opinions.

The map is quite hard to win right now, you will need a few tries before completeing it.



  • Battle for Ashenvale 0.3.w3x
    5.7 MB · Views: 147
  • Battle for Ashenvale 0.4.w3x
    5.7 MB · Views: 116
  • Battle for Ashenvale 0.4b.w3x
    5.7 MB · Views: 151
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Hey, hey! Promising project here.... will test the map now and give maybe a review but I see your accepting ides so here:

1. How about every minutes, add spawned units just what I suggest in a thread of yours and also to add, increase HP, mana (if there is), damage and armor for all spawned units.

2. I have seen this mostly on AOS and such but how about upgrades for items like when you buy another type of that item, improve that items and such. =)

3. I suggest some items useful for battles and such because the game's objective is not farming ores right? So better concetrate more on items for battling. But if you want me to suggest a specific item, just tell me.

4. None for now.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
3. Indeed, the enemy units are actually stronger so you can't just farm ores you need to help defending.

But yes there Will be battle items don't worry.

And about item upgrades I Will think about it.
I'm really grateful for your support mate

correct, however I Will add it the best unit Will be one of the nigh elven buildings in their mobile form. Will most likely add their flying archer unit too. Afterall its early development

thanks for checking it out. Rep+


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
ok, made a quite big update both for the thread and the map.
version 0.2
-3 new units to summon
-1 new item
-balance changes
-improved terrain generator
-solved two bugs with the ores
-added hints for the players
-added a multiboard that shows the enemy gold
-added 2 upgrades

version 0.2b
new orc unit kodo beast
colour added to hints and warnings
you need to kill every single tower before you are able to kill the base now
multiboard now shows your kills
sounds added to hints and warnings
balance fix on the neutral boss
fixed a bug with the upgrade unit
added a win / lose condition

Version 0.2c is ready for upload.
New model or skin for almost every unit and building.
buffed the AI for late game.
AI now gets a random colour
slightly improved the terrain generator
added a cam command
fixed a shop issue
new icon to almost every unit and building.
damage is now displayed with floating text, looks really nice
when collecteding a ore it shows what you gain with floating text
the ammout of ores in the free terrain is now displayed in the multiboard
Uploading a gameplay video too, around 5 min with 200% speedup so you wont get bored :p

the speedup bugged so I removed the video :(
However I am currently working on a save/load system for custom made heroes. Thanks to the codeless save/load system from the spell section I got a working system allready.
If you want your unit ingame post it here. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/idea-factory-462/your-own-hero-ingame-236078/
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Level 8
Feb 3, 2013
Hey man, I just played your map - it's looking very solid. But, the game is just way too hard lol. I got completely whipped in less than 15 minutes. I think it needs to be easier for now. The ores should give more resources and maybe have like a little mini game to attain them in order to make it a bit more interesting. The enemy hero can contest you in the mini game to get the ores. Then again let me try this again - after all it was my first time playing.

The map runs smoothly, nothing noticably glitchy or buggy - there was one typo i noticed in one of the game tips. It was like "... sth sth sth ammounts sth sth sth" - just remove that one m I guess.
Level 8
Feb 3, 2013
glad you played it, also I know its is hard the first time but the game is currently balanced based on my own succes. I own the AI within 12 minutes or so currently.
surviving for 15 minutes are really good for a first try btw.

and I will see what I can do with your suggestions.
thanks again for playing :D

ahh I see, I'll try it again in a bit - so what's the secret, do I collect ores whenever one spawns? What do I buy first?


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
1. never attack with every single unit after taking down a tower or 2 the AI will rofl stomp you if you didnt save units.
2. deny the AI gold by running awey with low hp you can use a priest to heal them later and have a huge unit advantage
3. wait for 10 or more ores to spawn you cant affort to use too much time on searching.
4. the neutral boss basicly give you free healing wards kill it as soon you can afford troops.

buy boots after getting the rifflemen
buy healing ward when pushing for OP sustain

the other items are just depending.

edit: buy towers 2 towers to aid you early its pretty much a must.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Played, and have a few issues:

The map doesn't have a name in-game (shows up as "Just another W3 map").

Most of the troops are too expensive to be of any use. Once you save up enough Riflemen the game might as well be over.

Some way of repairing towers would be nice.

The ore collecting is really annoying, as often the hero is the only thing keeping the orcs at bay. Maybe have a dropped powerup that freezes both spawns so you can collect the ore, or a different unit to collect them.

Why all the invulnerable, selectable trees and mushrooms? They keep getting in the way of attack orders.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
No, I mean that the game is likely over before you have a chance of buying new units. I steamrolled their base with footmen, riflemen and priests just as they upgraded to raiders, didn't kill a single one.

Few more: Glaive Throwers and Druids still have food costs, so you can't order them to be built if you're over 12 food already.

The normal music isn't turned off, so it overlaps with the Naga music.

Treants don't move once they appear (except the first one). When the doublespawn is activated, they appear rooted.

The boss doesn't give items.
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Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
I have played the game and here's what i think

-Green icon pops up and replaces the tower icon if i press F10
-There is no zoom command,my camera is zoomed at first,but if i scroll and make it normal i can't bring the zoom back.I suggest adding zoom command
-Change the map name,currently it is ''just another warcraft III map'',and i had troubles searching it in wc3.
-Add enemy AI controlled hero,it seems a bit easy this way,i completed the game from the 2nd time.
-Archmage's summons seem a bit unbalanced.

-The game looks good,keep working on it. +rep.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
1. my bad Im not used to importing the disabled versions of icons
2. indeed, will add that
3. will do
4. That would make the AI much harder to controll thats why. I gave the AI many bonuses instead
will indeed concider it
5. the summon cost much mana I belive so that should be fine

I am very happy you played it! will rep ya later


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Big update.
-The whole thread got a remake. (thanks to forsaken for the bb codes)
-terrain has been completely remaked
-balance changes that I wont bother to list
-events are now added to the gameplay, every 180 seconds an event will occour
-added quests
-added 2 commands
-added music
-improved AI

to be done:
-upload screenshots (will be done soon)
-upload a gameplay video
-add abilities to more units
-more events
-more upgrades
-more items

edit: added a few pics just so you have something to look at..
video is being rendered will likely be up tomarrow morning or something.
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Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
-There is no zoom command,my camera is zoomed at first,but if i scroll and make it normal i can't bring the zoom back.I suggest adding zoom command
-Change the map name,currently it is ''just another warcraft III map'',and i had troubles searching it in wc3.

I agree with HaaG about that. Except for adding the zoom command. In my opinion. The regular zoom is fine and that it should forever stay. xD

As for the rest.

1. - I can surely say I can't watch over all three sides easily and that I was quickly overwhelmed by the enemy and won over. If you don't look very well and focus. You can easily loose in this. They were just... to good for me. I came back with revenge. Was a great battle and this time, I won.

2. - The large troll at the south-west attacked my base a few moments after I even begun playing the map. I lost a tower and a footman due to him. o_O

3. - The orcs were called "Ashenvale Invades" instead of "Ashenvale Invaders". One of your random names is misspelled. xD

4. - The Murloc Invaders spawned and attacked each base. Nice, nice touch... But a large unit group of them sometimes goes back to their spawn position and remains there for the rest of the game. Each spawn like that filled up the Murloc area a lot and the next attack force for me wasn't pleasant. It was raining murlocs, aleluja!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
hi, thanks for giving it a try :)

I can add a zoom command I have just been away from the map for a while so I forgott that it was suggested. [FIXED]

will do that. [FIXED]

I have designed that map to be somewhat difficult its pretty much all about the playstyle. I dont want people to win on the first try (unless you have played this type of map before)

I know, I found that out when I recored the video I had to kill him 3 times. I actually reduced his sight range by 50% before I uploaded the map but that wasnt enough :p [FIXED]

thanks, will fix the typo [FIXED]

hm, that is odd. I think I know why it buggs but I "fixed" that before I uploaded the update. Seems like only some of them bug now then. [FIXED]

once again, thanks for trying it out
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
The troll spawns too close to the lane, so he always attacks the tower (maybe make one spawn on the orc side?). Also sometimes he dies without giving you lumber.
Units have abilities that can't be researched (defend, spells...).
Grunts don't seem to give experience, so the only way to get your hero up is pray for murlocs.
Druids and Glaive throwers still cost food, you have to pointbreak just to use them.
Maybe make a rally point ability so you can tell your troops where to go.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I know, I have fixed it but not in the public version (however it doesnt mater, I killed it 3 times when I recorded the gameplay video :p)
have not looked into it, but I will check it (I think you mean the footman defend)
well that is odd, thanks for the report
I noticed that too, sadly after I uploaded the public version but it should be fixed on a later update today.
will consider that :)

thanks for playing

edit: youtube video added to the thread
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I can uploaded the updated version soon. Just gotta to some IRL stuff anf then add a few new things.

edit: fine, I uploaded a updated version. However there still be bugs with a new creep spawn north of the orc base it is un-tested.
edited things in 0.4
-zoom command
-guide (basic tips useful for the first time playing)
-tipon (shows tips every 60 seconds)
-tipodd (turn off tips)
-gold rewarded from neutral bosses should now be displayed with floating texts
-new creep camp north of the orc base (un-tested)
-troll event boss bug fixed
-murloc event bug fixed
-unit food cost bug fixed
-added one more ability to the footmen, one to the riflemen and one to the knight.
-added pillage ability to headhunters aswell
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Ill be honest, I had more fun with this than any wc3 map in quite awhile.

I love the idea of the enemy periodically getting stronger than you, it gives the player an incentive for offense as well as adding a soft enrage-esque mechanic to the game.
This, I think is what makes it more fun and tense than other defense type maps.

One huge glaring problem though.
Once you snowball or get snowballed, theres no going back. The map is essentially won in the first 5 minutes. If you get that critical mass of units, basically nothing the enemy can do will stop you.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
wow, thanks kino :)

I dont fully agree on this one.
If you have a huge army and want to charge the orc base you will lose 3/4 of your army if not more (enemy towers OP) after that siege can lose the game if you pull back too late.
If the enemy AI start getting more units you should try fighting very close to the base and let him take a few towers, this will slowly give you an advantage.

My game agaisnt the AI went for 26 minutes or something xd (because I had a bug with the troll boss charging on my base 3 times) but I remember the first gameplay video that I never published on the thread took 10 mins. But it could be that I made the humans too strong early with the new abilities and that's why you think the game can be over in 5 mins. I will do a test run right now to make sure.

edit: ok now I understand what you meant by the 5 minute thing. Footmen were too good with that bash. /nerfed
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
congratulations :)
I think it looks pretty good with the animation to be honest.
and thanks :D

0,4b is out
new stuff:
fixed a bug when the bosses gave more gold than intended
fixed a bug with the new creep camp from the last update
fixed a bug when the gold given for slaying a boss didnt show up
added a new death effect to units
footmen bash nerfed
hero exp gain is now 150%
the keg of ale item is now much much cheaper
updated the boss names ingame

todo list:
update thread with new units and add item database [DONE]

if you dont want to play too serious and just wanna try out the concept I suggest you play the 0,4 version since that is a more "noob friendly" version.
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