Base of operations

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Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
I've got some questions about a site I got linked to.
That kinda seems to me like a hategroup towards me, pyritie and midnighters.
I'm quite used to people that hate me, but I kinda got worried when I saw a few moderators were in it. Not to mention that it was a moderator, TRD, who started the group.
Nobody informed me about this and I have no idea what to think about it and I'd like to have an explanation. Just what the hell is going on?
Which I find annoying, and have already stated such. I told him time and time again to take me off that list, and he didn't I feel as if I have a right to report him right now, for trolling. This, "chat fun" you speak of, is not really fun, it is quite retarded and should end before someone takes it serious and does something about it.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
We were linking this site to everyone who entered chat Devine. It's not secretive at all, and it's not our fault you're banned from chat.

Why would anyone possibly take this seriously? Anyone who does just wants to make a big deal out of nothing.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
We were linking this site to everyone who entered chat Devine. It's not secretive at all, and it's not our fault you're banned from chat.

Why would anyone possibly take this seriously? Anyone who does just wants to make a big deal out of nothing.

I've been banned for 2 months now. Why the hell are people talking about me, still? How the hell did I end up on that list? Something must have caused this.
I think it's TRD who's taking advantage of my ban to get back at me for things that happened in the past. Now that I'm banned, I can't stand up for myself and I'm an easy target.
For the love of god, don't try to deny it. You created that site to make fun of us. Talking behind my back. Great.

@joe, troll harder, so-called forum moderator. I've seen you picking on people that don't have a high status before and I think weak people with a poor charisma like you shouldn't be a part of the staff. I hope you enjoy your throne in the chat now that Ralle is inactive and the admins have a lot of schoolwork too. You don't have to answer to anyone now. So you can pick on whoever you want. You sicken me.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Oh, come on. It's just for fun, and technically, everybody that doesn't want to be in the army, is added to the target list. It's nothing serious. That being said, I'm inclined to state that I've had nothing to do with the planning of this army of sorts, all I did was accept the invitation.

Now, let's not make a whole bunch of drama, about harmless chat-fun, in the Site Discussion board. That's really not necessary.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
People are taking this way too seriously. It started with me and lobster (I think it was lobster) joking about DDoS-ing 4chan (my idea) and then it went to DDoS-ing Facebook, Twitter and Google (not serious). Then, for teh lulz, I used something called "itslearning" to host a simple page with the title "Base of operations" where I had a simple list of targets (4chan, facebook, twitter and google) and then a lot of people thought it was funny and wanted to join so I made a list of members. After a while I got a request for adding human targets. Those were basically people who didn't want to join our "army".

Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Stop whining, It's just a joke.

Oh, come on. It's just for fun, and technically, everybody that doesn't want to be in the army, is added to the target list. It's nothing serious. That being said, I'm inclined to state that I've had nothing to do with the planning of this army of sorts, all I did was accept the invitation.

Now, let's not make a whole bunch of drama, about harmless chat-fun, in the Site Discussion board. That's really not necessary.

You're both saying this is just a joke but you failed to explain how midnighters still was in the list, even after he said he didn't want to be on.
You also haven't told me how I got on the list and why was I put on the loserside by default? Does that look like fun to me? Does it?
You people are fucking jokes with your half-assed excuses.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
I'll just ask TRD to remove you guys completly from the list and put me instead of the others in the target area. (when he comes back since he is the only one who can change it)
No need to make this an any bigger problem.
@devine: you seriously have big issues against me, I don't know why you snap like that and I appologise for any problems I caused you in the past.
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