BaLLs v1.00

BaLLs (v1.00)

What is BaLLs?

Balls is a minigame, where you control a ball and where you have to
collect green balls to get points. But there also other balls (red ones) which
want to kill you. They bounce off the walls and if you come near them, you'll die.

What's the objective of BaLLs?

There is no real objective. It's only a small minigame, where you can have
fun. But you can send me a pm with a screenshot, so I can add you in the
Highscores (If your score is high enough).

How can I tell you my score?

Just do that what I mentioned above: Send me a pm with a screenshot, and
if your score is high enough, I'll add it to the Highscore. The Highscore is
listed here. Only the 5 best will be written on it. But I'm not going to write
down the scores right away.

Why should I add my score here?

You don't have to add your score here, it's just for you and the others to
see, how good you are.

1. Amigurumi - [2341]
2. DPL - [1891]
3. Ham Ham - [0737]
4. QueenOfOblivion - [0643]
5. hookah - [0548]

- created and uploaded the map

- fixed leaks
- burning ball is now immune to magic

- added 2 commands (-highscore and -myscore)
- blue balls/burning balls don‘t leave the arena now
- some sounds work now
- fixed some leaks

- fixed leaks
- changed game messages to floating texts
- added Frozen Ball
- balls spawn no longer near your ball

- sounds fixed
- added two new gamemodes
- added new commands
- no longer able to leave the arena

- frozen ball looks now more frosty
- blue ball is now green (powerball)
- added new powerup: Red Speed
- other look, when picking up ball destroyer

- added new ball
- changed arena style + death effects
- ´-exit´ command, quits instantly the game now

- fixed leaks
- fixed minor bugs
- added new ball: Ghostball

- fixed a major bug
- fixed some game balancing
- fixed some major leaks

*Map is protected*

ball, red, blue, ice, powerup, arena, minigame, amigurumi, arrow keys, highscore, score

BaLLs v1.00 (Map)

19:04, 21st May 2009 by bounty hunter2: Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating. You can find my full review at post #24.




19:04, 21st May 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating.

You can find my full review at post #24.
Level 2
Oct 27, 2008
Addicting and fun minigame :) Although it laggs a bit (in terms of FPS, i have 15 fps) and sometimes there is a delay to the ball :D, but it's nothing. A 4/5 for a minigame, if you improve it. Now 3,3/5
Level 2
Oct 27, 2008
Good job, you have fixed some serious leaks, now the fps doesn't drop, but the delay still increases a bit. I haven't yet seen anything buggy, except, when you bounce in a wall you are disabled for about 0.25 seconds, and once an enemy ball spawned in me and i died :D.
@ wastabee: When you bounce in a wall, I made that you stop 'rolling' until you press again the arrow keys. I know it's annoying, but it's the only way to keep the player in the arena.
And an other problem are the sounds. I want to evade the leak, so I made:
  • Actions
  • Sound - Play Coin
  • Sound - Destroy Last played sound
It doesn't play the sound... but it plays the defeat sound, but only these sounds are not working. Only if I remove the 'Sound - Destroy Last played sound' they work.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description - Provide all necessary detail and follow the site rules.
2) Scripting/Triggering - Cannot check since it was optimize, but it was laggy after a few play. There is a possible leak, please fix that.
3) Replayability - Low, even though it was interesting. The replayability is almost none after 2 times of the gameplay and seems to be easy to achieve a high scores.
4) Terrain - For such a mini-games genre, the terrain was at acceptable level.
5) Bug - The blue ball have several times spawn and moving outside the arena, there is no way to reach it.


Overall, it need more polish and feature to be implement such as Scoreboard. Seeing this as a simple game for single player, the scores should be recorded.

My rating was 3/5 (Useful), however the current standard might between 2 (Lacking) and 3 (Useful) for the staff.
Septimus said:
2) Scripting/Triggering - Cannot check since it was optimize, but it was laggy after a few play. There is a possible leak, please fix that.
hm I thought I removed most of the leaks... the only thing what didn't work was removing the sound leaks
Septimus said:
5) Bug - The blue ball have several times spawn and moving outside the arena, there is no way to reach it.
okay change that next version
Septimus said:
Overall, it need more polish and feature to be implement such as Scoreboard.
Do you mean that I should add a Highscore ingame?
Septimus said:
Seeing this as a simple game for single player, the scores should be recorded.
I added a Highscore list at this site -> look in the map description
Level 2
Oct 27, 2008
Ok, i found a major bug. You can go outside the given platform. Simply go to a wall and bounce in the wall several times( click the button many times ) and there you go... you can go through walls. Want a screen?
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
bounty hunter2's Review on BaLLs v0.4

BaLLs v0.4 is a mini game that can be described by two words: simple and fun. You control a ball that has to collect powerups and balls that contain points, avoiding red balls that are off to kill you.

I can't say much about the map. The terrain is decent, it fits the map. The triggering aswell, I didn't get any leg. The crediting is good, the movement system works aswell. I suggest you disable camera zoom ins, because I zoomed in and then I couldn't zoom out. You should add a ingame high score system, more difficulties, more game modes.

I can't say much more, the map is really simple, however it is fun to play, Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating.
Level 5
May 12, 2009
hey man you gotta fix the `rolling` outside the arena and like bounty hunter2 sed the movement system works well but I can`t play with it because its slow and from 10 games I died 5 times because of that = i give a 2/5
slake said:
hey man you gotta fix the `rolling` outside the arena
I do this atm, probably it's available in the next version. //Done
slake said:
the movement system works well but I can`t play with it because its slow
If you want it faster, choose the Speed Mode.

Edit: Version 0.5, now you cannot leave the arena and more changes
Last edited:
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
This is a very fun, quick and easy to learn game. It has A LOT of potential. I love the powerups that are incorporated into the game. However, I would give it a 3/5 for several reasons (though I'm not going to rate it until later versions have been released).

I think that you should fix the loading screen because the changelog is too difficult to read with red text on a pinkish background. I also think that you should create a portrait image for the ball because it the current portrait blinks very annoyingly throughout the game.

In my opinion, negative powerups should look different than positive powerups and should only last a limited period of time, like 10 seconds, before they are removed from the arena. I understand why you want them to look the same, but once the game starts moving faster negative powerups can be absolutely deadly and it doesn't seem fair to have them randomly occur from going for a general powerup ball. They will be hard to miss either way once the game speeds up.

Furthermore, I think that you should make a multiplayer version that is playable on Just have 6-8 copies of the current arena so people can play separately but online together. This will help you get the game exposed to more people.

Lastly, I have questions about the efficiency of your coding. After about 6 games I start to get realy bad lag... perhaps caused by leaks with some of the spells or movement system? You should look over the code a bit more to clean up all the leaks since if there are any in this type of map they can lead to huge problems with all the nonstop action.

Of course these are all just my suggestions from a limited time with the map, but I could see that you were asking for feedback so there you go :)
Level 2
Apr 18, 2009
ahhh craaaa[ i got 1096 at my score but i forgot how to make a screenshot ,:(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(( im not joking i relly forgot how to make a screenshot and CRAP again
I think that you should fix the loading screen because the changelog is too difficult to read with red text on a pinkish background. I also think that you should create a portrait image for the ball because it the current portrait blinks very annoyingly throughout the game.
okay, I will change that. And the ball you play, is a missile, which have no portrait, so it's hard to change,but I will look what I can do.
In my opinion, negative powerups should look different than positive powerups and should only last a limited period of time, like 10 seconds, before they are removed from the arena. I understand why you want them to look the same, but once the game starts moving faster negative powerups can be absolutely deadly and it doesn't seem fair to have them randomly occur from going for a general powerup ball. They will be hard to miss either way once the game speeds up.

there is a random chance, to get a positive, or negative powerup. It looks always the same, and it's good, because it's risky to collect one. Either you get a good effect, or a bad, that's your desicion.
Furthermore, I think that you should make a multiplayer version that is playable on Just have 6-8 copies of the current arena so people can play separately but online together. This will help you get the game exposed to more people.

That isn't a bad idea. But if you play it on, the arrow key movement have a delay, so it's hard to play.
Lastly, I have questions about the efficiency of your coding. After about 6 games I start to get realy bad lag... perhaps caused by leaks with some of the spells or movement system? You should look over the code a bit more to clean up all the leaks since if there are any in this type of map they can lead to huge problems with all the nonstop action.

hmm, I will look at it, but once, I played more than 10 games, and it didn't lag. But I will take a look at it, maybe there is something about the new triggers I made.
Of course these are all just my suggestions from a limited time with the map, but I could see that you were asking for feedback so there you go :)
well, I'm happy that someone helps me to improve my map, so it becomes better and better. So thank you for your suggestions and for your help to improve my map.
Here is my full revision: The ranges goes from 0 (wich is the worst) to 5 (wich is the best)

Triggering/Systems: 5/5
The game is very funny and and gameplay is great. I have nothing to say bad about this.

Terrain: 3/5
Terrain is average, but I think there is no much things to do with it. On This kind of game is very hard to think about a good terrain. My suggestion is to give a imported custom tileset that looks more with a computer-ish tile.

Theme Implementation/Originality: 5/5
An unique mini-game. No much to say.

Bonus Points:
- Very high replay value +1

Total Bonus Points: 1

5+3+5+1 = 14/3 = 4,6 = 5.0 (Since it is over 4,5 it goes to a 5.0)
Overhall: A 5/5 very funy unique minigame. I suggest adding more power-ups and traps.
Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
CHA_Owner(NAMM)'s Review!

Grading Scale
:thumbs_up: = Very Good
:smile: = Good
:con: = Average
:hohum: = Lacking
:eekani: = Needs major improvement
Your Scales
Games Overall Idea = :thumbs_up:
Fun Gameplay = :thumbs_up:
Good Text/Descriptions = :smile:
No Glitches/Bugs/Etc. = :thumbs_up:
A Way Of Scorekeeping = :thumbs_up:
Easy Arrow Key Movement = :thumbs_up:
Cool Special Effects = :smile:
Custom Loading/Preview Screens = :thumbs_up:
Credits Given = :thumbs_up:
Low Lag Amount = :thumbs_up:

Alright overall i will give this map a 9/10
My Suggestions
#1-I suggest that you have a choice of different colored areas to play on or have more customization to the game.
#2-Add more special effects to the balls (i know you already have some good ones but continue to add more).
#3-Improve upon the descriptions as much as possible so people can fully understand the game.
~Good Luck