
some balloos not usefull maybe for RP maps

=D hope jou like it

18:50, 29th Sep 2009 General Frank: Good pack. Approved.




18:50, 29th Sep 2009
General Frank:

Good pack. Approved.
they lack quite a lot of proper realism and shape. the shading is ok but the only two factors that wouldnt make them aprovable is the lack of realism (as they are a solid colour and balloons are semi see through.) and the fact that only a quarter of them are showing within the icon. the shapes on the balloon are very unattractive as well.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
lack of realism (as they are a solid colour and balloons are semi see through.) and the fact that only a quarter of them are showing within the icon.

Balloons are seamy see-throe only if they have a lot of air in them and are stretched a lot. Not all are. I like that only a quarter is show in the icon. Makes icon look interesting.

I like them. Aldo, don't know for what they can be used.
Apparently you know NOTHING about art...

i kno quite a bit about art, thank you. (why that comment anyway?) as i have a ton of experience with it.

and take a look at a ballon. is it a sold colour? or can you see partially through it. im not saying all are see through but MOST are. and the fact that a solid balloon is depicted in this piece of art would be nice if it had a visible shine or at least some decent shape. but atm it is just a roundish blob with a solid colour sticker on it.

leaving it looking very unappealing to me. take heed of wat ive said amd they will look fantastic. good luck.



Icon Reviewer
Level 62
Jun 2, 2008
Warcraft will be around for a long time, and people will be making maps for a long time also and maybe some day a little kid might need some balloons for his map! and then sees these and says "Fuck-Yeah" So, too all that say it isn't useful im sorry but it may be sometime in the future.
Level 4
Dec 26, 2009
Ever heard of a role playing game? Like, for legit role players? Because they might want a balloon item. In Real Life for Morons; someone might want to make an item that increases their child's happiness.