Here's the first Chapter of my Campaign, ''Azeroth ORPG.
I've been working like 15 hours on just on chapter one, so im not the best map maker... yet
I've been updating this before since it has been corrupted.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed Corruption
-Fixed Abilities
-Fixed Mobs (Including Acquisition Ranges)
-Fixed Icons for both abilities, heroes and items.
-Fixed some Major Bugs.
-Changed the Cave to the northwest
-Removed walls above Northshire Church
-Placed a gate to the East(making it more real)
-Added colours to Items and Abilities.
-Added low-quality items for faster gold.
-Added 2 new Quests
Pls give me a comment, either for Suggestions, Improvements or bugs...
Im not yet a great mapmaker, so let me know if i've done anything wrong.