02:29, 3rd Feb 2009
Septimus: Approve and the rating was 3/5.
Septimus: Approve and the rating was 3/5.
(3 ratings)
Yeh... I always like funny themes.Septimus said:Rofl lmao, I already laugh at the title. I would review it and give the result soon.
The problem was that there was only 2 minute max time. So had to put everything into that 2 minute, but I failed.Septimus said:The game text need to be slow down, it gone too quick that I having a hard time to read it. There is 1 or 2 camera have awkward movement, please fix it.
Yeah, I agree with you. This is so pointless cinematic, but that actually makes it funny.wereguy2 said:Lol, while the special effect WAS good (as usual) and the music was good, it was extremely pointless. It was kinda funny watching the shopkeeper start swearing but overall it was ratehr stupid.
Eehh....The title should be Awesome Robbery of Awesomeness.
Yeah, the cinematic is pointless like all other cinematics were also in this contest. The problem was that we all had that 2 minute max time.Zelda.Alex said:what is with the title aero;the awesome robbery?the effects were good as in all of your maps but it was totally pointless.i read the above of your mails but still there should be a little sense i think even if it has to be humor.
Because it can be watched with 1-11 players.Zelda.Alex said:Also why the suggested players are 1-11?
Yea, you can watch it with 11 player. I did that just for fun.By Aeroblyctos
"Because it can be watched with 1-11 players."
Does that mean over the internet?
What's the use anyway? It is not very long or something like that.