Avatar 0.59

James Cameron's A V A T A R,
the warcraft 3 map, by Dj0z.

This map reuses the universe from the movie and the Xbox360 game, to make something unique.
Some things may vary from the original movie/game, for the sake of gameplay and/or technical reasons.
Only the introduction is predefined, how it ends will depend on how good you fight.


Pandora: In the Alpha Centauri star system, a moon called Pandora is home to an overscaled flora, fauna, and the Na'vi people.
They're a race of sentient, civilized humanoids, way less technologically advanced than humans. The fact that they live in constant harmony with nature probably kept them away from this need.

Eywa is Pandora incarnate. The Na'vi believe that Eywa's actions keep all life on Pandora in a perfect equilibrium.

R.D.A.: The human R.D.A. (Resources Development Administration) has sent a large deployment on this planet to gather the precious room-temperature supraconductor mineral called Unobtanium. It's the key to solve the energy crisis that mankind found itself in.
Because of the extremely dangerous nature of the pandorian environment, operations are under heavy military protection.

Avatar: Planning to use diplomacy in order to obtain peaceful cooperation from the Na'vi, the R.D.A. has genetically engineered hybrids of Human and Na'vi races, called the Avatars. Their external appearance is mostly Na'vi.

Gameplay changes COMPLETELY from one role to another. Play as:

  • One of the four Human R.D.A. Corporations (Corps):
    Benefiting from their advanced technology, the Corps can build large and heavily defended bases providing protection from the deadly environment of Pandora.

    By using their different types of factories and their spaceships, they are able to build up powerful forces with world-shattering firepower.

    They apply organized military strategies, so their soldiers, mechas, vehicles, aircrafts, but also stationary weaponry and long-range artillery can eliminate any opposition, including Eywa itself.






  • One of the four Avatars:
    Taking advantage of both their human and na'vi advantages, the Avatars follow their instincts to guide them on Pandora.

    Making use of plants, animals, and everything they can find including human weapons, they train their survival skills to the level where this hostile planet becomes a paradise for them.

    Gathering forces from the whole environment, including the Na'vi, they eventually unite the planet in the righteous war against the human invader.






  • Eywa, the omnipresent overmind of the planet:
    A true living entity worshipped as a deity by the Na'vi protects Pandora.

    As the reckless Corps pillage, kill, and destroy, Eywa gets stronger and uses its planetary powers to stop them, before everything is ruined forever.





  • A ton of carefully selected and exploited imports (models, icons, music etc...) provide an astounding gaming experience.

  • Alot of custom systems using vJASS, JASS, hashtables and GUI:

  • Units have alot of custom abilities and effects.

  • Advanced unit-item interactions:
    -Some units will drop their weapon (e.g. Flamethrower for Firebats) upon death, or when Disarmed by a special action;
    -You can pick up items on the ground to use them directly (like Avatars using dropped Rocket Launchers) or to change job (like Workers becoming Privates by grabbing SubMachineGuns);

    -You can mass-train workers into soldiers instantly in two clicks, with whatever type of weapon you want;
    -Soldiers can drop their weapons to become Workers, if you want to repair/build something for example;

  • Inventory systems:
    -The items a unit can use are restricted by the unit's type;
    -A unit cannot have weird amounts of some items, depending on where they are held: for example an Avatar has 2 hands, so it cannot have 2 lances + 1 shield at once.

  • Exclusive custom projectile system for many units:
    -For example: 30mm Autocannon users can miss depending on distance to target, and in that case their bullets can deal collateral damage.
    -Projectiles like bullets can also Ministun certain types of enemies, and score Headshots on independent types of enemies.
    -Projectiles like Missiles can knockback enemies where they land, deal mixed damage (siege + molecular, at once), etc...
    -Some units can shoot multiple individual projectiles at once, not based off warcraft's lame multishot ability, not 1 projectile with a model that looks like multiple projectiles either.
    For example, a Scorpion assault copter shooting two 30mm bullets plus two micromissiles, all behaving differently, yet all shot at the same time.

  • Riding System:
    -You can make your Avatar mount an Animal. it will carry your Avatar around but they remain separate units able to perform actions individually.
    For example while your ridden Toruk unit is chasing an aircraft, you can attack something else with your hero Avatar by throwing glaives, you can use your items, Persuade a unit, as if you were on the ground.

  • Custom Dollars (gold) and materials (wood) gathering systems:
    -Build metal extractors for materials, then forget about them, they'll keep providing you with materials while you focus on the action. You can also space-drop some from your I.S.V. spaceship (more info about this abit below).
    -Dollars (gold) is mainly obtained by exploiting Unobtanium Deposits not very fast with some workers, or dramatically faster when you manufacture dedicated vehicles that can just rip it off the ground and deliver it directly. You can also use space drops for this resource.

  • Quests for both sides, especially for Avatars, who have an RPG gameplay.

  • Mecha system (A.M.P. suits): Put your human soldiers and heroes in robots.
    Each type of foot unit gets its own corresponding type of AMP (a Firebat will get a robot with a flamethrower, a Rocket Trooper will get another type of robot, that shoots rockets, etc...)

  • Spaceship drops system: obtain more personnel or resources from your I.S.V. very fast, anywhere you or any ally have built a Space Pad at.

  • Custom camera system:
    -Use any zoom from "almost touching the ground" to "orbital height", abit like in Supreme Commander the actual game (except units don't become just colored icons).
    -Rotate the camera in all 4 cardinal directions fast and easily by just hitting keyboard shortcuts (toggleable).

  • Avatars special stats:
    -Understanding of Flora/Fauna/Na'vi/Humans: Obtained via killing, using Discover/Interact or performing special actions, they unlock new possibilites in their respective domains.
    For example you can play an Avatar focusing on harassing Humans. You'll increase your Understanding in that domain by doing so, and unlock new possibilities like Breaking AMP weapons or Sabotaging Corp buildings.
    Another example: you can focus on Understanding Animals and become able to Persuade increasingly strong beasts, in larger amounts, and get better items from them.

    -Charisma: obtained by killing units yourself, will increase your Persuasion capability.

  • Living and dynamic environment:
    -Trees regrow from their stumps when cut down, these stumps can be destroyed forever by R.D.A. workers;
    -Trees can cause special effects, like clouds of acid or mist disabling ranged attacks...
    -Animals respawn from their natural habitat, which can be destroyed forever;
    -Animals have specific behaviours depending on their types, they can be captured by avatars or controlled by Eywa.

  • and much more...


* Spells
Paladon for Knockback system, Lightning Strike.

* Models:
rober artua for AMP suit.
General_Frank for Hell truck, Security Leader, Unobtanium loaded dollar SFX, Field medic, Commander, Morale aura, Horizon.
Mr.Bob for Headquarters, Metal extractor, Vehicle factory, Radar, Airbase, Tech Center, Dragon.
shamanyouranus for Metal foundry.
Satax for Armor bay.
Epsilon for AMP Suit - Leader.
ikillforeyou for Tank, Space Drop Pod.
jk2pach for Private, I.S.V Venture Star.
Illidan(Evil)X for Container, GDI MLRS, Prism Tower.
Kitabatake for Big Bertha.
communist_orc for A.D.B.
Sellenisko for Thanator.
Kofi Banan for Samson, M113APC.
Teaspoon for Metal Fence.
Ergius for SilverOre, StoneSmall, StoneBig
General Tekno for turbotower.
anarchianbedlam for Puma, Prowler, Mil Grunt ( + Rao Dao Zao, + ike_ike), Halcyon (+ The_mechanic).
Mc ! for Goliath.
Pyramidhe@d for Sutherland.
Elenai for Zone Trooper ( + Talon the mage), Navi.
DonDustin for Robomole.
Hawkwing for Titanothere, Titanothere Makto (+Cavman +Kimberly).
Special thanks: Misha for Avatar.
Ket for WorkBot.
M0rbid for Alien Drone.
Mechanical Man for Barracks.

Lord-T-Rex for Puffball tree.
takakenji for Conic tree, Arathi rock.
Herio-san for Flat elvin rock.

Champara Bros for Rocket Launcher.
Talon the mage for bullet projectiles.
RightField for RuneGem.
JetFangInferno for Radar SFX.
WILL THE ALMIGHTY for Ancient Explosion SFX, Flamethrower missile.
Em! for first aid SFX.
Death_Minion_ for Gas.
sk8er754 for deku shield.
Leeroy for LeeGun.
HappyTauren for HTPlantie.
varsaigen for Shukaku's spear.
Fingolfin for Fuel Rod.
Tranquil for LightningsMultiple.
Pyritie for WaterUber.
Scythy Dervish for QuestionMark (+ KAHIERA).
sPy for Eywa's attack.

* Unit skins:
67chrome for Ikran and Ikran makto.
Denu for Toruk.

* Icons:
MortAr- for Avatar Special Menu.
Naro for Avatar Bonuses Menu.
oh_snap for AMP Suit - Leader.
ikillforeyou for Tank.
General_Frank for SpaceOrcCommander3G, Field medic, Hell Truck, Security Leader.
Elainiel for Deforestation.
-JonNny for Medikit.
RED BARON for BluePlanet.
kola for Deceiving Lights.
Hellx-Magnus for PlagueNova.
lelyanra for Loner, LargePack.
Forgotten_Warlord for Quest.
TTFTCUTS for DispersionAmmo.
The_Silent for MotorSaw2, Blink v2, SpeedUp, MotorBoost.
SkriK for Ferocity, Nature.
-BerZeKeR- for Entangle.
4eNNightmare for Drive an AMP Suit.
CRAZYRUSSIAN for Special Menu, Attack Ground Once.
Stanley for Wrath of Pandora.
PeeKay for Afterburn.
Pyramidhe@d for Firebat.
NFWar for Rocket Trooper.
zombie2279 for Ammodump2.
AlienArsonist for Earth.
bigapple90 for bluegloves.

* Misc
The people who made the movie and the game, making this map possible.

Main mapper and base idea: Dj0z (clan blue @Azeroth/US east; clan DJE @Northrend/Europe)
Terraining: Banefull (US east), Burning_Iegion (US east).

Special thanks:
(US east) blood_elf546, Warriorwithin88, Banefull;
(Europe) FistOfMind, Nemesis[TPPT], Helm.Of.Pain, Baltazor, clan DJE @Northrend/Europe;
and everyone else who helped by betatesting, giving feedback and such things.

Map auto-hosted by "TealHaze " @Europe, US East and US West!
Do " /whois tealhaze " to know if a hosting is up, and the current gn, then join!

For more about the map: Dj0zmaps.goodforum.net
(Protected map)

*Last words:
Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Post here, PM me, or post at my forum.

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Avatar,James,Cameron,Pandora,Na'vi,Navi, Jake,Sully,Movie,Unobtanium,Avatars, Homeland,Agony,Epic,Nature,Modern,War,Warfare,Custom,RPG

Avatar 0.59 (Map)

Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Thats a description i like!
Anyways, gameplay looks good from the screenshots :)
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
I want to, but i am not at home.
Is it possible to play single player, or is there a AI
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Yea, i heard it is hard to create a good AI. Will test tomorrow.
Anyways, from the description + screenies it looks awesome.

EDIT : I am home now. It were a short trip, but i were too lazy to do else.

I will review it as soon as possible.
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Etzers review of Avatar (v. 0.14c)

Loading screen :
Already at the loading screen i were impressed. No spelling mistakes, a good explanation of the history, and a nice loading screen image!

Gameplay :
The start with R.D.A. were hard, but i got the hang. Soon enough i had gotten a base up and running. The gameplay were not really fun, but enough to keep me.
I have yet to explore the Avatars and Na'vi races.

Terrain :
The terrain were a real backhanger, it were behind everything else, all plain, some trees dropped at random, some blight (a.k.a. stone) nothing special.

Systems :
Multiboard :
Epic. Very nice, especially the "trees" and "regrowing trees" :) The temprature were nice too :)
Trees :
1200 hp and 2400 hp. Nothing special, just for harvesting.
Unobtanium :
Nice system, right click, and you get 6 gold per second, untill it dies (after a while /5-15 minutes depending on the number of units ordered to harvest), i really liked this, for some reason :)
Random tips, and dialogues between Avatars and the R.D.A.'s. Very good :)

Models :
The winner here. Awesome models with "building animations", death animations, and "WIP" animation (The stone gatherer thing moves it's gatherer thing when it collects. Epic!)
I liked how you could see how the buildings were slowly build behind the cages (fences, building structure, building skeleton)
The intro cinematic were good too. It were like a bunch of ODST's :)

OVERALL RATING (While playing as R.D.A.'s ONLY) : 3/5 voting for approval, and rep+.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
well im not really sure what to think of this map. it is fun...but at the same time the na vi have like 4 units and the corp has 4 or 5 i dont remeber. as far as the in space spot went there isnt anything to do when your "in space". it takes a LONG time to build anything. it was a decent map but i would like to see more units and skins/models.

Oh another thing when my hero guy died and i went to revive him. I put the mouse over the tooltip and it said revive blademaster.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Etzers review of Avatar (v. 0.14c)


Thanks for the early and detailed review :)

Too bad you played alone though, it sure is no fun to play against noone.

The terrain is currently being redone by a co-mapper, it will be as good as the rest soon enough.

Glad you like the systems, i've improved the info about them in map description.

For the models i'm happy to see that you appreciate my work with them, but a big part of the merit here goes to the epic modelers that i've listed in the credits in map description, i thank them for these.

Thanks for the ratings and the rest!

PS: What is an ODST lol?

shadonavan said:
well im not really sure what to think of this map. it is fun...but at the same time the na vi have like 4 units and the corp has 4 or 5 i dont remeber. as far as the in space spot went there isnt anything to do when your "in space". it takes a LONG time to build anything. it was a decent map but i would like to see more units and skins/models.

Oh another thing when my hero guy died and i went to revive him. I put the mouse over the tooltip and it said revive blademaster.

I see, the units are few at the moment because i favor quality over amount of units. I take the time to give them a real purpose and nice custom abilities.
There will be progressively alot more as i get through beta stage: at least all the units that are in the movie, plus some others for the fun of it (i will probably add a command to deactivate the extra units if purists request that).
Note that you probably haven't seen all the corp units if you think there are only 4 or 5.
For the long build time, if you mean for Corps, you can just powerbuild with many workers at once. Did you mean for the Na'vi?

The "In space (observer slot)" player, as the name says, is only for observing.
I use it to see any bugs easily. Some people might enjoy watching a game from it aswell. I have wider plans for it later on though.

About the revival text glitch, i had already fixed it in 0.15 but thanks for reporting anyways.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
well first off let me apologize i just looked to see what version i played and it was .07.....oops....lol anyways i will test this one and let you know what i think haha!
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
well first off let me apologize i just looked to see what version i played and it was .07.....oops....lol anyways i will test this one and let you know what i think haha!

0.07 :eekani: ?! Daaaamn, that version is like, super old! It was even still alpha stage lol. No wonder you wanted to see more models lol.
Okay i'll look forward for your review and rating of 0.14c, it's a nice thing that you took the time to point out the error, by the way. Here's some rep for that.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
OK b4 i get into the bad points let me point out a few good ones

I had ALOT of fun playing this map
Lots of good models
Love the mech system(units getting into the mechs!)

Bad points.
The 80 food cap i dont feel is big enough for the corp. we got SLAUGHTERED. All the avatars just sat around gettin animals on there team. they ended up attacking us with....10-15 of the big animals EACH. so there were between 30-45 of those. and on top of that alot of the smaller ones. as there is no cap on the amount of animals they can control it does tend to be imbalanced late game.

Terrain is fairly plain. does need to be spruced up a bit!

Colateral damage is annoying.... i understand its for realism but....damn.....i hate it lol!

Anyways i look forward to the next version. ATM i would give map 3.5/5 and vote for approval! make terrain a bit better and the rating will improve!
Level 2
Apr 14, 2009
Hey you gotta admit the thing with taking animals on your side is pretty impressive...
Oh and 30-45 big animals should be easy to beat (with 3-4 corp players). Just take the units with right attack type, y'know.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Sorry but I don't think there was enough effort being put into the terrain from the screenshots; they all seem plain, although the custom units were very nice, but the tree looked wrecked in wc3. Maybe you should use a custom model for it.

Terrain is currently being redone by another member of the project who does that much better than me.
You should not restrict yourself to the screenshots though, everything is carefully animated in this map, but i'd need a video to advertise that (and for example, its impossible to screenshoot an earthquake, even though i tried lol)

For the trees i just need nice doodads with animations, but i found out that it's pretty rare around here.


OK b4 i get into the bad points let me point out a few good ones

I had ALOT of fun playing this map
Lots of good models
Love the mech system(units getting into the mechs!)

Bad points.
The 80 food cap i dont feel is big enough for the corp. we got SLAUGHTERED. All the avatars just sat around gettin animals on there team. they ended up attacking us with....10-15 of the big animals EACH. so there were between 30-45 of those. and on top of that alot of the smaller ones. as there is no cap on the amount of animals they can control it does tend to be imbalanced late game.

Terrain is fairly plain. does need to be spruced up a bit!

Colateral damage is annoying.... i understand its for realism but....damn.....i hate it lol!

Anyways i look forward to the next version. ATM i would give map 3.5/5 and vote for approval! make terrain a bit better and the rating will improve!

Hey that's alrdy more encouraging than your review of 0.07 eh :p glad you like the map.

Now for the bad points:
-Food cap will be raised slightly soon, and balance changes will make a higher rise unnecessary;
-An animal cap type-dependent has just been added to v0.15;
-Terrain will be improved soon;
-You'll get used to collateral damage, it's not that bad :)

Thanks for rating and vote!

Burning_Iegion said:
Hey you gotta admit the thing with taking animals on your side is pretty impressive...
Oh and 30-45 big animals should be easy to beat (with 3-4 corp players). Just take the units with right attack type, y'know.

Like you said, there is a counter for everything. It's still true that big animals are the strongest units Avatars can get aswell.
Level 3
Feb 23, 2008
First let me say

"OMG :mwahaha:"

Love the map when I tested it with you I thought it was another crap map ready for me to waste my life on when we got in to in I was like breath taking just like the movie
I have seen maps with better terrian and better moddels but then the game play is crap now this map has potential.
If you stoped developing it I would hunt you down in real life and kill you no joke!

The quest system needs work
The terrain since another person is working on it :grin:
As it was said before the game play is a little unbalenced later in the game
(I destroyed 4 corp players by having a load of thantors)
and up the time the avatars get because avatars take a long time to start up were the corp dont take long to

Why not more navi
One hometree because in the movie there is only one
Small vilages
also make the thantor black
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
First let me say

"OMG :mwahaha:"

Love the map when I tested it with you I thought it was another crap map ready for me to waste my life on when we got in to in I was like breath taking just like the movie
I have seen maps with better terrian and better moddels but then the game play is crap now this map has potential.
If you stoped developing it I would hunt you down in real life and kill you no joke!

The quest system needs work
The terrain since another person is working on it :grin:
As it was said before the game play is a little unbalenced later in the game
(I destroyed 4 corp players by having a load of thantors)
and up the time the avatars get because avatars take a long time to start up were the corp dont take long to

Why not more navi
One hometree because in the movie there is only one
Small vilages
also make the thantor black

Hehe, glad you like it ^^ as you see, no it aint at all the usual noob map made in two sunday afternoons lol.

All of what you pointed out will be improved in the near future, so don't worry about that. Especially animal limit, 0.15 is bringing solid improvements to that.

In the movie they implicitely tell that there are other hometrees. From some pictures you can see them rising above the rest anyways.
Each hometree will have a real navi village around it.
Ill darken the thanator.

If you got any additional feedback, feel free to tell :)
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
An ODST is a person who drops down from space in a errr... box..
An Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.
Last edited:
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
An ODST is a person who drops down from space in a errr... box..
An Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.
Okay, effect doesn't fail then :)

Would be good if you could put some real avatar models
Indeed, but i'm no modeler. So if you will make these Avatar models for me, thanks in advance.
As long as noone does them, the ingame ones will stay the same. FYI Here's the only "Na'vi" on THW at the moment :confused: (it ain't even actually supposed to be a Na'vi, before you wonder):
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
give me a list of all the models you need atm and ill try and get them for you!

That would be great ^^ we need:
-An Avatar, or more (3 or 4 would be best);
-An ikran model and one with a navi riding it;
-The big red thing that jake sully rides so he can gather all the Na'vi (Great Leonopteryx, = Toruk = Last Shadow) and that model with an Avatar riding it;
-Different male and female Na'vi, a shaman and a chieftain.
-The rest is not very important. If someone feels like doing it, he can do the real other animals from Avatar (namely Thanator, Viperwolf and Titanothere).

I know that's alot but just some of them would be really nice already.

exalted_one said:
o gawd love it!!! :mwahaha:
Short but explicit :)

Stay tuned!
Last edited:
Level 3
May 26, 2009
I think you shouldn't use so big models (ATM units, helicopters, tanks), they're 2 times bigger than the structures!!

And the terrain could be better, because, it's kind of boring ;)

Maybe you should let units die, then helicopters were killed, mainly above deep water...

yeah, I know, it's a beta version... but anyway, more units ;)

What I really like are your systems, they're great ;)

And of course, the models are pretty cool :D

Mainly the map makes fun, but you have to work on it!

Rating: 3/5
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
I think you shouldn't use so big models (ATM units, helicopters, tanks), they're 2 times bigger than the structures!!

And the terrain could be better, because, it's kind of boring ;)

Maybe you should let units die, then helicopters were killed, mainly above deep water...

yeah, I know, it's a beta version... but anyway, more units ;)

What I really like are your systems, they're great ;)

And of course, the models are pretty cool :D

Mainly the map makes fun, but you have to work on it!

Rating: 3/5

Ah right, i see that, i will look into the scales of units. I dont think they can become too small anyways, since you can zoom down to 1000 distance which is pretty close.

Terrain will get extreme improvements very soon. The terrainer is currently finishing it.

About this helicopter thing it would require yet another custom system, but that's fine with me :D not a priority though.

New units are added in about every version, i found a model for the Scorpion assault copter so this one is next :)

I'm especially glad that you like the systems since that's what i'm best at imo :p (it obviously ain't terraining lol)

As you said it needs more work, but i'm on it :) A new version will probably come out today.
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
Wait you mean that 0.15b crashed? I need details. Are you sure it wasn't 0.15?
And if so, can you remember if there was any player or computer in the Eywa slot (team 3) ?

yea i was testing it out with my friend. on both occasions we switched between corps and eywa and vice versa. i got it from this version and on my file it says .15b
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
lol i cant model to save my life i just thought you hadnt posted over there cus you were sayin you needed it so i did it for you haha! anyways jsut keep checkin over there and on ur post to see if anyone has done them lol!
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
lol i cant model to save my life i just thought you hadnt posted over there cus you were sayin you needed it so i did it for you haha! anyways jsut keep checkin over there and on ur post to see if anyone has done them lol!

Lol same here, though i should at least learn how to make weapons invisible or something... I'm already checking the request often enough, still no response but let's have some hope lol.

I'm gonna replace some old screenies so that people don't think the models in these are still in the map.
I won't make a new version before terrain is finished. But! When it is finished, :mwahaha:.
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
Hey what server do you play on?

O btw i tried it again and it worked. it must be a lan problem then.
Last edited:
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
well as far as removing weapons here you go

This one for the program

This one for the tutorial

Okay ill look into that!

Hey what server do you play on?

O btw i tried it again and it worked. it must be a lan problem then.

Now that's better :smile: there was no reason why it would crash only for you.
I play on Azeroth (US east) mainly, and Northrend (Europe) aswell. On rare occassion you might see me at Lordaeron (US west) too.
You may find hosts at Aze relatively often.
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
Okay ill look into that!

Now that's better :smile: there was no reason why it would crash only for you.
I play on Azeroth (US east) mainly, and Northrend (Europe) aswell. On rare occassion you might see me at Lordaeron (US west) too.
You may find hosts at Aze relatively often.

k thanks. ill log in now and see if i can find one.
Level 9
Sep 4, 2008
What I think about Avatar 0.15b...

Awesome Map.Really good units,triggers,gameplay.Could have a little more improvement at the Terrain,but for now It's good.

R.D.A: Good models,very nice starting,very nice units,good buildings
Avatar: Good models,very nice starting,--.
Eywa: Medium Model,good starting,cool spells.
Na'vi: [Not Yet Implemented]
Animals:[For Now]No models[that isn't bad =D],good starting,very nice units.

Terrain: I think it's good for now,but you could improve a little bit...
Events: Nice dialogues between Avatars and R.D.A. Maybe dialogues between Avatars and the Na'vi would be cool.

Multiboard: Very awesome.The temperature indicator,Trees and Trees Regrowing...Very Epic.

The Game Itself: Avatar is absolutely one of the best builder-maps that I've ever played. Good models,Awesome units,Epic Multiboard...I really hope you do finish working on this map.I would participate of the Map Construction Team,if I wasn't too much addicted to playing [=P].

FINAL RATING: 4/5 - Very Nice.I hope this map gain alot of fans from it's path in WC3
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
What I think about Avatar 0.15b...

Awesome Map.Really good units,triggers,gameplay.Could have a little more improvement at the Terrain,but for now It's good.

R.D.A: Good models,very nice starting,very nice units,good buildings
Avatar: Good models,very nice starting,--.
Eywa: Medium Model,good starting,cool spells.
Na'vi: [Not Yet Implemented]
Animals:[For Now]No models[that isn't bad =D],good starting,very nice units.

Terrain: I think it's good for now,but you could improve a little bit...
Events: Nice dialogues between Avatars and R.D.A. Maybe dialogues between Avatars and the Na'vi would be cool.

Multiboard: Very awesome.The temperature indicator,Trees and Trees Regrowing...Very Epic.

The Game Itself: Avatar is absolutely one of the best builder-maps that I've ever played. Good models,Awesome units,Epic Multiboard...I really hope you do finish working on this map.I would participate of the Map Construction Team,if I wasn't too much addicted to playing [=P].

FINAL RATING: 4/5 - Very Nice.I hope this map gain alot of fans from it's path in WC3

I wish you had given a few more details but there are fairly enough already and testing and giving such very neatly presented feedback is just as helpful as participating in the mapping ya know :) .

About what you pointed out:
-The terrain is currently being redone by a talented co-mapper, it will be much better very soon, probably by the end of this week;
-The Na'vi are already implemented, Avatars just have to recruit them via quests and special actions. For that matter, i will add better dialogues with the Na'vi and improve the quests concerning them;

Glad you like the map (i think you forgot to rate it in main post though) and i will make sure to finish it, as soon as possible without sacrificing quality :smile:
Level 9
Sep 4, 2008
I wish you had given a few more details but there are fairly enough already and testing and giving such very neatly presented feedback is just as helpful as participating in the mapping ya know :) .

About what you pointed out:
-The terrain is currently being redone by a talented co-mapper, it will be much better very soon, probably by the end of this week;
-The Na'vi are already implemented, Avatars just have to recruit them via quests and special actions. For that matter, i will add better dialogues with the Na'vi and improve the quests concerning them;

Glad you like the map (i think you forgot to rate it in main post though) and i will make sure to finish it, as soon as possible without sacrificing quality :smile:

Yeah sorry about that stuff. It's my first time trying to do this.Well I'm sure that the terrain will be alot more improved.
PS.: Rated in the main post =]
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
I am, but you need to show what you can do, like a map you've done or a spell you've made, whatever. About modelers, anyone able to model is already stronger than me at that lol, so any modeler is okay for me.

New terrain (not definitive version) is almost ready, version 0.16 coming real soon!
Level 7
Apr 3, 2009
Nice but you need to make some more areas of the game look totally ruined, and the map needs A LOT more water, perhaps put more small patches or rivers of shallow/deep water in random areas of the map.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Nice, some feedback on 0.17 already :)

Nice but you need to make some more areas of the game look totally ruined, and the map needs A LOT more water, perhaps put more small patches or rivers of shallow/deep water in random areas of the map.

Well in the map, the story starts before any war with the humans has occured, why would there be ruined areas?
For water there will be more rivers, waterfalls, lakes and stuff. Terrain has just started being reworked, all that is coming soon! But thanks for suggesting anyways.

Good concept, and I like it so far.

* Heavy Trooper doesn't have an infobox.
* Worker can't harvest unobtainium (or am I doing something wrong?)
* Big Bertha's attack Ground hotkey is the same as the Get Out key.
* No Dragon gunship? Awwww....

Nice :)
-Heavy trooper doesnt use a custom attack system, Infoboxes for humans are mostly meant to make up for the lack of normal attack tooltip.
But towards 1.0 i guess i will give one to all units since its comfortable to have all this usually hidden data.
-Workers can surely exploit unobtanium, that's pretty important actually. You can just right-click the Unobtanium mineral (purple rocks) with up to 4 workers, the rest is automated :).
-Thanks for the Big Bertha hotkey report, will fix.
-Dragon gunship is coming soon (give me some time eh, i just spent a day to give Corps 3 new units at once lolz :wink: )