[Trigger] Autocast triggeredspell issue [GUI]

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Level 2
Feb 23, 2004
Hi there, I've read the forums for a while now but never really asked anything.
I 'd hope you could lend me some help because I'm a bit confused.

I've read an old tutorial called "Making any Spell Autocasting".
While it works perfectly, since it's based on searing arrow, it uses an attack cooldown time (the hero miss an attack while casting the spell).

Now two problems.
I'd like to make one of these autocast spells with a melee hero, thus that cannot use searing arrow because it's ranged. The autocast spell is in fact a additionnary stronger attack, so I'd like it to not consume an attack cooldown time.

Now I've tried with another autocast spell, Curse from the banshee. Works fine, but there is an anoying detail : the autocast spell can't activate if you ordered the hero to attack a single target. It only works if you do the "attack move" orders.

You guys have any ideas ?

The tutorial : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...orials-279/making-any-spell-autocasting-6255/
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
i can make it work but you need to tell me what does your spell do

if it is just bonus attack it will be easy....if it is...
take arrows

Event-unit is ordered with no target
Conditions-unit type of triggering unit equal to YOUR UNIT TYPE
issued order equal to arrowson
-add ability that gives X damage to triggering unit
(you can use ability from claws of attack item)
-issued order equal to arrowsoff
-remove (your ability that gives X damage) from triggering unit

issued order might not be arrowoff maybe its coldarrowesoff
...anyway you can read it in ability (scroll down)
Level 2
Feb 23, 2004
Thanks for your answers.

I've tryed with bloodlust, it's the same : the hero won't cast anything in autocast if he's ordered to attack a single target (w right click).

if it is just bonus attack it will be easy....if it is...

This is easy to do, even with searing arrow you don't need to detect the autocast thing. The problem is that i'd like it to be an additionnary attack that doesn't interupt the attack cycle. That means the hero should be able to continue attacking and between two attacks, cast a spell that look like an attack.

I've made this spell work perfectly and I'm happy with the result, the only glitch being that the autocast won't work if the hero is ordered to attack a target.
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