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Autocast Orders

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Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
In this particular scenario, I am attempting to set a trigger which activates whenever an ability based off of Orb Of Annihilation is used. Problem is, it won't work when it is set to autocast unless you activate it manually when using 'Start of ability's effect' Event. I also want this to apply to other autocast spells such as Inner Fire and Bloodlust.

Reading up on the matter, I know that I need to set the Event to be based on an Order. Problem is, I don't know which Order to check for with these spells. Can anyone help me out here? I'm just guessing at different Order Strings and have so far had no success.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Thank you for the speedy response ^^

Well, I got the Orb Of Annihilation ability sort of working. Still requires me to manually cast it, but instead of waiting for the effect, it performs the actions I want before the spell even connects.

Atm, I have the Event set to 'A unit Is issued an order targeting an object' with the condition being '(Issued order) Equal to (Order(flamingattacktarg))'. Am I doing something wrong here?

EDIT: Just occurred to me that I could potentially then force the unit to manually cast the spell if the spell is set to autocast, but how do I check if the spell is set to autocast or not? Problem is the Smart order tends to take care of that.

EDIT: Just occurred to me that potentially I could use the Custom Values as a binary trigger which activates whenever an ability is set to autocast and use an Integer checker for whether the ability is set to autocast or not. Problem is, I'm going to have multiple autocastable abilities on the same unit, so I would need to figure out some sort of legend of numbers to work with which will tell you which ones are activated in combination with which abilities. If I use a unit-type checker, that should make the job a little easier. Still, if there's a more practical solution, I'd prefer that :p
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Sorry, I'm not entirely clear as to how that helps my current situation. What I'm wondering is if there's a practical method of checking whether an ability is set to autocast or not when a unit is issued a specific Order.

EDIT: Actually, I notice that it's only really certain autocastable spells that I have issue with, such as Orb Of Annihilation. Inner Fire works with the Event checking when a unit starts the effect of an ability. That may simplify things for the Custom Value approach.

EDIT: Alternatively, what if I used a Dummy Spell with autocastability and set the Orb Of Annihilation ability to be hidden. The Dummy Spell could be based off of something like Slow and whenever the unit begins casting the ability, the unit can be ordered to cast the hidden Orb Of Annihilation ability.
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