Auto Fills Level Problem

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Level 4
Mar 31, 2006
I have a problem with auto fills level, is there any way to make a custom incremental value for the skill value? (text tooltip)
Err, I mean, example:

I want to make something like this:
Increases life regeneration rate by 100% and movement speed by 3%
Increases life regeneration rate by 125% and movement speed by 6%
Increases life regeneration rate by 150% and movement speed by 9%

I put "Increases life regeneration rate by 100% and movement speed by 3%" in the first level description, then I use "auto fills level" option, but it shows something like this:

Increases life regeneration rate by 100% and movement speed by 3%
Increases life regeneration rate by 200% and movement speed by 3%
Increases life regeneration rate by 300% and movement speed by 3%

The result is not according to my need :x
I have like 20 levels for each skills, and I hope I don't have to edit these thing one by one.

I don't know how to explain but I hope you understand :/

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated :)
Level 4
Mar 31, 2006
Thank you UreDe4D,

Tried but still, same problem occurred..

This is the problem:
this is my spell code : A01T
and this the value that what I want to show : DataA1 and DataB1

What I did is, I put this:
Increases life regeneration rate by <A01T,DataA1,%>% and movement speed by <A01T,DataB1,%>%

and this is the result when I used auto fills level:

Increases life regeneration rate by <A01T,DataA1,%>% and movement speed by <A01T,DataB1,%>%
Increases life regeneration rate by <A02T,DataA2,%>% and movement speed by <A02T,DataB2,%>%
Increases life regeneration rate by <A03T,DataA3,%>% and movement speed by <A03T,DataB3,%>%

As you see, the spell code is also increased which make the zero value because of invalid spell code :/
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