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Auto Cast Ability..

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Level 1
May 26, 2009
So basically im making a tower defense and i have added some abilities to some towers such as frost nova, thunder clap etc..

Im trying to figure out how to make the tower do the ability when a unit is in its range.

The only thing i could figure out is to make a trigger when a tower does its regular attack also use its ability. Only issue is you have to select a tower that's already on the map?

Please help.. Thanks
Level 1
May 26, 2009
Geez you just tore my thread up huh... Seems like this is Map Development to me...

Anyway i know about the event. And i realize for a attacking unit you want to refer to the tower. But it only lets your refer to towers in map. But because its a TD no one has built a tower yet.
Level 1
May 26, 2009
Not sure im understanding what your saying... Could you be more descriptive on why that would solve my problem?

I will look into that when i get home

Thank you for your replies
Level 2
Aug 1, 2007
This thread should go under World Editor Help Zone, Map Development is more of a showcase area.
But, anyways this should help with the trigger:
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Guard Tower
    • Actions
      • -------- Event is under: Unit - Generic Unit Event --------
      • -------- It refers to ANY unit being attacked. --------
      • -------- To make it more specific, we set a CONDITION, that will make sure that only the UNIT-TYPE we want will run the trigger through. --------
      • Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Human Sorceress - Slow (Triggering unit)
      • -------- Finally, we can order the tower to do what we want it to do in such an event. --------
However, using this technique, you can run into problems. For example, if you continuously mash the Stop command on the tower, or any other unit with such a trigger, you can get undesirable results, especially if you plan on using dummy units to do the brunt of the work in a map.
A better way in GUI, that is, if you wish to use dummy units, is to have a damage event trigger, and add every unit coming into the map to that event.
Level 1
May 26, 2009
My issue was more with the condition. I was using Unit Comparison instead of Unit-Type.

Thanks shepri that fixed my issue i believe..

Thanks everyone

Sorry about the wrong section.
Level 1
May 26, 2009
One last question:

Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Human Sorceress - Slow (Attacked unit)

When you set "Human Sorceress - Slow" its in a list of presets.. How do you add more presets so you can select custom abilities.
Level 3
May 4, 2008
You can't select custom abilities but if you're using something based off of the spell Slow (which is normaly used by sorceress) then you would use "Human Sorceress - Slow".

Basicaly, select the spell you used as your base for your custom spell.
Level 1
May 26, 2009
Vegavak ok well why talk about it? +1 post count for you

Thank you for your reply CrashLemon i got it now...

Take care
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