AURA problem pls help

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Level 1
Feb 7, 2008
I have a problem with auras - I want to create auras that stack with itself. ( if you have unit that gives the aura three times each other unit within their range would get triple the bonus ) The problem is that in order to make auras stack I had to remove the buff.


When aura does not give buff each unit is affected multiple times with single aura - for instance if I create aura that gives 10% damage bonus and have one aura giver the bonus 20% or 30% sometimes... when I have two aura givers the bonus is 40-60% instead of only 20%...

pls can someone tell me how to create stacking auras that would work? ( if its even possible )

Also I have another problem - I am making TD where towers have inventory ( items can improve their dmg etc. ) and also towers have their own mana and can cast spells - everything was fine until I tried to create item that would boost towers mana regeneration rate. Ive made new ability based on "Item Mana Regeneration", created an item with this ability but it was not increasing mana regen at all. Ive tried to give this same item to a hero and it worked fine - mana regen was increased, but when I gave the item to tower nothing happened - so my second question is why the hex is Item Mana Regen not working on building while another abilities like Item Armor Bonus or Item Damage Bonus are working on buildings just fine.
Level 1
Feb 7, 2008
Yes - Ive done that - Ive made item with Brilliance Aura with range 10 so it will affect only the one building - but it brings me to the first problem - when I want to buy the item multiple times and bonuses to stack Iam boned cos of the aura problem
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